PINK is the new BLOG
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Friday, November 19, 2004

Danken Sie Gott, den es Freitag ist.

Conferences last night went off without a hitch. I found it easy and comfortable talking with the parents who signed up to meet with me last night. I really didn't have any negative things to say about anyone, I'm sure that helped out a lot. Session II did not last as long as I feared it might. The 3 appointments that I had all came within the first hour so I was able to leave at around 8. I have one more day of conferences next Tuesday, same drill. I'm so glad this thing only happens once a year.

Our dear Britney got some good news yesterday. She won the Best Female Award at the 2004 MTV European Music Awards. Here are some screencaps of her acceptance speech and a rough translation of what the text says:

I would really like to be there with you but don't party so much without me. I hope you have a super time. Thanks to all the fans that have supported me from the beginning.

Please note that my German is very rusty ... but I don't really understand why her acceptance speech was subtitled in German when the EMAs were held in Rome. Wer weiß?

I love it! There are still lots of people in the world that really like Britney Spears. She beat out Beyoncé and Avril for the award. Click HERE for a nice synopsis of what went down at the awards show.

The new movie National Treasure starring Nicholas Cage opens today. As you may remember, Justin Bartha (Gigli) also stars in the film ... whose brother I dated last year. I was able to find a very positive review HERE: Disney's National Treasure is a real find. It's a witty comedy caper aimed at adults ... It helps to know your American history, but fear not, the characters explain the references through their dialogue. Gates's sidekick, Riley (Justin Bartha) is one of those technical wizards every modern adventurer needs. Riley is also one of those wise-cracking nerds every good crime caper needs and Bartha is more than up to the assignment. With his dishevelled look and acid retorts, Bartha steals every scene he's in, making Cage look a bit too laid-back at times. But, unfortunately every other review I've found has been negative: The Founding Fathers might not have been so quick to put their John Hancocks on the Declaration of Independence if they had known Bruckheimer and Cage would use it as a cheap prop a couple of centuries later in "National Treasure" [CNN] ... Disney's "National Treasure" operates from what has to be the last untapped heist-pic premise until we see movie thieves break into the Liberace Museum to steal diamond-studded hubcaps. The most you can say about this boo-boo is to note its fitting mix of flaccid execution and stupefying premise. Is this really the time in history moviegoers want to see the purloined Declaration tossed around and nearly run over by cars as if it were a receipt from Taco Bell? [USA Today] ... It's a shameless rip-off of "The Da Vinci Code", and not a very clever one. This may not surprise you, since National Treasure is directed by the non-thrilling guy behind Disney's "The Kid" and written by a team headed by Jim Kouf, who wrote the recent bomb "Taxi". The movie is also a Jerry Bruckheimer production, which of course means it has more heat than light and it's as sensitive to historical detail as an elephant tap-dancing on a land mine ... "National Treasure" does, however, perform the useful service of demonstrating exactly how not to film "The Da Vinci Code" ... Cage plays Gates way too broadly and crudely; I half expected him to break into his patented Elvis impersonation ... The rest of the cast ranges from good (Bean) to okay (Keitel, Kruger and Voight) to annoying (Bartha). They all seem brought together by the necessity for a paycheque, not to make a good movie. [Toronto Star]

I think I'm going to go see this movie anyways. Gigli was pulled from the theaters before I got a chance to see it (much to my ex's chagrin). I've seen the trailer for this film and I suspect it won't be as horrid as Gigli was ... we'll see. Even if it does suck, who cares? How many of your ex's brothers get to star in movies with Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck and Nicholas Cage?! Brandon is coming over today to hang out with me tonight, Erik is going to a concert, maybe I'll drag Brandon to the movies ... hmmm ...

And now, the news:
  • ODB has been given his final farewell. NEW YORK -- Family and friends of the late rapper O.D.B. -- including Grammy-winning singer Mariah Carey -- packed a church Thursday in the vicinity where he grew up to remember one of hip-hop's most original characters ... "My heart is thrashing, my soul is breaking, my father is freed, and now he has awakened," said Shaquita [his daughter], reading a poem she wrote after the rapper's death. Ah well, live fast and die young. R.I.P. O.D.B.
  • Yay! is taking preorders for Charmed season 1 on DVD HERE! It's about damn time!
  • Morrissey used the Late Night with David Letterman show to make a statement about the Catholic Church. Morrissey is not one to be pacified. Throughout his tenure in the music business, Moz has spoken out on subjects ranging from animal rights, homosexuality and America’s stance on the war on terrorism. Last night, in a move similar but far paler in comparison to fellow Irish-blooded performer Sinead O’Connor’s controversial 1992 Saturday Night Live appearance, Morrissey added a new target to his seemingly endless list: the Catholic Church. In a rare performance on The Late Show with David Letterman, dressed in traditional Catholic priest regalia, consisting of a black suit, white collar and cross necklace, Morrissey and his bandmates, adorned in Jobraith t-shirts, an homage to the troubled 1970’s homosexual wannabe rockstar, introduced the crowd to a live rendition of “First of the Gang to Die” from Morrissey’s most successful album to date You Are the Quarry. Upon completion of the song, Morrissey made the sign of the cross across his body before the cameras cut away from the unusually dressed crooner. Dave graciously, although confusedly, greeted Moz with a “Thanks, Father.” Go Father Mozzer!
  • MSN Slate gives a great tutorial HERE on how to "steal WiFi". The article claims that stealing WiFi isn't illegal (yet) but proceed at your own risk.
  • Robbie Williams calls GWB an "idiot" ... well, who doesn't really think this? Singer Robbie William has said he would make a better president than George Bush ... The cheeky heart-throb branded the US premier "an idiot" ... Robbie, 30, said: "You know Americans keep saying they are the leaders of the free world, and this guy can't even form a sentence ... "He can't speak. I speak better than him, you know" ... He added: "I should be president. I'd do a better job than him. And I'm not very bright, I'm not" ... He said: "I'm scared as an individual. I'm scared for the world ... "I can't believe he got back in again. The guy is obviously an idiot." Amen brotha! Preach on, Robbie.
  • How about some Vanilla Ice news? Apparently, he likes to keep exotic and illegal animals as pets (who knew?) and they may get him into trouble. Mr. Ice Ice Baby, the former rapper whose real name is Robert Van Winkle, called animal control at 8:30 a.m. to report that the wallaroo and goat found wandering the Torino area of Port St. Lucie Saturday had escaped from his back yard, city officials said ... But Van Winkle, who has had previous run-ins with the law over an exotic pet, may have some problems when he tries to reclaim the odd couple of Bucky Buckaroo and Pancho the goat ... The wallaroo, a cross between a wallaby and a kangaroo, is considered an exotic animal and is not allowed in Port St. Lucie. Farm animals such as the goat also are outlawed in the city. It's nice to see that all the $$$ he made in the early 90's is going to good use. But, hello, everyone knows that a Jackaroo is the more bling-exotic-animal.
I'm praying that today goes by fast. I want to get the hell out of here for a while. Erik, Mike, Kirsten, Brandon and I are fleeing to Chicago for the weekend. I'm not sure if I'll have access to the Internet over the weekend but I may just post AudioBlog entries instead (via my new Moto RAZR V3).

Word is that we're leaving by 8AM tomorrow morning ... sounds fun, huh? I really thought about pulling out of the trip and staying home but I really think that a weekend away will be good for me. It's been a long, hard week ... I need the getaway. I may post again before the weekend begins.



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