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Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Well ... another Halloween has come and gone ... November 1st always has that same feeling that Linus and Charlie Brown talk about in It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown on the morning after ... it comes and goes so quickly. I suppose I should wish you all a happy All Saints Day today -- y'all best be good. Let's get to the day's post, shall we?

In all the Halloween hoopla yesterday, I failed to remind y'all to rush out and buy your copies of Kevin Federline's debut album Playing With Fire. I'm certain that the great majority of you already had the day marked on your calendars and you didn't need any reminders from me, right? Here are a couple scans of the album artwork:

To be completely honest, I've yet to get a copy myself. I pre-ordered the cd from K-Fed's official website and it has yet to arrive. I suppose I could've gotten a copy from a record store but I really wanted to pre-order the cd ... and not even because I'd be entered into a contest to meet Britney Spears -- I just wanted the official Federation Records t-shirt that came with it. I'll worm my way into Britney's heart yet! [Source]

So anyways ... there were a lot of celebrity haps going on yesterday for Halloween ... chief among them was Heidi Klum's famed Halloween costume party. Here are pictures of Heidi and her man Seal dressed up as the forbidden apple and Eve from the Garden of Eden:

Yeah ... they usually go all out for their Halloween costumes and this year was no exception. Seal looked scary as hell ... and Heidi did a great job of coming up with a costume that hid her pregs belly. I don't necessarily think they're the best dressed celebrity couple but they didn't do too bad. [Source]

The Scissor Sisters have a tradition of their own ... they play a special Halloween concert each year and demand that attendees dress up as well. Here are a few pictures of the Sisters all dressed up in their best monster finery:

Their costumes are really well done as well ... but kind of lack imagination (tho I shouldn't really be talking, wait til you see what I wore). From what I understand, the concert was hot and the crowd really loved the performance. Unfortch for everyone else who tuned in to watch the live webcast ... well, it kinda didn't happen -- the live feed died 10 minutes before the show began and was never recovered. The show will be broadcast tonight in it's entirety HERE. [Source]

By far the creepiest celeb costume I've seen this year is Victoria Beckham's get-up:

Scariest.Costume.Ever. Hands down ... she wins. [Source]

And my pick for the best celeb costume goes to Michelle Trachtenberg who dressed as a kinda naughty-lookin' Snow White who isn't really that naughty but deep down is really pretty naughty:

HOTNESS! Now that's what I'm talkin' about! [Source]

Soooo, I guess that's it for Halloween 2006:

Whether you celebrated in PITNB style (thanks Heather and Tiffany for the great pumpkin) or in some crazy-like TomKat style, I hope you had a fun night. XO [Source, thanks Heather & Tiffany]

Okay ... moving on ... Madonna is hittin' the bricks like crazy these days ... she's basically sprinting from media appearance to media appearance talking about her attempt to adopt little David Banda. Pink reader Patience was at the taping of Live with Regis and Kelly and she sends in her personal pictures:

Madge is pretty much singing the same tune she did on the Oprah Winfrey Show last week. It seems she's trying to saturate the media with her side of the story in an attempt to offset all the negative stuff that has been circulating in recent weeks. [thanks Patience]

From the ABC studios to the NBC studios to the Warner Bros. studios ... Maddy has really been pounding the pavement. Here are a few pictures of Madonna on the streets of NYC, taping her appearaces on the Today Show and Dateline and doing a book reading for some lucky kids at her record label:

I think the question is what ISN'T Madonna appearing on? I'm not sure I have enough space on my DVR to record all of these appearances. I do want to watch her on Dateline, tho. I think that interview will pretty much cover the same stuff she's saying on all the other shows. If Madonna isn't busy promoting one thing (like a record or a movie) she's bizzy promoting something else (like a new book or a new baby). The woman cannot be stopped! She's awesome. [Source, Source]

Well now ... Ashlee Simpson is already back in LA from her recent stint in London and she's already hooked up with Pete Wentz again ... isn't that interesting?

They deff seem to be pretty cozy with one another. I wonder if they're gonna make this relationship official any time soon. Since the death of Witherppe we could use a new Hollywood couple like ASHL33N. [Source]

Um ... I don't care how cute it may look ... I don't think it's ever a good idea to let a monkey put it's ass on top of your head:

I don't know what the hell Julia Roberts was thinking but I really hope she washed her hair that day. EW! [Source]

What do you suppose a soaking wet boob says about a person? Take, for example, Paris Hilton and her moist right breast:

Apparently she just came from the hair salon and her hair was still wet ... but don't they have hair dryers in places that charge $400 for a haircut? [Source]

Kylie Minogue keeps popping up newspapers and magazines all over the place these days ... here is Kylie featured in yesterday's issue of the Sun Newspaper where she talked about how horrible it was for her to undergo chemo therapy for her breast cancer:

KYLIE MINOGUE says going through chemotherapy was like being hit with a nuclear bomb. But these sensational new pictures — which will offer hope to breast cancer sufferers everywhere — show that the Pop Princess is back with a bang. And she reveals in a tender interview just how much she relied on French boyfriend Olivier Martinez throughout her ordeal ... After her op Kylie had a six-month chemo course in Paris. Describing her treatment, she says: "It's like a prison sentence. I can't quite articulate it. It's a bit like being in an atomic explosion and people asking you to describe it: 'So, exactly how big is the hole?' "I don't think anyone who hasn't had it can understand it." The treatment left her looking extremely frail and caused all her hair to fall out. On rare outings with Olivier she wore a headscarf and hid behind sunglasses. Kylie finished chemo in December and was given the all-clear by doctors in January. It sounds horrible but I commend Kylie for being so open enough to talk about the whole horrible experience. I don't think that people take this sort of thing very serious ... it's only when someone you know and love is affected that people begin to take notice. I am extremely fortunate that I haven't had anyone I know and love go thru this sort of thing but hearing Kylie talk about it makes it seem more real ... at least for me. It's so great having her back to normal again. [Source]

And finally, here are a few more photos from the new issue of Australian Vogue that features Kylie Minogue heavily within it's pages:

There are so many pictures from this issue ... mostly of Kylie trying on different outfits, shoes, accessories. It looks like she had a blast playing dress up. Yeah, can you tell that I heart her muchly? [Source]

Les News:
So David and I had a hard time deciding what we wanted to do last night ... in the end we decided that we wanted to go low-key and just hang with some friends. I understand the West Hollywood Halloween Parade is utterly amazing but we just weren't in the mood to deal with all the crowds of people. So we made our way out to Pasadena to hang out with our good friend Gillian and her boyfriend Tim at their place with all of their friends. As I alluded to yesterday, David and I really didn't do costumes but I think we looked pretty cute with what we came up with at the last minute:

Hahahhahah ... yeah, I know ... the t-shirt is the lamest Halloween costume imaginable but we were lazy ... and yet, still so cute (er, well ... at least David was). We had a lot of fun at Gillian's ... eating, drinking, passing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters. Low-key is the way to be.

And just in case any of you were wondering what Princess Zakiya did for Halloween last night ... here are a few pictures of Princess Zakiya all dressed up as ... well, Princess Zakiya ... DUH!

Her sisters (Amber and Kristie) and her mother (Tracey) also got dressed up to take her trick-or-treating. Baby Z is the cutest thing EVER! I wish I could've been there to trick-or-treat with her but maybe I'll have her out here in LA next year for just the occasion.

My BFF Sarah is flying here to LA to hang out with me for the rest of the week and I can't wait for her to get here. She hasn't been here since she helped me move in July so I'm anxious to show her just how messy I've made my apartment.

Have a happy Wednesday, y'all ... I'm out.



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