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Friday, August 17, 2007

Let's Do Launch

Fresh from his team's win against DC United on Wednesday night, David Beckham got himself all dolled up (wearing a suit, even) to travel back to the East Coast where the LA Galaxy will take on the New York Red Bulls this weekend. Here are pictures of the dapper David Beckham as he made his way thru LAX airport here in LA yesterday and then upon his arrival in NYC:

Photo credit: Splash News

The man has got definite style. I much prefer seeing him dressed up in a sharp suit when he travels as opposed to his old habit of wearing that fugly-ass yellow knit cap on travel days. I hope he burned that thing upon arrival here in the US. We've got enough tacky around here thanks to Paris Hilton, thank you very much ... we's only interested in sharp-dressed men (PS: Love the Bag). [Source]

The Galaxy win over DC United also inspired Becks's assistant to put fingers to keyboard to post a new blog on his official site:

Clearly he is very proud of his first Galaxy goal and he is also very proud to have been named captain for this week's game -- as well he should be. We'll see if Becks can have a repeat performance in the Galaxy vs. Red Bulls match tomorrow night. [Source]

One last Becks thing, Motorola is having a contest where 4 lucky winners will win an all expense paid trip to London to, not only, meet David Beckham but to be able to train with him at his soccer academy as well:

Click HERE to see how to enter, you only have until September 30th. If any of y'all win I'd LOVE extensive details about the whole experience ... I sincerely hope that a Pink reader gets to win this prize ... I'd love to hear, first hand, how good David Beckham smells :) [Source]

Yesterday, everyone was all a-twitter over the debut of the new Heidi Montag song called Body Language (which features Spencer Pratt on guest rap vocals) which Ryan Seacrest played on KIIS FM here in LA (click HERE to hear it again if you missed it yesterday). Late in the afternoon, Heidi updated her official website with the following blog post:

Is she serious? We're supposed to believe that Warner Bros. Records leaked that song and neither she nor Spencer had anything to do with it? Wait, where have I heard that before? C'mon ... it doesn't even make sense that a record company (especially one as prestigious as WBR) would do such a thing (like send it to Ryan Seacrest and KIIS FM). The surest way to ensure that this "leaked song" keeps generating buzz is to claim it is unauthorized. One thing's for sure, Lauren LC Conrad (who is no longer friends with Heidi) has promised to In Touch Weekly magazine that she will not be leaking any of her own songs -- ever: "I promise you: I'll never release an album!" Lauren tells In Touch. "I don't really have very many talents! I'm OK with it, though. I think as far the entertainment industry is concerned, the abilities to act and sing are something you are born with or have to work very hard at, and I don't have either talent, so I'm not going to pretend like I do!" Hmm ... yet she failed to mention what she thinks about Heidi's song. Personally, I bet she's a fan of Spencer's dope rhymes. Fo' shizzle. [Source]

UPDATE: Pink reader Aimee sends in a scan from an issue of In Touch Weekly where Spencer revealed his plans to possibly "leak" one of Heidi's songs on "Ryan Seacrest's radio show" which is exactly what happened yesterday:

Hahahaha! Soo busted. It must be really hard to keep all those lies straight. [thanks Aimee]

Regarding music, Paris Hilton has already been there, done that ... and has already moved on to her latest endeavor -- Fashion! Well, if you can call it that. Paris was on hand at Kitson on Robertson Blvd. in West Hollywood, CA yesterday for the launch of her new clothing line. Here are a few pics from yesterday's event:

Photo credit: Splash News

Um, yeah. If YOU would like to get your mitts on the lovely gold sequined dress that Paris is wearing in these pics you can place your order online HERE or stop by your friendly neighborhood Kitson (should you happen to live in SoCal). Honestly, I'm not sure that I'm all impressed with this line ... I've seen better pieces from Sarah Jessica Parker's Bitten line and that stuff only costs about $10. I mean, who would seriously wear THIS or THIS out in public? No, thanks. [Source, Source]

Paris wasn't the only one launching a new clothing line this week, Amanda Bynes also unveiled her own line called Dear by Amanda Bynes (which is also sold by Steve & Barry's -- the discount sportswear clothier that also sells SJP's Bitten line) yesterday at a launch event in New York City ... here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Splash News

From what I can tell from the website, I think Amanda's line looks a lot cuter than Paris's line. I think I have to go with Team Amanda on this one ... besides, I've got my eye on that hearts hoodie that she's wearing. No emails, please, I'm just kidding :D [Source]

Ruh-ro ... there has been another celebrity arrest ... the good news is that the arrest wasn't for drunk driving ... Uncle Kracker (nee Matthew Shafer) decided to break the celebrity trend and go and get arrested for sexual assault. Here is his charming mug shot:

Kid Rock's former DJ, who also had a double platinum selling album of his own a few years back, was arrested and charged with a second-degree forcible sex offense outside Raleigh, North Carolina this morning. Uncle Kracker, aka 33-year-old Matthew Shafer, was busted by Raleigh police at an Embassy Suites hotel around 4:45 AM. Apparently the genius decided to mouth off to the cops, telling them that he was planning on fleeing the state ... which of course meant that his bail got jacked up to $5 million bucks in order to keep him in town until he goes before the judge. Yeah ... that's a good ol' Detroit boy doing his city proud. You'd hardly ever know that this "badass" grew up in the affluent suburb of Grosse Pointe, MI instead of the mean streets of Detroit. Hey Raleigh, y'all can keep him. [Source]

In the grand tradition of celebrities who do the stupidest things in order to try from being photographed by the paparazzi, presumably so that they can escape any embarrassing photos, this celeb really takes the cake. Can you guess who it is?

She is fond of fighting/assaulting photogs and is having a devil of a time with her US Visa these days. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are usually the ones who hide stupidly behind their purses or in their arm pits to avoid being photographed ... but I don't know that I'd mind if they resorted to stuffing themselves into trash bags like this. [Source]

Look out ... rehab wasn't strong enough to hold on to Amy Winehouse ... who sprung herself from the treatment facility after only being there for about 48 hours -- tho her hubby Blake Fielder-Civil swears everything is alright. Here is a pic of Amy loose on the streets of London:

Amy Winehouse and her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, have checked into a "retreat" in Essex, England, Fielder-Civil confirmed to BBC Radio One's Newsbeat program. "The main thing is that me and Amy are getting better," Fielder-Civil said on Winehouse's North London doorstep Thursday. "Don't worry, she's being looked after. We're going back to this retreat. She's determined to get well." Fielder-Civil, 23, said the couple – who wed in May – were focused on recovery. "It's not as bad as everyone thinks, but she's fine, she's loved and looked after," he added. The couple were interviewed outside Winehouse's home, where they went after visiting three pubs in Camden, spending 10 minutes in each. I know if I was having a hard time with addiction, I'd be comfortable putting my well-being in the hands of a 23-year old enabler. Oy! Just don't die, please. [Source]

Sarah Michelle Gellar is featured in the new issue of In Style magazine and was on hand in person for a launch event for the issue earlier this week ... where she showed off her new hairdo:

Which, I'm afriad I'm going to have to dub a Hair-boooooooo! I don't know if it's the cut or the bad tan but SMG looks like the social director at Shady Pines Nursing Home. Snaps to her for always changing her look ... unfortch, this new look doesn't look all that flattering in these pics. [Source]

Speaking of haircuts, Mena Suvari was showing off her new look at the beach yesterday, here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Splash News

From far away (and without the boobs) you'd prolly mistake her for Brooklyn Beckham ... which is all kinds of creepy so forget I said anything. Let's move on ... [Source]

Beyonce was on hand at Macy's Herald Square in NYC yesterday to host a launch event for the Armani fragrance Diamonds which she is the spokesmodel for ... here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Splash News

ZZZZZZZZZZZ ... I know I'm bored, too. These Beyonce fragrance-related pics were really only a lead in to ... [Source]

... This new ad for Gwen Stefani's own L.A.M.B. fragrance:

... which also isn't all that exciting but is kinda cute. Shoot, it's more exciting than the Beyonce pics ... well, a shoe is more exciting than the Beyonce pics but it's relevant news, I suppose. [Source]

The 2007 MTV VMAs will take place live from the Palms Casino in Las Vegas, NV on September 9th and the promo machine is already in full swing. Here is an amazing promo pic of nominee/performer Rihanna shot by famed photographer David LaChapelle:

I love it! It's so pink! It's very Marie Antoinette meets Las Vegas. Rihanna has had such an amazing year so far, I'm pretty sure Umbrella is gonna garner her at least a couple of Moon Men awards this year :) [Source]

And finally, Mya is back with a new album titled Liberation and here is the hot cover artwork:

Sexxxy. Liberation is out on Sept. 18. Wee! [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday afternoon I found myself chillin' out in Beverly Hills when I came upon a whole gaggle of people pushed up against a storefront window trying to look in and get a peek at who was shopping inside. As I passed by I heard someone say that it was "Chanelle" who was inside and sure enough this tiny little thing came out who looked exactly like Posh Spice. For those of you who don't know who Chanelle is (and really, why should you) she's a reality star personality from the UK's Big Brother ... seriously. I really think her claim to fame is that she looks like Victoria Beckham and that's about it. If I were Vicki B., I'd sue her ass for copyright infringement ... she needs to keep that robotic look of hers on lockdown.

Anyways ... after that little bit of LA fun, I met up with Jordan for dinner at Rambutan (I must take all my new peeps to that place at least once) and then we met up with Jim and Davey at Tiger Heat for some dancing fun. Lord, it was hotter than Hades in there but we still managed to have fun:

Interspersed between sweating on the dancefloor and cooling off on the balcony, I got to meet Pink readers Andrew, Jeff, Jorge and Ryan (who is pictured above). Jordan became BFF with Natalie (also pictured above) and if you never hear of me speak of him again it's because he packed up his bags and moved out to Charlotte, NC to be with Natalie and her ample boobs. Overall, we had a really fun time ... since it was Madonna's birthday yesterday, every other song was a Madonna song so the dancing never really stopped all night long.

The Invasion opens today and I must see Nicky Kidman save the world from alien body snatchers so I think that's what I'm doing ce soir. Look at that ... another weekend already ... where does the damn time go? Have a good one ya'll, I'm out.



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