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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Papa Don't Snitch

Yikes ... things look like they are getting nastier by the second in the custody battle that is shaping up between Britney Spears and her ex-husband Kevin Federline. Not only was Britney's cousin Alli Sims served with a subpoena to appear in court to be deposed by K-Fed's lawyer (click HERE to watch amazing video of Cousin Alli getting served) but it turns out that Brit's on-again/off-again/on-again body guard Daimon Shippen (the dude with the porn 'stache) was served with TWO subpoenas just last night (much to his shock and dismay). One by one K-Fed's lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, is ambushing the folks closest to Britney Spears right now in order to try and use their testimony against her. Again, I say, Yikes!

And, as if all of this wasn't bad enough, it turns out that members of Britney's own family have turned against her and have allied themselves with The Federline. Here are pictures of Britney's father, Jamie Spears, making his way into a meeting with K-Fed's lawyers -- just one day after Papa Spears was spotted visiting K-Fed's home in Tarzana, CA:

Even Brit's little sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, has turned against her and has joined Team Federline, at least according to Life & Style magazine: Even her immediate family is supporting Kevin. Brit's sister, Jamie Lynn, is deeply frustrated that Britney hasn't cleaned up her act since leaving rehab. On Aug. 9, the insider says, she called her big sister to tell Brit she'd brought Kevin's actions upon herself. "Jamie Lynn sobbed, 'You wanted those babies, and look what you're doing! I'm glad Kevin's going to take them!'" Altho, in THIS recent video of JL Spears, she doesn't really have much to say when asked point blank about the Spederline custody battle. [Source, Source]

In Britney's defense, tho, an "insider" who is called "Jeff" has spoken exclusively to X17 in order to set the record straight and tell Britney's side of the story ... you can read his extensive comments HERE. Tho, I must admit, I've never heard of anyone named "Jeff" in Britney's inner circle and I don't really recall any dudes who would be this close to her so that he would know all of this information -- unless it's one of her bodyguards (and honestly, what kind of bodyguard would be giving these sorts of interviews with Britney's blessing), I don't know that I really believe any of his account. Needless to say, all of this new drama appears to be making Britney feel sad:

Photo credit: INFdaily

You know she's bummin' when she busts out the sad, pouty face. In happy, yet unconfirmed news, Marc Malkin is reporting that Britney Spears *may* be the surprise opening performer at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards in Las Vegas next month. While I think this would be an amazing surprise, I'm not really holding my breath. With all this crazy drama swirling around our dear Britney, when will she find the time to work up a suitable VMA routine? [Source]

And speaking of crazy drama, please tell me that you watched the season 3 premiere of The Hills on MTV last night. LC, Heidi and their supporting cast of hangers-on are back again for a whole new season of bitchy in-fighting, backstabbing and she said/she said-ing ... and it all got underway last night. Here are a few screencaps from last night's first and second eps of The Hills:

Man ... I kinda hate myself for liking this show so much. I *know* the drama is mostly made-up but that doesn't mean it's not entertaining to watch. In the epic battle between Team LC (made up of Brody, Audrina, Whitney and Lo!!!) and Team Heidi (made up of Spencer, Jen, Elodie and that's it) I really think that LC has the upper hand. I have always loved Whitney ... especially since her sole purpose on the show seems to sit at her desk and provide over-exaggerated facial expressions as she listens to LC tell her stories. Forget cowbell, more Whitney! And get I get a WOOT! WOOT! that Lo is back on TV?! Lo was my fave Laguna Beach chick back in the old days (all those years ago) and I'm very happy to see her back in LC's life so she can chime in with her pearls of wisdom whenever the mood strikes. OY, I can't possibly recap both shows from last night (but if you missed them and don't want to wait for the endless reruns, click HERE to watch both eps in full online) but I must make one comment on the whole Spencer proposing to Heidi thing -- did you notice that he never actually asked her to marry him? All he said was, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And, Pink reader Katie found the website for the store where Spencer bought Heidi's ring HERE and she writes:

If you look under jewelry and rings you notice that all of the rings are Cubic Zirconium! And are usually in the $150 range. No wonder he ripped up the receipt the ring only cost $200! hahaha

Um, I only have three words to say -- L. O. L. [Source]

Okay ... moving on ... the cast of Superbad were all on hand for the Hollywood premiere of their new movie at the Chinese Mann Theater last night ... here are a few pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

Is there any doubt to anyone who has eyes that Superbad is going to be super amazing? Honestly, all I had to hear was "From the makers of The 40-Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up" and I was sold. The previews look hi-larious but I want to stay away from them because I don't want the jokes to be wasted before the I see the movie. That McLovin' thing would’ve been 10X funnier if we had seen it in the theater instead of in a commercial. Superbad opens this weekend ... make your plans now. [Source]

David Beckham is back home in LA and was so kind enough to oblige a fan, a female fan, for a quick photo ... the only thing is, he stopped his car in traffic to allow her to take the pic:

Photo credit: Splash News

Now that's a man who cares about his fans. I only hope I'm lucky enough to catch Becks out on the road so I can run up for a quick pic, too. [Source]

While Becks was pleasing his fans, wife Vicki B. was bizzy blogging on her official website. Here is her latest blog post:

Yeah, she is really workin' hard to make the word Major happen. It's really cute when she says it but I somehow don't think it's gonna really catch on ... it's just not fetch enough. Swish, on the other hand, could work ... I'm going to try and indoctrinate it into my normal everyday conversation to see if it sticks. Who knows, swish might become the new dunzo. [Source]

Joel and Benji Madden of Good Charlotte are on the East Coast these days ... here are a few pics of the boys performing an in-store concert for a swarm of fans at a Verizon Wireless store in Woodsbridge, NJ yesterday:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Seriously ... these guys never take a day off. They are always so bizzy ... if they're not touring here, they're making babies there and then their back to touring again. They are so swish! (Was that too soon?) [Source]

In other swishy news (OK, I'll stop), Nicole Richie is also on the East Coast to support her man Joel Madden as he works ... tho, Nicole couldn't be bothered to take her ass to New Jersey, she decided to stay in NYC instead. Here are pics of Nicole having a bite of lunch at Cipriani's:

Photo credit: Splash News

Yeah, it looks like Nicole is going to be the cutest pregs girl ever. Who knew that maternity wear could be so chic? [Source]

The Black Eyed Peas made an appearance at the Intercontinental Hotel in Seoul, Korea yesterday to announce their first Seoul concert which will take place tomorrow night. Apparently, someone told the band that it would be a great idea to dress in Korean garb ...

Photo credit: Wireimage

... unfortch for them, it looks like some wily Koreans were really just having fun with them. Hee hee. [Source]

On the one hand, Kanye West looks like a bit of a douche with these sunglasses on ...

Photo credit: INFdaily

... but on the other hand, you kinda gotta give the man snaps for taking these sorts of fashion risks. I just feel really bad for the guys in his entourage who have to take his fashion risks right along with him. Wait a minute, these guys get to travel the world, enjoy Kanye's cast-offs and prolly live a posh life that many of us will never, ever get to experience ... yeah, I guess I don't really feel sorry for them after all. [Source]

At long last ... the mystery has been solved ...

... it was Hayden Panettiere who let the dogs out. (OY .. yeah, I think that was a pretty lame joke too but at least I didn't say she looked swish.) [Source]

Well now ... who knew that John Mayer was such a label whore. Here is a pic of Mr. Mayer carrying around a few shopping bags from a recent shopping trip in NYC ... and you will note that the bag in the middle looks an awful lot like a Louis Vuitton bag:

I love it! I'd love it even more if John has an LV fanny pack in there and that he starts wearing it out in public. He could hang out with Kanye. [Source]

Danica McKellar, who rose to the heights of fame as Winnie Cooper on the hit show The Wonder Years, has become a bit of a math geek in her old(er) age. But, she is using her newfound geekiness for good ... or something. Danica is putting out a book entitled Math Doesn't Suck which is targeted at young girls so that they can turn out just as geeky as she is ... or something:

McKellar co-wrote a theorem and earned a bachelor's degree in math summa cum laude in 1998 before resuming her acting, with a recurring role in The West Wing. Now 32, she has written a math book for middle school girls, Math Doesn't Suck (Hudson Street Press). With Teen-magazine-like cover blurbs such as "Are you a math-o-phobe? Take this quiz!" and "Do you still have a crush on him?” McKellar's book won't be mistaken for the British Journal of Physics, which published her theorem. A former Teen Beat columnist, she uses beading to explain prime numbers, shoe shopping to describe multiples and tangled necklaces to describe complex fractions. Personality quizzes and a math horoscope also factor into her formula. "I don't feel like I'm talking down to girls at all," she says. "I remember being that age like it was yesterday, perhaps because part of it was documented on television. I feel like I was talking to me at that age." McKellar wrote all the math problems herself and published math notation in her own, "female" handwriting. "One of the messages I want to give to girls is that math is for them," she says. "My approach is not to say turn your back on glamour and makeup and boyfriends and all the other things girls are thinking about. I'm trying to say, 'look, I think all that stuff is fun, too. I like shopping, I like makeup, and I like boyfriends, and I like all that girlie stuff. And by the way, why should there be a contradiction between that and being good in math?'" Exactly! Not since the fake MTV boyband 2ge+her hit the airwaves with their hit song Calculus has math seemed so cool ... well for girls, I still think it sucks. [Source]

For some ungodly reason, Matt Damon has allowed himself to be turned into an animated rodent-version of himself so that he could appear in the children's program Arthur which revolves around the world's most famous aardvark ... and this is the result:

Words fail. Insert your own joke here. [Source]

And finally, Selma Blair is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Dazed and Confused magazine:

Yes, she seems to be sporting a bit of a butch look in these pics but she still looks pretty glamorous. There is something about Selma that I just intrinsically love ... she has a bit of a Parker Posey air about her. I just like these pics :) [Source, thanks BryanBoy]

Les News:
Yesterday was a pretty chill day ... my friend Jordan had himself an unplanned day off so we decided to hang out again ... tho after txting back and forth for about an hour (or longer, actually) the best thing we could come up with doing was to see another movie. Since I chose Stardust I had him choose our movie and he wisely decided to think with his head -- we went to see Christian Bale's newest movie Rescue Dawn:

First off, let me assure you that this movie is spectacular. Christian Bale plays a Navy pilot who is shot down in Vietnam on his first flying mission and becomes a prisoner of war, locked up with some fellow Americans who had been captured years before. The movie isn't all that heart-warming (it's pretty much the antithesis to Stardust) but it was still amazing. Christian gives one of his stellar performances but I was most impressed with Steve Zahn's performance. He was absolutely superb. Altho the movie is only rated PG-13 there are still a lot of cringe-worthy scenes ... when it got to the part where Christian's character was gnawing on a live snake because he was starving, I was pretty much ready for the movie to be over. All in all, tho, it's a great film and I'm glad we got to see it ... even if it kinda made me want to jump off a bridge when it was over.

So after the movie, Jordan had to jet off to a faboo dinner party and I met up with Mike for a quick (delish) bite to eat at Mexicali (where I got to meet Pink reader Cara) and then it was right home to watch The Hills and Newport Harbor -- which so desperately tries to make you think that you're watching Laguna Beach that you half expect Talan to show up at any moment and start hitting on a girl who won't give him the time of day. I don't know that I was very impressed with the first ep but I think I'll give it another try ... I love that there are a couple of evil parents in this new show. Watching that poor, innocent girl get scolded in front of her friends ... AND THE CAMERAS ... was kinda awesome. I thought they were gonna slap her or something (or maybe give her one of those wicked little yet painful pinches on the arm that parents do to their kids when they want to punish them in public without letting anyone [ie. the cops] know it -- what, was it only my mom that did that stuff?) ... man, MTV really knows how to entertain.

So yeah ... that would be all ... no plans for today, just maybe enjoying the sun and insane heat. Have a good one, I'm out.



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