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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Groeten Uit Amsterdam

Woot! Woot! David and I arrived in Amsterdam, NL safe and sound this morning without delay or incident. It's chilly here but not nearly as cold and snowy as it is back in NYC. I'm still having a bit of difficulty with the time difference (and the jet lag ... we tried really hard to stay awake but ended up crashing out for a few hours this afternoon) but, thus far, the trip has been amazing :) Before we get to the goss o' the day, let me send out lots of love and a Happy Valentine's Day to all y'all out there:

This pic of David and me was taken here in Amsterdam two years ago when we met on our first visit to the city. It is really amazing for us to be able to come back to the city where we met to not only celebrate our anniversary but to celebrate Valentine's Day together as well. I sincerely hope all y'all are having a great VDay as well ... however you choose to celebrate -- or not celebrate, as the case may be :)


Despite the fact that I couldn't figure out how to get my Slingbox to work properly at my home in LA, I convinced David to pick up his own Slingbox in the hope that we could get the amazing contraption to work at his place so that we might be able to watch his TV programs while we traveled abroad. I am THRILLED to report that we got it to work and were able to watch last night's ep of Project Runway on my computer here in Amsterdam from his DVR back in NYC. Wee! And how great was last night's ep? I hadn't anticipated that the show might pull off a final twist at the end ... but indeed they did and have managed to keep us guessing as to what the final outcome of the whole shebang might be:

Okay ... so the designers took a little trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for their final challenge before the BIG FINALE fashion show at Bryant Park where they had to pick out a piece of art to draw inspiration for this final design. As soon as they walked into the Grecian statues room I knew that Rami was doing everything he could to try and hide the hard-on in his pants. In fact, each of the designers really chose art pieces that spoke to their individual styles ... Chris went for the painting of the 17th century drag queen, Jillian went for the war piece that featured really cute military jackets, Sweet P took a risk with the peacock portrait (only this time it didn't work out for her) and Christian selected a fierce-lookin portrait of a man and womanized him. It has been fairly clear to me all along that Christian was bound to get a spot in the final challenge ... he is so incredibly talented, it's kinda bizarre. He sews so fast that he can make multiple outfits in the time allotted when other designers can barely pull together one piece in the same time. I knew he would be in for sure ... but I was really unsure who would get the other two spots. I really liked Jillian's work thruout the season ... she is also very talented and she has a great eye for design. I think people discount her because she's quiet (ie. she's not very personality driven). I'm very glad she made it to the final competition (and wait til you see her collection -- it's really very supercute). I realize that the peacock dress that Sweet P threw together for this last challenge wasn't good enough to win but I really wish she was going to the final competition as well. I'm so over both Rami and Chris ... and having seen the collection that Sweet P showed at Fashion Week last Friday I'm pretty sure she's gonna have a great future in design. Since we now know that Sweet P is out of the final competition (and there is no chance that her collection will be featured on the show), here is a short video that I shot from the Project Runway Finale Fashion Show last Friday of all of Sweet P's designs going down the runway:

Now ... the twist. Two designers were supposed to be eliminated last night but it was determined that since the judges were "deadlocked" on who should get the third spot, between Chris and Rami, then one more competition would have to take place. Both Chris and Rami were allowed to design and create a full collection for Fashion Week but the judges will determine which of them will actually show in competition based on their 3 strongest pieces (and the skeptic in me thinks that this was the plan all along ... I doubt there was any "deadlockedness" going on). This means, we still don't know who is left in competition. It's hard for me to guess who got the third spot ... I didn't really love either collection over all ... I did think that one of these two designers had a few stronger pieces than the other but ... I'll save that commentary for when we know who made the cut. OY! It seems like we have to wait so long to find out who's left in competition! Next week is the reunion special and then the following week should be the season finale ep(s?). The good news is that we still have at least 2 more weeks of Project Runway to enjoy so ... I guess a Woot! is in order. [Source]

OOOOH ... and tell me, didn't you just DIE when you saw what the Bravo TV Project Runway poll question of the week was???

LOLOLOLOL. No.More.Draping.Ever.

Okay ... moving on ... Lindsay Lohan, Rose McGowan, Mandy Moore and Kate Mara were among the fashionable Hollywood "It" Girls who came out for the Fendi party that was held at the remodeled Fendi store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, CA last night ... here are a few pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

It's not like these ladies need a good reason to A.) get all dolled up in pretty dresses and B.) show up to an event where the gift bag is most assuredly gonna rule. [Source]

Madonna gave the world it's first look at her directorial debut movie, Filth and Wisdom, at the Berlin Film Festival this week and already the not-so-positive reviews are starting to come in ... even still, Her Madgesty was lookin' fiercely hawt at the photocall for her movie ... here are a few pics from the press event this week:

Photo credit: Splash News

The message in Madonna's first outing as feature film director, "Filth and Wisdom," is that all of us can find peace of mind and happiness if we just get in touch with our inner slut. Ragged, uneven and potholed with some dire dialogue and performances, the film's cockeyed optimism and likable leads conspire to bring a smile by the time it's done. Barely feature length at 81 minutes, it likely will appeal to Madonna's fans for its echoes of various threads of her own life story and the grunge style of "Desperately Seeking Susan." To many, however, it will remain an oddity. It screened at the Berlin Film Festival in the Panorama section. Focusing on three mismatched London flatmates who accept dire jobs while waiting for their dreams to come true, the film is a curious mix of TV sitcom, madcap raunchiness and rowdy gypsy music ... "Wisdom" is unexpectedly sentimental, too, but the three leads are sufficiently engaging that while chaotic and more than a bit silly, the film in the end conjures up a surprising amount of goodwill.

I'm hearing rumblings that Filth and Wisdom will not be released in theaters and will, instead, only show via "new media" (ie. online). This sounds like a wise course of action. I'd hate to have Madonna's directorial debut have a theatrical showing like Paris Hilton's latest bomb, The Hottie and the Nottie, did last week. THIS review of the film gives a fairly detailed account of the movie's plot but I'm choosing to wait until I can see the movie for myself. I don't expect the movie to be good ... but I am interested to see how Madonna fares as a movie director. Could she possibly be worse than hubby Guy Ritchie? Um ... maybe I'm afraid to know. [Source]

You know you're a tragic z-list celeb when the only way you can get attention from anyone is to get busted for shoplifting $16.00 worth of stuff from an airport convenience store ... as is the case with one, Bai-Ling:

TMZ has learned that our favorite chicken dancer was arrested at LAX yesterday for allegedly shoplifting two celeb magazines and a pack of batteries from one of the terminal stores! She keeps going and going and going ... Law enforcement sources tell us Ling walked into the gift shop around 4:30 PM yesterday -- and walked out with the goods; total value around $16. She was placed under citizen's arrest by a shop employee. We're told that a "cooperative but crying" Ling was taken by Airport Police to the station, where she was booked for theft. A court date has been set for March 5.

Curiously, Bai-Ling blogged about her visit to LAX airport yesterday (on her official blog) and failed to mention anything about her pitiful arrest:

Delayed the flight, wandering again in the airport like a ghost, why can't I just be the sun smile? Windering if the chinese new year ended and people are rushing in the cold wind to work now? Life is a sad song sometime but still sings the beauty for their loved ones......

Hahahahhaha ... this blogpost sounds like a really bad fortune cookie. Maybe a better post might've been, Confucius says Stealing magazines and batteries from airport terminal shops makes one a pitiful loser. [Source, Source]

Here are more pics of hottie David Beckham, dressed for the warm SoCal weather, out and about with his eldest sons Brooklyn and Romeo in the family car:

Photo credit: Ramey and X17

You know, I find it very hard to believe that Becks's little sports car is equipped with the proper safety seats to keep his small sons safe in the event of an accident (especially the younger Romeo, who looks like he's stuffed in the car's tiny "back seat"). Do you suppose that Becks only takes his kids out for rides in this car when his wife is on the other side of the country? Oh, who cares ... he looks really supercute in his little Abercrombie and Fitch plaid shorts. [Source]

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden are not letting parenthood keep them locked away indoors ... no siree ... the couple have been seen out and about fairly regularly since the birth of their first child Harlow Winter last month. Here are new pics of the new parents running around town this week taking care of a few errands:

Photo credit: Splash News

We've still NOT been allowed to see hide nor hair of baby Harlow since her birth but I'm sure it won't be long until the happy parents bring the little darling out to say hello to the world. Tho, I wouldn't be surprised if overprotective daddy Joel is planning to keep his little princess out of sight for some time now ... like, until she gets married or something. [Source]

Well now ... it looks like Lauren LC Conrad and Brody Jenner are keeping their close friendship alive and well. Here are new pics of the cozy couple lookin' all ... coupley ... at LAX nightclub at the Luxor Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV last night:

Photo credit: Splash News

It's great when friends with benefits can stay so close ... even when the cameras aren't rolling ;) [Source]

Jane Fonda got her a** in a sh*tload of trubs this morning when she accidentally uttered a f*cking "bad word" live on the Today show while being interviewed about the g*ddamn stage play The Vagina Monologues ... which is so f*cking funny that I can't stop laughing my a** off:

Jane Fonda stunned American viewers today by letting the highly taboo C-word slip out live on breakfast TV. The 70-year-old actress clearly said the word C*** during an interview on the Today show - the most watched breakfast show in the States - to promote her appearance in a performance of the stage play The Vagina Monologues. Interviewer Meredith Vieira looked horrified and laughed nervously - but said nothing, hoping viewers wouldn't realise. She later apologised to viewers. "Jane Fonda inadvertently said a word from the play that you don't say on television," Vieira said. "It was a slip and she apologises, and so do we. We would do nothing to offend the audience so please accept that apology" ... The star was being interviewed alongside the creator of the play, Eve Ensler, about V Day, a star-studded event to end violence against women that stemmed from the popularity of The Vagina Monologues. Fonda let slip the offensive word when she recalled first getting involved in the play. "It wasn't that I wasn't a big fan, but I hadn't seen the play - I live in Georgia," she said about the delay in getting involved. "Then I was asked to do a monologue called 'c**t', and I said, 'I don't think so. I've got enough problems'.

Hahahhaha ... and now she's got another problem. Honestly, what's the big deal. Offensive and "bad words" are only bad because of social programming. I understand that many women are very happy to reclaim the "c-word" and make it a beautiful word rather than a bad word (in fact, the "c-word" monologue is all about reclaiming the word, if memory serves me right). I love it ... you go, Jane! Click HERE to watch the vid clip of Jane saying the dirty word. [Source]

Jake Gyllenhaal is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Italian Vanity Fair magazine ...

... but the photos are not new and have been used in other publications before ... not that that fact takes anything away from how HAWT he looks in this photo ... I mean, can one ever get enough of this kind of amazingness? Yummo! [Source]

Here are a few more pictures of Avril Lavigne from her recent photoshoot for Maxim magazine ... including a couple of online-only photos that are available only from

I'm kinda glad the pics aren't as racy and I thought they might be ... they look like the standard Avril pics to me. I think the tiara thing has been done to death (as has the FUCK belt buckle) but, if she thinks that she's the mothereffing princess then who are we to argue? [Source]

And finally ... here is our first look at Hugh Jackman back in the role of Wolverine in the upcoming X-Men prequel movie titled, unsurpringly enough, Wolverine:

As if a guy with temper issues, iron blades for fingernails and a penchant for cage fighting needed it, Wolverine is about to get even surlier. "I know it seems odd given, you know, the guy is already half animal," says Hugh Jackman, who revives the character in Wolverine, due in theaters May 1, 2009. "But with all the success of the X-Men, you feel the pressure to keep pushing it further." Jackman, also a producer on the film, says he never expected the story of mutants trying to fit in "to catch on the way it did." (Since the first film hit screens in 2000, the X-Men franchise has taken in more than $1.1 billion worldwide.) "But I became a fan of Wolverine like everyone else. That's why I keep holding on to the character." Wolverine will be a prequel to the X-Men saga. It will center on the origins of the superhero with animal-like reflexes, an alloy skeletal system and the ability to heal from virtually any wound. He also could use a friend. "I think one of the reasons the X-Men took off is that it connected in a way nobody saw," Jackman says. "They're mutants with powers. But they're also outcasts for being, and everyone connects with that on some level. And who wouldn't want the power to get back at the people who ostracized you?" The film will trace Wolverine's past as he discovers the world of mutants and, ultimately, the ominous Weapon X program, which turns people into living weapons. Jackman is tight-lipped on plot details, though he says the film will hardly be a one-mutant story. Wolverine's nemesis Sabretooth "is going to play a big part in it. And there will be a good bit of cameos" of new and familiar mutants, he says. "But you can't give too much away, because fans are pretty hard-core. Their expectations go up a level every time you come out with a new film."

There is no doubt that Wolverine is a very popular character and I am very excited for his movie but I highly doubt it'll make as much money as the other X-Men films did. There's something about focusing on just one X-Men hero that doesn't seem so blockbustery to me. I think the movie may do well ... in fact, I hope it does do well ... I guess w'ell have to see. [Source]

Les News:
Soooo ... yes, we made it to Amsterdam without incident. Our flight last night was pretty uneventful ... it left on time and got us here 40 mins. early ... what more can one ask for? We are staying at the same hotel (The Lloyd) that we stayed in the last time we were in Amsterdam. We were not able to request a specific room but it turned out not to be a problem because we got the room we wanted anyways ... the front desk person gave us our room number, which David thought sounded familiar, and we were ECSTATIC to find out that it was the room we wanted -- the room we stayed in last time. The beautiful 12-person bed suite in the middle of the entire hotel:

These pics of the room were taken upon our arrival ... click HERE to see a pic of the room/bed the last time we saw it two years ago. We are so happy ... this trip is amazing already. We ran out to do some snack shopping and the first thing we had to pick up was a bag of Stroopwafels ... which are so delicious ... I can't believe I was able to exist for the past 2 years without them :)

We're still getting acclimated to our surroundings ... but we should be back on schedule tomorrow. It is now time to eat ... I'm out.



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