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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Say My Nom

Well ... it seems that Kevin Federline has been spending quite a lot of time away from the Spears mansion ... homeboy has been driving around town in a new truck and has been spending a lot of time at convenience stores and gas stations:

I suppose it's possible that he's doing some Xmas shopping ... but I really hope that Britney isn't swayed by Cheetos and cigarettes this time. Hopefully she'll put her foot down for good and move on with her life. Break-ups are the new thing, Brit ... jump aboard the bandwagon! [Source]

I'm still a bit bummed that Nicole Richie and Adam DJ AM Goldstein decided to break off their engagement ... here is a picture of the 2 of them from Tuesday night ... one day before they officially announced their separation:

The ring was already off at that point. Well, I really hope it was an amicable split ... and as I said, there are still a few weeks left in '05 ... do not be surprised if there are more break-ups, engagements or babies spit forth. What a crazy year 2005 has been. [Source]

Mariah Carey, Jay-Z and others were on hand in NYC for the Recording Academy Honors last night ... a pre-party to the official Grammy nominations that were announced this morning (click HERE for a full list of Grammy noms):

You know, when Mimi squishes her boobs into such a tight dress she creates a chasm betwixt her mams that goes about as deep as the Grand Canyon. I wouldn't be surprised if she's lost a couple pieces of jewelry down there and has yet to realize that they are missing. [Source]

In any regard, congratulations to Mariah for picking up nominations in the Record of the Year, Album of the Year and Song of the Year categories (have I mentioned that We Belong Together is my jam?). She picked up more noms (8 total) but those are the biggies. John Legend and Kanye West also picked up 8 nominations. And yes, Kanye was nominated for Album of the Year.

In other Mariah news, she teamed up with the scariest Peter Pan available (Cathy Rigby) in order to scare the shizz out of read the tale of Peter Pan to a bunch of deserving children:

No word yet on how traumatized the children became (can you imagine the horror of Cathy Rigby flying into your room late at night?) but it was all for a good cause so ... Hurray! [Source]

Madonna is still in Japan doing promo for her new album Confessions on a Dancefloor ... here are pictures from a recent press conference:

Man ... I do love me some Madonna but I can't abide by these MC Hammer pants. Yes, I get the disco vibe ... I dig, I dig ... but you've gotta draw the line somewhere, Madge. [Source]

Um ... and what was up with that Batdance thing she was doing with her fingers?

While, normally, I am down with doing a little Bat-toosy every once in a while I'm not sure why Maddy whipped out this signature dance move at a press conference. It's a bit odd.

Ashlee Simpson has finally come out and officially shown the world that she is happily attached to a new dude ... here are pictures of Ashlee and her bandmate Braxton holding hands on the red carpet at the 2005 Billboard Music Awards:

Um, of all the guys in her band this is the one she hooks up with? Yeah, he's no Ryan Cabrera but she looks happy. Best of luck to the happy couple ... as we all know, it'll never last. [Source, thanks Kacey]

Lindsay Lohan and Ashley Olsen were among the guests at a Chanel party in New York City:

Lindsay was looking very sedated, fashion-wise. Ashley was actually smiling ... what is going on here? Has the whole world lost its head? [Source, Source]

Here are some cute pics of Liv Tyler with her husband Royston Langdon and their baby boy Milo out and about:

It's nice to see a happy family these days. We never see them all together ... but they do look happy. Milo is getting so big ... he's about to turn 1 on December 14th. Yay! for celebrity couples that stay together ... for now. [Source]

This just in ... Nicky Hilton does menial work:

While Mariah Carey can afford to pay someone to hold her straw for her while she drinks, Nicky Hilton finds that she must lug around heavy boxes by herself. Doesn't this just break your heart? [Source]

Evangeline Lilly is one eco-friendly chick ... here she is riding around Hawaii on a bicycle:

Something tells me that Evangeline has taken to bike riding since Michelle Rodriguez got busted for drunk driving. Hey, safety first I always say. [Source]

What the hell ... when did Jennifer Lopez start smoking?

Boo! Doesn't she know how hard it is to Fabreze cigarette stink from fur coats? [Source]

Well, at least she looked good while smoking that cigarette (hair and make-up wise at least) ... here she is back to ugly while filming a funeral scene with her half-dead zombie husband Marc Anthony:

Maybe they're making a horror movie? That would explain the make-up and the Marc Anthony. [Source]

I would like to officially nominate Pamela Anderson for Mother of the Year for 2005 ... she has been seen doing stuff with her 2 sons all year long ... playing with them, attending their sporting events, taking them out on the town ... here she is taking pictures of the boys while they shoot some hoops:

You know, Pam is kinda cool ... she works hard for important charities and spends tons of time with her family. There is no excusing Stacked but I suppose it's okay to overlook that one aberration. Yay Pammy! [Source]

Um ... who in the hell convinced Scarlett Johansson that it would be a good idea to get herself a nose ring ...?

I really hope this is a fake piercing for a movie role because with the cold season sneaking up on us I am not looking forward to seeing that thing dripping with nose juice all winter long. [Source]

The very industrious fans at Super Hero Hype managed to sniff out 2 new X-Men pictures from the X-Men 3 official website ... I was peeved that Colossus was left out of the Photo Gallery but am happy to see that he was merely a hidden gem that was meant to be found ... yeah, and Mystique looks alright too:

Woot! He looks great! He looks all shiny and new ... yes, I think Colossus is at his best when he's all hard*. [Source, thanks Karen]

*And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes today's play on sexual innuendo.

And finally, check out this older picture of David Beckham from a German magazine ...

See ... if I wasn't finished with all the sexual innuendo I'd be writing something witty about Becks and his balls. I guess we'll just have to enjoy the cute picture without all the jokes. [Source]

Okay, so did y'all watch the season 2 premiere of Project Runway last night? The 2-hour premiere episode had it all ... including 3 eliminations! I can tell already that Santino is going to bug the crap out of me ... but prolly not as bad as Zulema and certainly not as bad as Andre. Bring it, bitches! I foresee a very fun season ahead.

Last thing, I have to wish a very Happy Birthday to our friend Mike. He turns ... well ... one year older today. Erik and I are planning on supping with him this evening but he's not feeling well and I'm not feeling well and ... well ... we'll see.

I'm off to consume chicken soup and other cocktails cure illness. Ain't nothing gonna hold me down ... I hope.




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