PINK is the new BLOG
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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Let's Bowl, Let's Bowl, Let's Rock-'N-Roll

Oy ... last night was a very long night ... very long ... I know some people that are hurtin' today ... wow, is that the first sign of old age? Damnit! Let's get to it ...

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were spotted in Malibu, CA walking in a parking lot:

It looks like Britney lost her pregnancy boobs a bit ... but she still has a tummy. Hopefully she is still just losing weight and IS NOT PREGNANT AGAIN. I know I should do something about this Spederline addiction that I'm suffering from ... but I just can't seem to kick the habit! [Source]


Okay ... I was unable to watch Lost last night because we stayed out so late ... but I did manage to watch it first thing this morning (how's that for dedication???). I am fairly certain that all the religious iconography is very pertinent to the overarching story arc but I was very underwhelmed by last night's episode:

Charlie is obviously channeling something from the island ... is the island sending him false info or is he really being clued in to dangers that lie ahead? As I watched the episode a whole bunch of other questions came to mind ... Does Hurley really know Libby from before the plane crash? Is she hiding something? Does Locke really not believe Charlie, or is it something else? Is Locke a deeply embedded villain after all? Why did Locke keep the heroin-filled Mary statues? Is Ecko really a priest? I must have missed this ... did he become a priest after his brother was killed? It seems to me that the baptism of the baby was prolly not a great idea ... if The Others are only interested in GOOD people wouldn't an unbaptised baby be not so good? I dunno ... I think I'm trying to find something in last night's episode. Did I miss some overriding important piece of information that should have thrilled me? [Source]

Incidentally, the band Geronimo Jackson now have a website.

My stupid DVR didn't record Project Runway last night so I'll have to watch this evening's repeat ... booooo!

Ooooh look ... Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are flying to Switzerland kid-loose and fancy free:

Without the kids in tow they are free to save the world at the UN Economic Forum ... they are also free to get frisky whenever they see fit. [Source]

Mötley Crüe made their mark on Hollywood Blvd. yesterday and not with their usual habit of peeing on the street. The Crüe was honored with their very own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame:

Mötley Crüe are now true Hollywood legends after receiving the 2,301st star on the Walk of Fame ... and to think, they only received their star a few years after Britney Spears and The Olsen Twins got their stars. [Source]

Check it out ... Sienna Miller and Hayden Christensen really do appear to be a very cozy couple:

It's hard to believe that she would be satisfied with Hayden after spending so much time with Jude Law. Maybe she's just really drunk. [Source]

Madonna was front and center at the Jean Paul Gaultier show in Paris this week:

What better place to show off her new ... look. Don't her eyes look really perky? I'm not sure what is up with her hair but I think she's using way too much gel ... I don't think we need to see that much forehead. [Source]

Hilary Duff paid a little visit to Much Music recently ... she cohosted their show Much on Demand:

Hmm ... I wonder how she handled the tough questions? [Source]

Mark-Paul Gosselaar is finding a resurgence in popularity with his new role on Commander In Chief. Homey paid a visit to the Fuse studios in NYC to, you know ... talk about his new show ...

... you know, just answer some questions ... look hot ... who knew that little Zack Morris would actually get kinda hot in his old age? [Source]

Paris Hilton and, to a lesser degree, Nicky Hilton never turn down a photo op ... no matter how dumb ...

Never. [Source]

Awww ... check out these cute pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal playing with his doggie babies before going off to play some manly football:

Um, doesn't Jake know he's supposed to play shirtless? [Source]

Uhhh ... what the hell is Joe Simpson and Ryan Cabrera doing on stage with metal tribute band Metal Skool? Check out these pictures sent in by Pink reader Angie who was on hand to witness this ridiculousness first-hand:

Papa Joe is so wrong, so very wrong. The man needs to be lobotomized. [Source, thanks Angie]

Check out this picture of Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hart as they honeymooned in Fiji:

They are happily on their way to becoming an old married couple already. Nice hat, Alicia. [Source, thanks Alison]

Well, it looks like they're serious about this Rocky VI thing:

Make sure you head on over to to keep up-to-date with all things Rocky VI. You wouldn't want to miss the thrilling up-to-the-minute reports of Sylvester Stallone desperately trying to hold on to his youth by attempting to make himself look like he's still a contender on the big screen. [Source]

And finally, those of you who watched American Idol on Tuesday night will be sure to recognize the newest supastar to emerge from the show -- Miss Rhonetta Johnson:

Rhonetta made sure to go off on Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell but she failed to mention her little run-ins with the law. It's a good thing we've got these mug shots to do the talking for her. I have to admit, I loves me some Rhonetta and would love to see more of her on TV. Hear that Idol folks ... we need more Rhonetta! [Source]

The News:
So last night Sarah, Erik and I had the most fun ever ... we got to check out Her Daily Obsession play a show at the Trolley Stop ... and then we got to bowl with them:

The show was so fun ... I was pretty impressed with how cool the venue was as well. HDO played a very kickass set. Erik couldn't stop dancing ... that is a good sign of a great show. If Her Daily Obsession are coming your way you gots ta check em out! I have to give a shout out to Pink readers Tara, Jenna, Katie, Crystle and Brittney (on the phone) who came over from Canada to check out the show.

Anyways ... after the show was over the band was wondering where to party next ... unfortch, there ain't much partying for out-of-towners on a typical Wednesday night in the Detroit metro area. We took them to the Magic Stick for some drinks and ended up doing a bit of bowling. Scores are unimportant to this story, there are no winners or losers but I do have to admit that DC kids know their way around a bowling alley. Yeahhh boy ... you don't want to go up against the Champstache in any sort of bowling tourney.

Tonight I am participating in BD's Mongolian BBQ Best Bowl Grand Finale in Royal Oak. The ultimate winner will be crowned tonight ... and I can't wait. If you're in town, you should come out to BD's for some good eats.

And that is all ... I am out.



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