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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

"There Are No Balls In Derby"

Er ... remember how I said that it was my sincere hope that Britney Spears would be invited to a few of the upcoming important fashion shows at New York Fashion Week this week? Yeah ... I take it back ... after all ... would you want to see this sitting in the front row next to Anna Wintour at a fashion show?

Wow! Who knew that Britney Spears could make Anna Wintour look sexy? Unless Duane Reade is having a fash bash later on this week ... I doubt that Brit Brit will be getting an invites. I, for one, am appalled! [Source]


OOOH so now the truth comes out ... I *knew* that Jack's daddy was going to be more of a nasty person rather than a sweet and innocent person like we've been lead to believe ... tho, I didn't expect the truth to come out quite so soon. The show is definitely settling into a slower pace (after amping up the drama right off the bat) and now the story is beginning to emerge:

Screencaps courtesy of Twenty Four Online

I felt it was very shady right from the start when Daddy Bauer killed that henchman ... any true fan of 24 should've picked up on that clue ... it was classic 24-shadowing (hee hee, get it?) I gotta say, tho, I'm not really feeling this new emotive Chloe. She's an emotional mess ... I miss her jaded, pissyness. What did they do to my Chloe? They gave her a make-over and a lobotomy? Boo. I really hope something happens that brings her JadedBack because I miss her scowl (well, her old scowl ... not this new "I'm so in love that it hurts" scowl which looks a lot like her old scowl but not as puckery). I couldn't believe that Graem fessed up to all the assassinations that he orchestrated last season ... I, too, was fooled into believing that was all the information he had to give. I'm sorry ... once Graem fessed up to killing all of Jack's friends, Jack should've shot him in the face. Is he going soft too? I was really expecting more from that torture scene as well ... Jack could've at least shot his brother in the thigh like he shot that lady last season (that shizz still makes me laugh). I liked how President Palmer labeled the American Muslim as the true hero ... Heaven forbid something like this should really happen on American soil, he's right ... the American Muslim would be the most important ally for our country to turn to. I was totally shocked that Morris was the dude who the terrorists were looking for. You would think I'd see something like that coming ... but as usual, 24 pulled it off brilliantly. Tho, I was shaking my head at the fact that the image was cleaned up just after Morris left CTU -- LOL. I have a sneaking suspicion that Daddy Bauer is going to cause a whole lotta trouble ... maybe he's in cahoots with the VP? And he was totally right ... Jack does deserve a better family. Next week's episode with be another 2-hour ep ... should be loads of fun. [Source]


I'm just so pleasantly pleased that each episode of Heroes has just enough great plot developments to keep me very happy. There may not be as many heart-attack inducing shockers (tho it does have its fair share) but the story is just so well thought out ... and unveiled just right. The show is just really well written and I have no doubt that the rest of the season is going to be great. But ... let's get to last night's ep:

I'm really lovin' the invisible sensei dude. I was suspicious of him all episode long ... I was sure he would turn out to be a bad guy. The fact that he is an old nemesis to Mr. Bennett ... well, that makes me feel a whole lot better. Can I just say that I'm glad the psychiatrist got her ass BEAT? It's terrible to say, I know, but she was just prodding and prodding ... you knew that Jessica was going to make her a believer -- and how. Taser burns on ones back can't feel pleasant. I really warmed up to the fact that Star Trek alum George Takei plays Hiro's dad ... and I wasn't sure where that plot development was going ... but I guess, in the end, I was a bit disappointed. It felt like the just wanted to use George Takei so they threw in in there for 2-eps. Tho, props to the producers for sneaking in that little shout-out to all the Star Trek fans ... did you notice the license plate on the limo?

NCC-1701 is the registry number of the starship Enterprise. LOL! Love it! I had a sneaking suspicion that Claire's dad would turn out to be one of the Heroes ... and it did occur to me that Nathan Petrelli might be the daddy. He's a politician, so of course he's a cheater ... so of course he's got illegitimate kids all over the place. I wonder if there are any other Claire's out there? Man ... the first thing I thought was that Peter was falling in love with his niece ... ew! That is so something you'd see on The Bold and the Beautiful. I love this show. [Source]


Prison Break, too, keeps chugging along ... the story has gotten so convoluted that it's hard to remember what all is going on but they really managed to clean it up a bit so that we can keep up:

This was deff another great episode ... I really like how this story is developing. I'm pretty sure that Kellerman is on Team Scofield now that that stupid fake out with the Prez didn't work. I don't know how I feel about the plotline turning all Da Vinci Code but ... I'll go with it. If Audrey Tautou pops out at some point to offer aid with that key I'm going to scream my head off. It's a bummer that the crazy guy had to die ... David and I saw the actor who plays him at the Pho Cafe here in LA a few weeks ago ... so sad. Hopefully the Prison Break curse won't befall him like it befell Lane Garrison. Seriously, I think the best part of last night's ep was when Brad Bellick was trying to figure out how to say his new title and name together ("Brad Bellick, FBI") ... that shizz was funny. Prison Break will not be shown next week due to the 2-hour ep of 24 ... be sure to make a note of the change. [Source]

Okay ... moving on ... the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences invited the Oscar nominees over for a little bit of lunch where they could all pose for pretty pictures and hob-nob amongst themselves ... here are but a few of the attendees as they made their way into the luncheon:

Photo credit: Splash News

It won't be long now until a select few of these actors will be honored with the Academy Award ... and the majority of them will be pissed as hell that they lost ... so they best enjoy all the perks while they still can. I'm sure it's an honor just to be nominated and all that ... and I'm sure that these functions are really exciting but ... it's all just foreplay. I say bring on the real deal and let's stop all this pussyfootin' around. Oh, and someone feed that Little Miss Sunshine ... before something heinous occurs. [Source]

Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant were on hand for the UK charity premiere of their new movie Music and Lyrics ... here they are on the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

I don't know what it is that I find so charming about both Drew and Hugh. I was ready to completely discount this movie from the start ... until I saw the trailer at the movies last week. I actually said to myself, out loud, "I'd totally see that movie". Am I a girl? There is something that feels a bit Notting Hill meets Love Actually about the film that makes me think that I'll love it if I see it ... but do I really want to see it? I know for a fact that I want to see Norbit ... but this one ... it scares me. I suppose if I were dragged to see it that would be okay ... but I'm about a thousand miles away from Sarah and Megan and pretty much anyone else who would do the dragging. Hmm ... [Source]

Down under in Australia, Ryan Reynolds (newly single after ending his engagement to Alanis Morissette) was on hand for an Aussie premiere of his new ensemble movie Smokin' Aces:

Photo credit: Splash News

As sad as it is that he and Alanis are no longer a couple ... one must admit that he's just too cute to not post pics of in any capacity. Tho, if you stare too long at his forehead in the second picture ... that cuteness tends to wane a little bit. Never fear tho ... just refer to his hot bod as featured in the movie Blade: Trinity and you'll forget all about that big fore ... er ... what was I talking about again? [Source]

HMMMMM ... do you suppose that Kristin Cavallari is extremely jealous of the fact that she is no longer in the Hollywood "It" Girl spotlight now that Hayden Panettiere is on the scene and that is why she is trying to cozy up to the little Heroes phenom to get some attention?

Photo credit: Splash News

Naaaaah ... I'm sure they're just the best of friends. I'm sure they have a great time sharing stories about Steven Coletti (who dated both girls) ... tho if I were Hayden, I'd be careful. Kristin has never been one to stay loyal and true to her girlfriends. [Source]

Thank the Gods above that Matthew McConaughey has not given up his love of surfing:

Much thanks also goes out for the fact that Matthew has also not given up his love of going topless in public. [Source]

Well now ... isn't this a pretty picture? After being away from their women for a couple of weeks the Madden twins, Benji and Joel, are back in LA and back in the loving embrace of their respective women Sophie Monk and Nicole Richie:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

It's nice seeing the lads gettin' all lovey dovey with their chicks. Tho, they'd be wise to heed the lyrics of one of their hit songs ... after all, girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money ;) [Source]

In other Good Charlotte news, over the weekend we got to take a gander at the official artwork for their new album Good Morning Revival and today we get to take a look at a few promo pictures of the boys themselves:

Don't they just look all purdy and sweet and sensative? [Source, thanks Daniella]

Avirl Lavigne has also released a few promo pictures of her own ... like this one:

Aww ... the poor dear looks like a little girl who is trying on her mother's shoes that are too big for her feet. And EW! it just occurred to me that this is prolly just the look she's going for. [Source]

Hilary Duff has finally settled on the cover artwork for her new album With Dignity:

Eh. It's a'ight. [Source]

Heroes star Ali Larter is on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Lucky magazine:

She has really come a long way from her Final Destination days ... she looks amazing. Over the weekend I watched Legally Blonde again (twice) and loved her as the young widow on trial for the murder of her elder husband. She is such a cute actress ... I'm so glad that she is finally getting the attention that she deserves. [Source]

America's Next Top Model is back ... again ... for another cycle of model crap that will never really lead to anything important or significant in the modeling world:

Shoot ... this damn show has been thru so many cycles now ... it should be hitting menopause any day now. [Source]

And finally, Pink reader Monica sends in these amazing scans from the new issue of French Glamour magazine ... with a short feature on Pink is the new Blog:

My French is terribly rusty but from what I can decipher, the piece is very complimentary. I'm just always so shocked when the blog gets attention from foreign press ... it is very flattering and much appreciated. Merci Monica for sending in the scans! XO [thanks Monica]

Les News:
Yesterday was pretty much a housekeeping day for me so nothing really exciting went down ... but last night (in between all of the other TV that I had to watch) I managed to catch the show No Reservations on the Travel Channel ... which featured my dear Adriana AKA Furious Georgette and the rest of the LA Derby Dolls roller derby team. Here are a few screenshots of AY in her Derby Doll gear:

She looked amazing ... and seemed very comfortable on TV. She gave some really great lines ... my fave was when the host mentioned that his only experience with roller derby was the movie Rollerball and she responded, "There are no balls in Derby". Brilliant! I'm not sure if the Travel Channel re-runs shows but this one is deff worth checking out if it airs again. She looked so cute!

Tonight Jim and I have a date with Fall Out Boy. The boys are performing 3 shows today in NYC, their hometown of Chicago and LA in celebration of the release of their new album Infinity on High (in stores today) and we're going to be at their show here tonight. I'll do my best to snap some hot pics to share ...

And that is all ... I am out.



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