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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Back In Cali

Well, I finally made it back to the West Coast last night and even tho my flight was delayed again (natch) and had 2 stops (oy!) it turned out not to be as horrrrible as some of my previous horrrrible flights. I got in at a relatively normal time and managed to get a full night's sleep -- what more could one ask for? I was happy to arrive at my apartment to find that it was wholly untouched by that earthquake that rolled thru SoCal early Thursday morning (despite the fact that Mike told me he felt minor shaking and Jim told me he felt nothing at all, I kinda expected to find my place in shambles). It's good to be home again :)

Alright ... let's get thru the day's light goss ... While David Beckham was thrilling MLS soccer fans at RFK Stadium in Washington DC as he took to the field (and took to removing his clothing) in the Galaxy vs. DC United game on Thursday night, his wifey Vicki B. was holding down the fort here in LA doin' what she does best -- shopping. Victoria's older sister Louise is in town to keep VB company while Becks is off touring the country and joined her and Romeo Beckham for a little shopping trip to Barney's in Beverly Hills, CA yesterday afternoon:

Photo credit: Splash News

OK, I gotta come clean here. I was looking for some light, mindless reading for my recent plane trips so I picked up a paperback copy of the book Posh & Becks written by celebrity biographer Andrew Morton (famous for his books on Princess Diana, Madonna and Monica Lewinsky). I ain't gonna lie, I was interested to read about how Posh and Becks got together -- and I was hoping for the juicy tidbits of gossip that Andrew Morton is known for conjuring up. Honestly, I gotta say that I was a bit let down. The book is a fast read because there isn't really anything in it. Other than the claim that Louise Adams (Victoria's sister, pictured here) used to get more work as a child model than Victoria did back in the day (which I now have a hard time believing) there really was no juicy goss -- despite the fact that the author tries desperately to over dramatize every little detail. The book starts out very complimentary to Becks and Vicki B. but then it slowly starts introducing negative stuff. The book covers Victoria's bout with an eating disorder, her plastic surgery, the death/kidnapping threats on the family, the alleged feud between the Beckham family and the Adams family (LOL to the fact that Victoria is an actual member of the Adams Family), and a crazy story about how Becks framed a paparazzo for a crime he didn't commit. Honestly, you get juicier stuff on E!'s True Hollywood Story. But, altho the book wasn't as scintillating as I thought it would be it did manage to help the time go by faster so I guess it was worth the $8.00. [Source]

But anyways, while Posh and Becks are currently suffering from separation, Brangelina have been finally reunited once again. After a few grueling days apart, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been brought back together in Chicago, IL. Here are pics of Brad's arrival in Chicago and Angelina's ecstatic glee:

Photo credit: Splash News

As mentioned before, Angelina has been in Chicago for the past week to continue work on her new movie Wanted. Brad has been here in LA serving out his mandated (and much delayed) jury duty away from his beloved family. But, Brad got the job done and hopped aboard the first plane that could fly him to Chi-town. Brangelina is whole once again ... and all is well. [Source]

Nicole Richie is starting to show signs of her burgeoning motherhood via her ever-expanding baby bump ... but she is also starting to burgeon in other areas as well:

Photo credit: Mavrix

Aww ... she looks amazing. Pregnancy really seems to be agreeing with Miss Richie. As much as boyfriend Joel Madden must be enjoying all of Nicole's new ample assets, it seems clear that there is only one bump that he's really interested in. [Source, Source]

It appears that Heath Ledger is taking a break from filming scenes for his new movie The Dark Knight as he was been spotted here in LA chillin' with some friends at Urth Cafe in West Hollywood this week. Here are pics of Heath wearing an interesting outfit as he hangs out on Melrose Ave:

Photo credit: Splash News

The red Ray Ban-esque sunglasses, I don't mind. The funky tapered polyester pants, I don't quite care for. Heath definitely has his own style of dress (punk meets Hobo) and can usually pull it off but I think these pants need to go back to the band uniform that they came from. So not cute. [Source]

Robbie Williams never needs a good reason to pull down his pants (or in this instance, his shorts) in order to show off his butt ... he just does so when the mood strikes. Apparently, the mood struck while he was standing around on the soccer field earlier this week:

Photo credit: INFdaily

I can't say that I mind all that much. There is something oddly comforting about a man who is very free with giving public access to his booty. [Source]

Ricky Martin, who made headlines this week by proclaiming his desire to adopt children ("one from each continent") with an unknown partner, played a show in San Juan, Puerto Rico at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico on his Blanco y Negro Tour last night. Here are a few pics from his performance:

Photo credit: Wireimage

It's unclear what spurned on his newfound desire to become Angelina Jolie but my guess is that Ricky is starting to feel his age creep up on him. No one wants to be an old mother (if they can help it) and Ricky is prolly just anxious to start building a family with -- well, whoever he's involved with right now. It's curious that Ricky would give out so much information regarding his desire to adopt and, yet, he failed to make clear who he plans to adopt with. Hmm. [Source]

Ryan Reynolds is on the cover of the new issue of The Advocate to promote his new movie The Nines in which he portrays gay writer John August (who also interviews him for the mag). Here are a couple pics of Ryan from the issue:

In the interview, Ryan and John talk about things as varied as religion, homophobic outing and the paparazzi but it is the photo essay of Ryan and John's trip to Malawi that is most interesting ... [Source]

... here are a few of John August's photos from their trip to Malawi last month where the guys traveled to in order to help build an orphanage:

The day after we recorded our interview for The Advocate, Ryan Reynolds and I flew to Malawi—a land-locked country in southern Africa. A former British colony, it is now one of the poorest nations on Earth. It's been especially hard-hit by HIV/AIDS, losing a huge portion of its 20 to 40-year olds ... FOMO (Friends of Mulanje Orphans) runs 10 centers, providing services to 4,000 orphans. Ryan and I visited to help repair and repaint the Gulumba Centre, and to meet the kids who are doing remarkably well in remarkably difficult circumstances ... For all its problems, Malawi is incredibly beautiful, as are its people. It's like an island nation without an ocean. The photo essay goes on to talk about the other things they did while in Africa and includes a few more photos. But, John posted all of his Malawi photos HERE on his Flickr page. I urge y'all to read about John's and Ryan's experience in Africa HERE and visit the official site for FOMO to learn how you, too, can help. [Source, Source]

And finally, it's time for this week's batch of photos sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Andrea from White Lake, Michigan sends in a scan from the new issue of US Weekly where her daughter Avery was chosen as a Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt look-a-like -- Amy sends in a pic of her daughter Reilly who just turned one and wanted to give PITNB a shout -- Jenny, who was married last month, sends in a fun pic with her peeps at her wedding celebration -- Yvette, Edurne, Isabelle, Inês and Amy (described as 2 Mexicans, a Belgian, a Portuguese and an American) send in a pic all the way from an Irish Pub in Brussels where the gang participated as a team in a pub quiz -- Lauren sends in a pic with her roommate (and a pic with some hot vampire fangs) at the Once More With Feeling - Buffy the Musical sing-a-long that took place recently in Washington DC (where the show sold out faster than any other city):! Thank you all so much, as always, for taking the time to send in your fun photos. I know how much fun I have with my friends (and how much fun it is to post our pics) and I love seeing how everyone else out there parties with their friends and loved ones. Keep 'em coming! And thank you all again! XO

Les News:
OY! I always tell myself that I will never fly cross-country again on a flight that is not non-stop and, invariably, I end up talking myself into doing just that. It sucks that there are no direct flights to Detroit Rock City from the airport in Burbank, CA. So I either have to deal with driving all the way to LAX for a direct flight or I just deal with the layovers out of Burbank. Blah. Yesterday's flight had 2 stops (in Chicago and Phoenix) which added an extra 2+ hours to the total flight time (not counting the delay in Chicago). Yeah, I slept like a rock last night.

Thankfully I woke up in time to write and then have enough time to enjoy the day today ... I might be meeting up with Mike, Paul and Darion for some fun at the beach ... so I gots ta go and soak up some sun :) Have a great weekend, ya'll. I am out.



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