Thursday, June 17, 2004
boys don't play with dolls

i had completely forgotten about these action figures. when the very large box was delivered i was ... surprised. actually i should have been pissed because there was a big dent in the side of the box and caused 2 of the action figures' packaging to open up. but i wasn't pissed at all ... it gave me a good excuse to open them all and assemble the attic playset (as you see in the picture above).
sooo this delivery got me thinking about my action figures again ... i have tons of buffy, angel, transformer, he-man, g.i. joe, etc. figures all boxed up at my parent's house. i hope to bring some of them to our new place. when the basement is all set up (with bar area) we hope to decorate it with cool pop culture stuff. i think it might be cool to add this figure to the collection as well

i'm not a halle berry fan, but i am a catwoman fan so ...
NOT THAT ANYONE CARES but i've set up a wishlist at so that someone who might be in the market for a gift for me (for any upcoming birthdays [cough] july 12th [cough]) can see what i'd like to receive. the list updates automatically if an item is purchased ... which i think makes shopping for someone extremely easy :) it also cuts out the guesswork in gift-giving ... that way something really horrible isn't purchased by mistake ... yikes!
the wishlist will remain on the right side of the main page ... for future reference.