Wednesday, June 23, 2004
My Life waaaaaaaaay abridged
Slate reads My Life so you don't have to.

Want to read Bill Clinton's My Life without turning all 957 turgid pages? We can help! Slate's "Juicy Bits" team has constructed a reader's guide to Clinton's memoir, with handy jumps to Hillary, Chelsea, Ken Starr, Marc Rich, George Stephanopoulos, and Monica Lewinsky.
check out the link to get all the salacious tidbits w/o having to crack the spine of a book*. i mean books are heavy and really difficult to lug around in the summer sun ... and who really has time to read when shows like nip/tuck and blow out must be ingested?
* my apologies to my dear diana who is sure to give me shit for passing along this information. i can see her furrowed brow, crossed arms and tapping toe casting down disappointment and chagrin upon this laziness. in my defense, tho, i can assure her that i *do* plan on reading the book cover to cover.