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Thursday, October 14, 2004

Dubya's Days Are Numbered

Overwhelmingly, it is commonly agreed upon that John Kerry won last nights debate (CNN/Gallup put the numbers at around 52% to 39%) ... again! It is so clear, so simple -- he's articulate, resolute, steadfast, knowledgeable, intelligent -- none of the traits that GWB exhibits. I look at GWB and just wonder at his idiocy. The man just is not intelligent. He is our leader! It sickens me. He is not going to steal the election again. The Reps are worried ... and they should be, their boss is about to get the ax. 18 days ... I can't wait!

MSN Slate has a great article on how Kerry killed Bush in last night's final debate. But the best news comes from THIS ARTICLE on last night's debate: In three elections - in 1960, 1980 and 2000 - a presidential candidate has gone into the first debate trailing his opponent in the Gallup Poll and come out of the last debate ahead of him. Each went on to win. John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush to some degree owe their presidencies to their strong performances, and their opponents' stumbling ones, in the debates ... Indeed, in all eight presidential elections that have included televised debates, the candidate who emerged from the final debate with a lead has won on Election Day. It bodes well for the vastly more intelligent John Kerry!!

A couple of days ago we noticed that our Kerry/Edwards lawn sign was missing. The metal frame was still there but the cardboard sign was gone. The houses on either side of ours also have Kerry/Edwards signs but their signs were not missing. I figured that the kids next door must have knocked it down with their bikes or something and we'd get it back. I came home yesterday and the sign was back. I asked Erik where he found it at and he told me that it was just there again. I went outside to secure the sign to the metal frame and a neighbor who lives 2 doors down yelled out "I got your sign back for you." I thanked him and asked him if he knew what happened, apparently some kids did take a few signs (one of his, ours and another) and he got us all new signs to replace them. I thanked him again, shook his hand and told him that we wouldn't be deterred -- Kerry is going to win.

That put me in the best mood yesterday afternoon!

Kylie Minogue has announced her "biggest tour" ever to promote her greatest hits album that is due in November. is pleased to announce that Kylie will play her biggest ever tour next year to follow the release of her first comprehensive greatest hits package 'Ultimate Kylie', which is released this year on November 22nd ... The European leg of the tour, entitled 'Kylie - Showgirl: The Greatest Hits Tour' will open in Scotland in March, will then move to continental Europe, and return to the UK in April, ending in London at Earls Court in May. Unfortunately there has been no official word on whether she will be bringing her tour to the United States. I hope she at least comes to NYC or LA ... I would travel to either location to see Kylie Minogue perform on stage. Tony mentioned that he is thinking about traveling to Europe to see this tour (he fears it will be her last tour) but I couldn't go that far. I'm going to keep my eyes on this tour ... maybe I'll finally get to see Kylie live.

"And in other news":
  • Here comes some more voter scam bullshizz from the Republicans; Voter-Registration Group Accused Of Trashing Democrats' Forms. The letter, written by America Votes President Cecile Richards, accuses Sproul & Associates of running a registration drive in Nevada under the name "Voters Outreach for America (a.k.a. 'America Votes')" and of "destroying registration forms completed by Democrats." In Nevada, Sproul & Associates employed as many as 300 part-time workers to register voters outside of malls, grocery stores and government buildings. One employee said he witnessed a supervisor rip up and throw away registration forms filled out by Democrats."We caught her taking Democrats out of my pile, she handed them to her assistant, and he ripped them up right in front of us," former Voters Outreach of America employee Eric Russell told Las Vegas CBS affiliate KLAS-TV. "I grabbed some of them out of the garbage and she tells her assistant to get those from me." Is this surprising to anyone?! Republicans do not want young people to vote because they know they will NOT vote for Bush. We must remain vigilant ... we have to get out the vote. If young people get out and vote we will win FOR SURE!
  • Comic book hero Green Arrow is taking on a new villain -- HIV. It's the first major comic book to deal with HIV, and a dose of hard-edged reality to the usually fanciful world of costumed crime fighters. In the latest issue of Green Arrow, a teenage runaway named Mia -- who has been in the care of the title hero for two years -- discovers that her time spent as a street-dweller and prostitute has resulted in her picking up the virus. Writer Judd Winick, who oversees the Green Arrow story line, said this is a way to explore socially conscious themes while also giving the Mia character extra motivation to make a difference in the world. Judd Winick was on The Real World: San Francisco and is also the guy who introduced a gay character into the Green Lantern comic book series. Judd was very close to Pedro (also on The Real World: SF) and I'm sure he is doing this in tribute to his fallen friend. You rock Judd!!
  • Speaking of The Real World, I think we all remember The Miz from The Real World: Back to New York, right? He's the wannabe wrestler who continues to annoy (and sometimes entertain) on the RW/RR Challenges with his perennial partner Coral. Anyways, The Miz is on another MTV reality show -- he's made it to the semi-finals of Tough Enough 4 (the winner gets to be a "real" WWE wrestler). Having an idiotic alter-ego will get you somewhere in life, and that somewhere is in the semi-finals of the WWE's Tough Enough 4. Mike "The Miz" Mizanin, from The Real World 10, is one of 50 semi-finalists who will compete on Venice Beach on Friday (from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and Saturday (from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Boo! His real last name is Mizanin?! Ick! No more Miz ... No more Miz ...
  • Bill O'Reilly ... America's favorite asshole is having some legal problems. Yeah, sexually harassing an employee WILL get you into trouble Billy. Mackris' complaint says that O'Reilly's behavior included talk of vibrators and phone sex, allusions to a ménage à trois and stories of his sexual experiences ... Mackris charged that, at a dinner in December 2003, O'Reilly, who is married, tried to persuade her to have phone sex with him. She said that O'Reilly has a "Jekyll and Hyde personality who can be paternal and engaging at one instant, tyrannical and menacing the next." Tyrannical and menacing?! O'Reilly?!? It's almost TOO hard to believe ... oh wait, no it's not. If did do these things, I hope he swings for it.
Today will be a quiet work day, which I'm very happy for. I have to work on a test I'm giving next week, I have some papers to grade and lectures to type up. Very exciting stuff.

Tonight Erik and I (joined by Michael T. and his friend Rebecca) are going to go see PJ Harvey at The State theater. It shall be an amazing show ... I haven't seen PJ in eons. Actually, the last time I saw PJ Harvey (she was at St. Andrew's Hall a few years ago) Erik was at the same show, except we didn't even know the other existed. Weird, huh?

I'm audi. I'll be back if I can. I know I cannot sneak a camera into The State theater so I'm not sure I can take pictures. I'll try to snap a pic with my phone but no promises. Laters.



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