PINK is the new BLOG
Everybody's Business Is My BusinessTM

Friday, April 15, 2005

Sweet The Sting

OMG ... have you heard??? Britney Spears is pregnant!!! Man, does this girl know how to stir up the media or what:

There hasn't been this much press hoopla since ... well, she got married to the rat-faced one, Kevin Federline last summer. You gotta hand it to her ... she knows how to get attention. And you've got to hand it to K-Fed, I think it's admirable that he's learning how to be a parent by reading baby magazines:

It's a shame he hasn't learned sooner since he's already GOT 2 DAMN KIDS. Boy, I bet Shar Jackson is PISSED at all of this! Hahaha! Loves it!

Anywhoo ... it looks like Britney is really enjoying the pictures of the rat in this month's issue of L'Uomo Vogue (pictures that y'all got to see yesterday):

Hahahaha! I bet she really likes the pic of Kevin's curled arm pit hair ... LOL! I mean, EEK!

Here is another artist rendering of what Fetus Spears might look like:

And Judge Jru brought something to my attention ... check out the font used on the webpage for Britney & Kevin's reality show on UPN:

WTF! THEY CHANGED IT! THE SITE has been changed with a new font!!! It's a good thing I took a screen shot ... What up Britters, we know you love to read Pink is the new Blog ... you betta recognize, beytoch!!!

Ah well, it was cute while it lasted (the new font is fugly as hell).

Let's move on ... who in the hell told Jessica Alba that she could cut her hair?!

Ding! Ding! What a poop sandwich ... me no likey ... it makes her look old.

Beyoncé looks like a fool:

I hate "high fashion" photo shoots like this ... but you know what, I bet J. Lo could've pulled it off.

Tara Reid has her sights set on Jesse Metcalf:

I hope to gawd, for his sake, that he's smart enough to run like hell.

Have y'all seen Janice Dickinson's nipple yet?

Head on over to Go Fug Yourself to see the uncensored version.

The remake of The Amityville Horror opens in theaters today and Ryan Reynolds is in it:

Wow ... I think I'm going to have to see this movie ...

Nicole Richie is practically disappearing in front of our eyes:

For just $0.32 a day, that's less than a cup of coffee, you can help this girl receive the nourishment and food that she requires. Someone please feed her!

Wow, I heard about the Alicia Keyes with chest hair pictures that were floating around ... and here they are (look away if you have a weak stomach):

Yikes! Can you believe this? Why doesn't she wax or something ... here is another picture:

Man ... can you imagine being the dude (or chick or whatever) caressing her boobie area and finding that it feels like touching Kevin Federline's armpit?! EWWWWWW!!!!

Cynthia Nixon has got a girlfriend:

... or a boyfriend ... I can't really tell ... let's move on, okay ... please??? ... okay ...

Evangeline Lily is one hot babe:

I love her on Lost ... and she looks hot as H-E-L-L in this picture. Hot! [via]

The Olsen Twins were in Rome a few years ago filming a straight-to-video movie and they took their boyfriends with them ... I've never seen the pix before so I'm sharing them with you too:

I'm not even sure which Olsen this is ... but she looks t-rashed! I guess it must be the alcoholic one.

Mariah Carey ... oh lord ... what are you wearing?

It is a good color for her ... whatevs, she's a diva y'all ... I guess I should say you go girl ... or something.

Okay, this picture may not be very SFW but is this blog really that SFW? Anyways ... Rusty Joiner (model, actor, extreme hotness) has a great website with great pictures:

Click image above for larger sized pictures

You may recognize him from those men's fitness magazines (Erik always has one lying around). These pictures are from DNA magazine. Shoot, maybe I should start working out or something. Nah, I think I'll just lay around looking at the magazines.

When I was 8 years old I dressed up as He-Man for Halloween ... I'm so glad that I DID NOT LOOK LIKE THIS GUY:

I thought He-Man was supposed to have pecs ... See, this is what you get for posting pictures of yourself on the internets.

And finally, if you missed America's Next Top Model this week you betta be taping the repeat that airs tonight at 9PM:

OR you can just click HERE (scroll down a bit) and watch a tiny bit of Tyra's tirade and screaming session. It's hil-ar-ious!

The news:
OMG ... Tori Amos was so amazing last night! Her setlist was TO DIE FOR! I ran into Erik's friends Seth and Mary (who are the cutest couple ever). Tori was so cute ... she told fun stories about how she loves Detroit (she mentioned that the last time she was in town was when the Blackout of '03 occurred ... she showed us that she was wearing black leggings under her dress in honor of that visit). She chose to cover a Detroit musician during her set (someone yelled out "Madonna!" and she goes "Oh fuck her. I've already done her!" It was great) and honored us with a beautiful rendition of a Bob Seger song. Here is the full setlist:

Original Sinsuality
Blood Roses
Jamaica Inn
Snow Cherries From France
Bells For Her

Tori's Piano Bar

Turn The Page (Bob Seger cover)
Penny Lane (The Beatles cover)

Mother Revolution
Beauty Queen
Jackie's Strength
Spring Haze
The Beekeeper

1st Encore

Not The Red Baron

2nd Encore

Abbey Road
Silent All These Years

The Abbey Road song that she sang is one of her own and she very rarely ever performs it ... the last time she did was in 1996! It was awesome! Sarah and I ran into an old nemesis of mine who looked RIDICULOUS! The fool was wearing a purple feather boa, Elvis sunglasses and smeared lipstick. Gawd, I was embarrassed for him ... I'm so glad that I'm cute. Anyways, Tori was glorious:

And Sarah and I are heading out to Chicago after work today to see her for the last time on this leg of the tour ... WEE!!! I am hoping to post early tomorrow (if I can get to a computer) otherwise look for tomorrow's post tomorrow evening.

I'm out.



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  • "Pink is the new Blog: Must Star Hazer -- Why This: Trent Vanegas may run the uproarious gossip roundup from his home outside Detroit, but he doesn't need proximity to make riotous observations about celebs -- often typed directly onto scary paparazzi photos." -- Entertainment Weekly

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  • "Finest use of Photoshop: Nothing escapes the keen eyes of Pink is the New Blog, which concerns itself with all types of celebrity lambasting, sartorial style included. Arrows point to flashes of errant celebrity panty; the blog's trademark pink stencil lettering announces "CHER COMES TO TOWN" over photos of a raven-haired Lindsay Lohan." -- The Village Voice

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