Saturday, October 15, 2005
She's Baaaaaaack!

She looks great ... but we still STILL are waiting for any pictures of baby Sean Preston but seeing Britney looking a little cleaned up is worth it. I think the showy bra is a wee bit tacky but I ain't really complainin'. [Source]
Out with the old, in with the new ... on the very day that the new James Bond, Daniel Craig, was named Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum gave the statue of the old James Bond, Pierce Brosnan, the heave ho:

Surely it has been melted down and turned into birthday candles by now. Poor Pierce ... [Source]
Brrr ... it's cold here in LA (not really) so Nicole Richie decided it was time to rock the down-filled arctic vest. Here are pictures of Nicole and DJ AM coming out of Mr. Chow's:

Stay warm, Nicole. [Source]
Paris Hilton is rockin' a new HOT Louis Vuitton bag ... and a new friend ... here are pictures of the pair coming out of Club Element:

Just how close are these new friends ... they look like they are ready to make out. Has Paris Hilton finally given up on men and decided to give homely girls a shot? [Source]
Sienna Miller took her mother out to celebrate her birthday but got a little miffed when the paparazzi tried to take their picture:

Do you see what the mother is wearing? Yeah, I'd hide my face too! I have to admit, tho, that I really like Sienna's new haircut. It looks great on her. Ya ever notice that Sienna looks like an older Avril Lavigne? Her mom looks like Gena Rowlands. [Source]
Check out these pictures of Kristin Cavalleri and Brody Jenner as they head into the Cabana Club:

What is with the messy hair ... she looks like she got a little buckwild right before having her picture taken. Surely that can't be the case ... Kristin strikes me as the kind of girl who would save herself for marriage. I bet she never drinks either. [Source]
Here are a few more pictures of Kristin and Brody from his My Space profile:

Eh, I guess they make a cute couple ... Yeah, I'm sure she's saving herself for marriage. [Source, thanks Nix]
And finally, here are a few caps from MTV's Ashlee Simpson: Live and Legal:

It's nice to see that Ashlee really refrained from indulging in any activities that minors cannot enjoy (like drinking and gambling) until her 21st birthday. So wait ... Ashlee and Wilmer are not together? They are just friends? Hmmm ... [thanks Kacey]
The news:
- Mayim Bialik is the proud mom of a new baby boy. No word on whether or not the poor dear has her nose.
- Mary Kate Olsen is sooooo over NYU.
- Mariah Carey is emancipating more Mimi.
- The official X-Men 3 website is up and running. [thanks lostsubtleties]
- Click HERE for big pics of the Lost Dharma Hatch logos so far. [thanks Chris]
- So ridiculous. [thanks Exa]
- Outkast ready to release their new album.
- When Landon Lueck speaks, people listen.
- Is no one safe from ignorance?! [thanks Erin]

We're hot ... right? We totally had the best time ever hanging out with these amazingly fun ladies. I need to figure out a way for us all to remain friends because I would love to hang out with them on a regular basis.
We were going to go to Pop Starz last night but because we were all wiped out from the super crazy week and we ended up just going to i Candy Lounge for a few drinks.
Today will be a pretty chill day ... I have one interview this afternoon and then I'm spending the rest of my time hanging out with friends ... which I'm so looking forward to. I think we're going to a friend's party tonight ... and I hoping we can do the beach tomorrow!
Finally ... some relaxing downtime. I can't wait!
I'm out. Posted 12:00 PM PST