Thursday, February 08, 2007
Peace The Spork Out Anna Nicole

Anna Nicole Smith has died, this according to her attorney Ron Rail. Smith collapsed at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida and died at a local hospital hours later. According to hotel officials, Smith was "unresponsive" and emergency responders performed CPR at the scene and a breathing apparatus was inserted in her throat. Anna was immediately transported to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood just after 2:00 PM EST. WFOR-TV in Miami reports that Anna was found unresponsive in her hotel room. Local streets were closed off to rush Smith to the hospital, three miles away. Paramedics were seen pumping her chest as she was taken from the hotel.
At a press conference held at the Hard Rock Hotel in Hollywood, FL Seminole County Police Chief Charlie Tiger reported that Anna Nicole Smith, a frequent visitor to the Hard Rock Hotel (she arrived on Monday), was pronounced dead at 2:49 PM ET.
At 1:38 PM ET Anna Nicole's personal nurse made the emergency call to the hospital (he did not know why she had a nurse with her). At 1:45 PM ET her bodyguard administered CPR on her and at 2:49 she was pronounced dead at the hospital. The crime lab is now on the scene at her 6th floor hotel room. It was also reported that her daughter Dannielynn Hope Marshall was not with her ... she is in the Bahamas.
I'm sure we'll know very soon what was the cause of death but it saddens me to think that my suspicions will be proven correct. Her life has been wrought with tragedy ... and this final chapter brings that tragic life to a tragic end. You know that her laywer/partner Howard K. Stern is not taking this very sad news well ... unless he is the one who worked on her last will and testament. Larry Birkhead (the man who is claiming paternity to her newborn daughter), on the other hand, is "not OK" after hearing this news. Anna Nicole's former publicist is "not surprised".
UPDATE: Click HERE for video of Anna Nicole's body being moved into the Medical Examiner's office.