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Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Longest Day

There is finally some hopeful, good news on the status of the Writer's Strike. Even tho there have been rumors of a possible settlement going around for weeks, there really hasn't been any concrete information to come from those rumors. At long last, both sides are confirming that a tentative deal has been agreed upon ... now all that is left is for the Writer's Guild of America to vote for its ratification ... and then the strike can come to an end. The WGA is expected to put this tentative agreement before their members for voting on Monday:

The WGA has finalized its tentative agreement with the majors and will present details of the pact to members today in meetings in Los Angeles and New York. Those meetings -- set for the Crowne Plaza in Gotham and the Shrine in Los Angeles -- are expected to serve as a barometer for WGA leaders to determine whether the deal's acceptable to the 10,500 striking writers. The WGA West board of directors and the WGA East Council will meet Sunday to formally endorse the contract. And writers could be back at work as early Monday, depending on whether the WGA's ruling bodies decide whether to end the three-month strike at those Sunday meetings. Leaders of the WGA made the announcement of the finalized deal early Saturday after spending much of Friday meeting with lawyers over the contract language. WGA West president Patric Verrone and WGA East prexy Michael Winship sent a message to members that stressed the gains made in the new-media sector. "It is an agreement that protects a future in which the Internet becomes the primary means of both content creation and delivery," they said. "It creates formulas for revenue-based residuals in new media, provides access to deals and financial data to help us evaluate and enforce those formulas, and establishes the principle that, 'When they get paid, we get paid.'" Verrone and Winship said in the message that the time has come to end the strike and cited the "enormous personal toll on our members and countless others. As such, we believe that continuing to strike now will not bring sufficient gains to outweigh the potential risks and that the time has come to accept this contract and settle the strike," they said. "Much has been achieved, and while this agreement is neither perfect nor perhaps all that we deserve for the countless hours of hard work and sacrifice, our strike has been a success." The finalized deal came a week after the Feb. 1 breakthrough in informal talks between WGA leaders -- Verrone, negotiating committee chief John Bowman and WGA West exec director David Young -- with News Corp. president Peter Chernin and Disney topper Robert Iger. The resolution of the strike will enable TV networks to salvage the remaining TV season and pilot season along with permitting scribes to begin working again on film scripts. The end to the strike would also permit the Academy Awards telecast on Feb. 24 to proceed without disruption.

This really smells to me like a final resolution to this matter ... to which I say, WOOT! But, to be clear, it's not a totally done deal. There are things about the agreement that are being met with resistance already ... but I can't help but think that being this close to a resolution will end up bringing an end to this long struggle. [Source]

In somewhat happy news, Michelle Williams was seen smiling for the first time in a very long time as she and family and friends of Heath Ledger threw a jubliant water wake in celebration of Heath's life in Australia this week. It's great seeing Michelle look so happy in this pic:

What started out as a subdued wake after Heath Ledger's funeral ended in an emotional goodbye by mourners including Michelle Williams, who all took a plunge into the ocean as the sun began to set. "It's exactly what Heath would have wanted," one mourner told PEOPLE, dripping wet in his underwear as he made his way out of the water. An unidentified man led Williams by the hand, followed by several guests, who walked down the stairs behind the Indiana Tea House on Cottesloe Beach, the site of the wake and one of Ledger's favorite spots. At least 50 people attending the wake ran onto the beach and many began to take off their clothes. While some women took the plunge in their black dresses, other men and women stripped down to just their underwear and jumped into the ocean. Williams, still wearing her cream-colored sundress and black sunglasses, was briefly dragged into the water as everyone cheered. She was then quickly surrounded by a group of mourners, creating a protective circle around the actress. Those in the water laughed and cheered as Michelle watched from the shore. Ledger's sister Kate also took a dive into the water and was surrounded by pals splashing around her while her father Kim Ledger watched from the restaurant's balcony and shouted, "Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!" giving two thumbs up in the air. As the sun began to set, the swimmers came on shore and stood in a line on both sides of Williams and linked arms. In the last five minutes, as the sun moved toward the horizon, the mourners stood in silence, watching and embracing. Williams hugged Kate Ledger and smiled as she watched the sunset at 8:15 p.m., local time. Two mourners in the group summoned up the moment as they stood behind Williams. "The sun goes down on our love," they said. "But it will never go down on Heathy."

I love it. With all the sadness that came along with Heath's untimely death, it's really very amazing to see his family and friends send him off in this way. I had no idea how long it would be until we would see a smile on Michelle's face and here we are already. What a nice way to say goodbye ... and to send Heath Ledger off into eternal peace and slumber. [Source]

While the big party on the last day of NY Fashion Week yesterday HAD to be the Project Runway Season 4 Finale Fashion Show which took place at The Tent in Bryant Park yesterday morning, there were a couple of other big shows that took place yesterday to bring another Fashion Week to a close. Here are pictures from the Marc Jacobs Fall/Winter '08 Collection fashion show that took place at the New York State Armory last night:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Vicki B. made her way to the Marc Jacobs show last night after spending the day all over the place, making various appearances at other Fashion Week shows ... she opted to wear a very backless dress to show of her back tattoo (the one that was thought to have been hiding underneath bandages) and, apparently, the bad spray-on tan she had smeared all over her back. Kevin Federline took some time off from being a model father to put in some face time at NYC Fashion Week, showing up on the last day for a couple of shows around town (he also hit up the Sean John show as well). The always lovely Selma Blair, the amazing M.I.A. and the always in fur Ana Wintour were also in the hiz for Marc's show ... which turned into one helluva party -- Sonic Youth played a concert and everything. Pret-ty swank. [Source]

UPDATE: Pink reader Nadia reminded me that the tattoo on VB's back isn't new and clued me in about the bandage that she was wearing on her back last week, she writes:

Recently she was wearing an bandage on her neck and people were speculating that she got a new tattoo ... here's the real story: In Boston she appeared on stage with a bandage on her neck, when she came to Montreal, a journalist asked her why, she joked that she got into a fight with Mel B and she lost. She then said that she just had a stiff neck and that it's OK now. The picture of the 'new' tattoo that you showed is actually a tattoo that she got around 2006 ... which is a Hebrew inscription that means "I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me", and David Beckham has the same tattoo on his arm. They got them for a wedding anniversary.

Which pretty much clears up the confusion ... kinda. I dunno, that bandage she was wearing did not look like the kind of bandage that would be needed for a stiff neck but ... whatevs. Thanks Nadia!!!

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the death of Anna Nicole Smith and Larry Birkhead had more up his sleeve other than just taking his baby daughter, Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern Birkhead, to the unmarked grave of her mother for a segment on Entertainment Tonight and The Insider. That's right folks, he also created an online memorial for the mother of his only begotten child at

Here is the full text of Larry's online memorial to the late Anna Nicole Smith:






This is a very nice sentiment and I do not want to besmirch Larry's memorial because I'm sure he would much rather have the mother of his daughter with him as tries to raise their daughter. I just think he would get more sympathy, at least from me, if he it didn't spend so much time flaunting his daughter and his grief for the Entertainment Tonight cameras. I'm not sure if ET has gone on the record to say that they do not pay him for these interviews but I find it very hard to believe that Birkhead would offer this sort of exclusive footage out of the kindness of his heart. [Source]

The once-powerful Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss has gotten herself locked up behind bars again but this time for drunk driving, possession of prescription drugs and driving without a valid license. Hey, at least she wasn't busted for what she used to get busted for:

Police say they got a call warning of a possible drunk driver. When Nye County Sheriff's deputies pulled the car over, they discovered it was being driven by none other than Heidi Fleiss. Cops say during the traffic stop they found prescription narcotics for which Fleiss was unable to produce a valid prescription. Passenger John Owen (interesting name) was also arrested for allegedly possessing a controlled substance and marijuana. The former Hollywood Madam has been charged with driving without a license, possession of dangerous drugs without a prescription, being under the influence of a controlled substance and driving under the influence of a controlled substance. Fleiss was reportedly opening so-called "stud farms" in Nye County where brothels are legal. She currently operates a laundromat called "Dirty Laundry."

Well, at least we can say that Heidi has been trying to stay "clean" in recent years. But, really, is anyone at all surprised by this news? [Source]

Daaaaaaaaaayum. Jesse Metcalfe is not having a great time of it these days. Not only is he trying to heal a broken heart after getting dumped, again, by his former girlfriend Nadine Coyle (from the pop group Girls Aloud) but he's also trying to heal his face after it got punched in by the boyfriend of Taryn Manning ... who Jesse tried to get frisky with at Hollywood nightspot Boulevard 3 (where a Nicole Khristine Jewelry launch was taking place) this week. Ouch!

The actor reportedly got into a fist fight with the boyfriend of a C-list actress outside Boulevard 3 nightclub in Hollywood last night. Jesse, 29, came off second best in the brawl and ended up hitting the pavement after being punched in the face. According to one US website, Jesse spotted a friend of his, actress Taryn Manning, and strolled over for a chat and a hug. This didn't sit too well with Taryn's partner, who launched into such a frenzied attack against Jesse that doormen had to step in and part the two men.

And to add insult to injury, TMZ's cameras where present when this beatdown took place and they got it all on film ... which has been uploaded online and can be seen HERE over and over and over ... to your heart's content. Oh and, in case you were wondering, the guy who did the punching is none other than UK rapper Mamms Taylor (yeah, I don't know either) who told his side of the story to In Touch Weekly magazine:

Jesse Metcalfe went from Desperate Housewives to getting pummeled outside Boulevard 3 nightclub in Hollywood on February 7 and now Mamms Taylor is talking exclusively to In Touch. According to an eyewitness outside the club, Jesse was seen "harassing" Mamms and his girlfriend of four-months, actress Taryn Manning. "I'm an old-fashioned guy and I stood up for my woman," Mamms says. "Jesse said some inappropriate things and when I tried to diffuse the situation he grabbed my neck so out of self-defense I knocked him right on his ass." "He didn't get in one good punch but to Jesse's credit I lost one of my shoes," Mamms continues. According to an insider, Mamms, a music producer and artist, received over 17,000 hits to his MySpace page when news of the incident hit the web. "Mamms doesn't start fights but he finishes them," his pal says. "Jesse picked on the wrong guy and that's why he got knocked out."

Um, this is kinda LOL-worthy. Especially when you consider how much Jesse loves to walk around town with his chest all puffed out and the one time a dude takes a pop at him (knocking him on his ass, mind you) he can't do anything in retaliation but say, "What the fuck? What the fuck?" Mebbe he's a lover and not a fighter ... yeah, mebbe. [Source, Source]

Kylie Minogue, who has been lookin' really hot with her new curly 'do, appears to have tired of her look already because she's already moved on to an even newer look:

Photo credit: Splash News

It looks like someone has been getting beauty tips from Pete Wentz. Meh, it looks a'ight ... but I liked the curls much better. [Source]

Here are a few uberhawt promo pics from the controversial new movie Stop Loss which stars the meaty-delicious Channing Tatum and the always scrumptious Ryan Phillippe. The movie also stars Abbie Cornish, who you may recall was the lady that Ryan was seen canoodling with ... which ended up leading to the end of his marriage to Reese Witherspooon:

I am very interested in seeing this movie because the subject matter looks very enlightening. It is this enlightenment that is pissing off supporters of the war in Iraq. Here is a brief movie description from

Decorated Iraq war hero Sgt. Brandon King (Phillippe) makes a celebrated return to his small Texas hometown following his tour of duty. He tries to resume the life he left behind with the help and support of his family and his best friend, Steve Shriver (Tatum), who served with him in Iraq. Along with their other war buddies, Brandon and Steve try to make peace with civilian life. Then, against Brandon's will, the Army orders him back to duty in Iraq, which upends his world. The conflict tests everything he believes in: the bond of family, the loyalty of friendship, the limits of love and the value of honor.

Supporters of the war have pronounced the message of this movie as "anti-war" but, to me, it just seems like the dramatization of a practice that happens to army heroes more often then we as a public even know. The trailer that I saw really hooked me ... I am very much interested in seeing this movie for myself. [Source]

Nicole Kidman is lookin' ridiculously AMAZING on the cover and in the pages of the Australian version of Harper's Bazaar magazine ... check it out:

Nikki K's homage to Marilyn Monroe is spot on ... she looks amazing. I hope the next time we get to see Nik in a photospread it's when he's showing off her new baby bump :) [Source]

The Gossip Girl guys Penn Badgley, Chace Crawford and Ed Westwick are featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Out magazine ... showin' the gays that they appreciate their support of thier new TV show:

Er, they're prolly also fueling the naughty fantasies of Out magazine readers who are fans of the show as well ... and you gotta love dudes are confident enough with who they are to appear in a mag like this. Love it! [Source]

And finally, it's time for this week's batch of photos sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Jenna sends in a pic of her daughter who is celebrating her 1st birthday today ... and who we should remember fondly because she was featured on the blog last year around this time just after she was born (click HERE to see the post she was featured on) -- Clara sends in a pic of her adorable son Christopher celebrating the NY Giants Super Bowl win last Sunday -- Theresa sends in a pic of her son Colton in celebration of Chinese New Year of the Rat ... she sends in her hope that this new year brings great fortune, health and love for everyone -- Dorion sends in a pic with her friend enjoying a couple of hot pink Cosmopolitan martinis -- Kate sends in a pic from her Oregon Trail party last week -- Lainey sends in a pic from her grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary that was just celebrated in Florida on January 26th (one day after their actual anniversary):

Much congrats and love to you all for these pics. I was just floored to see that Jenna's baby was celebrating her first birthday already after she was featured here on the blog last year ... it was just a very nice follow-up ;) Much congrats goes out to Lainey's grandparent's for making it happily to their 50th anniversary -- David and I are hot on their heels as we celebrate our 2 year ani later on this week :) Thank you all for the pics ... I love them all :)

Les News:
So ... yesterday was pretty much one of the coolest days of my life ... it also seemed like it was the longest. Because the Project Runway Finale Fashion Show was so early in the morning, I had to get an early start ... after the show was finished, I blogged for a bit before my good friend Diana arrived here in town. She is staying with David and me until tomorrow because, A.) I miss her, B.) I only see her around this time of the year (she arrived one year to the day that she arrived in LA for our last visit together) and C.) because my David is so amazing to let her crash with us in his home. Our plan was to go see Rent one more time on Broadway before the show closes later on this year (it was one of the first things we ever did together when we met 10 years ago) and just have a great time in the city together. Here are some pics from yesterday's fun ... including a pic with Pink reader Meredith who I met at the PR show yesterday as we were being ushered into The Tent:

We had fun at Rent but the magic wasn't quite what we remembered (and the actor who played Roger really sucked) but it was deffo worth doing for us. We met up with David for dinner at Tasca before we met up wtih his friends Marissa, Trey and Isaac at Vlada for drinks and convo ... unfortch, Vlada was packed beyond belief so we pretty much were smooshed up against the wall all night long. Ah well ... I did get to meet Pink readers Mike, Drew and Noah so it was worth it:

This pic of Drew and me was taken at Vlada with a cameraphone ... hence the scariness ;) Tonight, Diana, David and I are going to see Siouxsie play her solo show at the Fillmore ... Wee!!!

And so ... that is all ... I'm out.



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