PINK is the new BLOG
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Deadbeat Club

I don't normally start out a day's post with obits but Rosa Parks was such an important figure in American History that I felt it would be very appropriate to do just that. The mother of the civil rights movement died yesterday at the age of 92:

Rosa died last night between 7PM and 8PM. Her courage and fortitude will never, ever be forgotten. [Source]

Okay ... let's get to the goss ... Paris Hilton and Stavros Niarchos are falling more in love by the second ... check out the randy pair as they cavort on a Mexican beach:

I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict that THIS union will SURELY be the one to last for all time. A true love story to outlast the ages ... Parisopolis forever, y'all! [Source]

So the big story that is going around is the secret lovechild that Janet Jackson bore about 18 years ago when she was married to one of the DeBarge brothers. Here is a picture of the girl who claims to be Janet Jackson's daughter:

C'mon y'all ... this girl looks exactly like Janet ... damn, she was even born with the infamous plastic Jackson nose. I think Janet's got some 'splainin' to do. [Source]

Speaking of the Jacksons ... it's been a while since we checked in with Wacko Jacko ... I wonder what he's been up to:

Ah yes, he's gettin' ready for Halloween. [Source]

Madonna is surely recovering from her weekend of clubbing ... here are a couple pictures of Madge and Rocco as they are leaving the Kabbalah Center:

It is still amazing to think of Madonna as a mother. She is so nurturing and loving now ... her kids are so cute. I think it's safe to say that Rocco and Lola really steal the spotlight in her new documentary I'm Going to Tell You a Secret. Who's the Queen, Rocco? [Source]

Dannii Minogue spent the weekend clubbing as well ... she performed at London's G-A-Y club ... here are some pictures of her on her way in:

I'm not sure what is going on with that thing on her head ... at first I thought it was a sleep mask ... but I think it's supposed to be a visor of some sort. Whatever the hell it is it's ugly. Dannii tries too hard sometimes ... when she really doesn't need to. [Source]

Jennifer Garner is about a month away from birthin' her baby girl and, boy, does she look it ... here are some pictures of Jen at her baby shower over the weekend:

I can't wait until she has that baby and then let's People magazine come in and photograph her and the baby ... and then she ends up regretting it and recalls the pictures but then they end up on the Internets anyway ... and then they have to be pulled again. It's the latest rage. [Source]

Tori Spelling seems to be suffering from some sort of malaise. I wonder what the dealio is:

Hmmm, I bet it has something to do with, not only a failed career, but a failed marriage as well. Yeah, that'd be a bummer. [Source]

Halle Berry is getting into the Halloween spirit ... she paid a little visit to (a sad-looking) pumpkin patch before hitting the regular shops:

Notice that she is not wearing open-toed shoes. Scar-y! [Source]

Heidi Klum is also getting into the Halloween spirit ... she took her daughter Leni to a more substantial pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkin to take home:

They are so cute ... Hmm, I wonder if Erik and I are going to pick up some pumpkins this year ... [Source]

Here are a couple pictures of Mariah Carey at the airport in Nice, France:

The pix aren't anything special ... I just like Mariah Carey's boobies. [Source]

If you head over to Lindsay Lohan's official My Space profile you can stream her new song Confessions of a Broken Heart ... you can also preview her new single/album artwork:

Her video debuted on MTV last night ... I'm not a fan of "serious pop ballads", nor am I a fan of overly dramatized music videos where the music stops in the middle so that a scene can be acted out. You wanna guess what I think of the video? [Source]

Pink reader Kendra sent in these pictures of Hilary Duff as she taped an episode of MTV's TRL in Italy ...

She looks very Evita-esque, don't she? [thanks Kendra]

Hilary is also on the cover of the new issue of the Canadian magazine Fashion 18:

She looks amazing on the cover ... but I'm not feeling the wool/tweedy jacket in the 3rd picture. It makes her look a little ... matronly. [Source]

Speaking of amazing ... check out these pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal in GQ magazine:

Le sigh Le HOT! [Source]

And finally, Reese Witherspoon is on the cover of the new issue of Vogue magazine:

She always looks so pretty ... but I'm not completely sold that she will do a stunning job as June Carter Cash in the movie Walk the Line. Granted, I'm only going by what I've seen in the movie trailer but everytime I hear her speak with a Southern accent all I can think about is her character from Sweet Home Alabama. I hope she proves me wrong ... I'm really excited for Walk the Line. [Source]

Les News:
So ... last night Sarah and VLB came over so that we could all watch the first 2 episodes of VH1's I Love the 80s 3D together:

We had THE best time! I think that everything on TV should be in 3D. At first we were a little disappointed because nothing seemed to be jumping out of the TV screen but then the show started and the 3D kicked in and we all went WOAH at the same time ... it was funny.

BUT ... we discovered that if you wear the 3D glasses too long you get a headache ... I actually had to take mine off for the second half of the second episode (1981). Irregardless, I have to give it up to VH1 for coming up with a great way to keep the I Love the 80s series going ... I can't wait to watch the rest of the episodes!

So ... Halloween is almost upon us and I have no idea what I'm going to be for Halloween ... well, okay ... I have some idea but I'm not sure how I can pull it off ... Fortunately for me, my friend Joe has come up with a costume for me already:

LOL! I love this picture so much ... I had to share.

Last thing ... I had a great chat with a my new friend Nadine so I have to send out lots of Pink love to her and her friend Laura! Wassup biatches!

I'm also sending out good thoughts and healing vibes to Camillah ... I hope you get well soon!!! XOXO

Okay ... I'm out. Lates.



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