PINK is the new BLOG
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Quickest Way To A Woman's <3

Dagnabit! I knew it ... I freakin' knew it ... when I saw those pictures of Kevin Federline picking up an order of BBQ ribs I just knew that Britney Spears' heart would melt right on the spot ... lo and behold ... a reunited Spederline:

The (happy?) couple were spotted doing a little shopping at The Grove in LA this week. Spederline were holding hands and perusing the outdoor stands that are set up to ensure quick and easy Xmas shopping. The pair then quietly snuck into the movie theater to catch a showing of Memoirs of a Geisha. Defamer has the deets from inside the theater: "The relationship seemed to be going fine, as K-Fed practically had his head in her lap the entire time. Highlights included K-Fed talking on his cell phone during the movie, Britney sneezing on the guy in front of her and him turning around to scowl at her, and a little tiff when Kevin repeatedly insisted that they leave during the film's climactic final scene." LOLOLOLOLOL! It appears that K-Fed will do almost anything to try and win his way back into Brit Brit's heart ... and wallet. Homie ain't as dumb as he looks ... [Source]

... despite his clothing choices:

What, exactly, is the message that Kevin is sending out to the curious t-shirt readers out there? Are we to engage in conversation amongst ourselves and leave him be? I just need to know what it is that he wants from me. [Source]

Ugh ... those two ... anyways, let's move on ... the new movie Cheaper by the Dozen 2 premiered in LA last night:

Stars Steve Martin and Hilary Duff were on hand for the premiere ... I'm not sure the sleigh was entirely necessary but this close to Xmas I suppose anything is possible. I was confused why Carmen Electra was at the premiere but apparently she's in the movie as well ... family "holiday" movies are not really my thing ... but I'm sure the flick will provide nice wholesome fun for the whole family. [Source]

Rachel Bilson was on hand for the opening of The Milk Store this week ... and I have to ask ... is it really necessary to put that thing in your mouth, Rach?

Seriously, she got talked into that pose, right? [Source]

Yay! It's about time ... here is the Jennifer Lopez that I know and love ...

Nice make-up, happy smile, dead animals draped around her head ... she looks great! The same cannot be said for her husband and co-star Marc Anthony. [Source]

Well, well, well ... it appears that Evangeline Lilly is not as eco-friendly as I thought:

Well ... at least she sometimes rides her bicycle over driving her SUV, that's gotta count for something. I ain't mad atcha ... just make sure you don't let Michelle Rodriguez drive. [Source]

Jude Law and Sienna Miller don't look very happy as they emerge from Barneys after a recent shopping excursion:

Ol' Jude, ol' boy is treading very dangerous waters with Miss Miller ... he better get his act together otherwise he's gonna be in huge trouble. Sienna better get everything on her Xmas list this year. [Source]

Here are a couple of pictures of Prince from his press conference yesterday announcing the single and video release of his new song Te Amo Corazón:

A clip of the video can be seen at his official website The video (which was directed by Salma Hayek) and the digital track are both available for purchase at his site as well. I am an enormous Prince fan ... I am very excited about the news of a new album. Where there is an album there is usually a tour ... [Source]

TomKat do everything together ... including taking trips to the bathroom, you know because Katie Holmes is pregnant and pregnant women go to the bathroom a lot ... see, you can tell that she's really pregnant because she is going to the bathroom ... and Tom Cruise is escorting her ...

... see how that works? Yeah, he can also keep an eye on her lest she get any notions of escaping out the back window ... or something. Oh TomKat ... the two of you are quite odd in your way and yet, I love you so ... I cannot wait for your further misadventures to come in the new year. I cannot wait to see how this baby thing turns out. [Source]

Hot damn ... Jason Statham is quite an actor ... with great talents ... here is the thespian shooting a scene for one of his upcoming movies titled Crank:

Click above to see the semi-NSFW uncensored version

Oh yes, I am a fan ... yessiree ... [Source]

Scarlett Johansson and Jonathan Rhys Meyers get hot and heavy (playing a dangerous game of infidelity) in the new Woody Allen movie Matchpoint:

Erik and I saw the trailer in the theater and became immediately excited because, well, Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a great actor and the movie looked very interesting. I'm usually not a fan of movies about cheating (I had no interest in seeing Derailed) but this one, directed by Woody Allen, looks pretty good. It's been nominated for 4 Golden Globe awards and it's not even out yet. [Source]

Jake Gyllenhaal was featured recently in the Sunday Herald UK newspaper:

I like his jacket. [Source]

Kelly Clarkson has been chosen by Blender magazine as their Woman of the Year, here is her magazine cover picture:

Kelly had an amazing year ... Since U Been Gone is truly one of the hottest songs of the year, her album Breakaway kept churning out hit after hit ... and Kelly remained true to who she is the whole way through. She is the only American Idol as far as I'm concerned ... rock on Kelly, you rule! [Source]

If you thought that Paris Hilton decorated house was bad, wait til you feast your eyes on this ridiculous-wonderfulness:

Doesn't this site just bring a tear to your eye? Just think what it does for the neighbors. I was telling my good friend Jeff about this house and he told me that he not only already knew about it but had taken quite a few pictures. The Xmas spirit touches us all, in different ways ... sometimes in inappropriate ways ... but sometimes you just have to go with it and try and remember the reason for the season. [thanks Jeff]

We've heard a bit about Cisco Adler and his band Whitestarr thanks to his new relationship with Mischa Barton ... but have we really listened to this man's music ... have we really listened?

Head on over the band's official My Space profile to preview some tracks off their recently completed album. If that ain't enough, you can read the band's blog HERE for the in depth inside information. It's okay ... you don't have to thank me. [thanks Kat]

And finally, I have to send out lots of love to Bradford from Queerty for sending in this picture:

Bradford holds a special place in my heart ... he was the very first blogger ever to link to my blog and send me some love back when no one else paid any attention. He was way ahead of the curve ... thanks for the hot pic.

Les News:
Last night was so fun ... a bunch of us got together to celebrate Ben's birthday and were happily surprised to find that Sam had spent hours making lots of amazing sushi for us to eat. They had everything ... from the miso soup (that Jessica and I kept eating bowl after bowl) and seaweed salad to the different varieties of flavored ice cream for dessert. It was quite a spread, y'all ... hanging out with everyone just talking, laughing and eating was so fun. We totally had the best time.

This afternoon, Erik and I are planning on catching a matinee showing of King Kong before having a nice date night tonight.

If you are in New York, make sure you don't miss Ultragrrrl's showcase show Stolen Transmission LIVE!!! ce soir featuring Yes, Virginia (8pm), Her Daily Obsession (9pm), SPECIAL SURPRISE GUEST (10pm) and Monty (11pm). Click HERE for further deets ...

And that is all. Lates.



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