PINK is the new BLOG
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

High Low Court

Some people believe the picture of Britney Spears from yesterday's post is actually a picture of Jamie Lynn Spears -- personally, I think it's Brit ... you can tell by the lines on her face ... but in any regard, these pictures are definitely of Britney as she waves and throws beads at a Mardi Gras party earlier this week:

ET has Britney Mardi Gras video HERE. Mardi Gras is dunzo for this year ... today is the first day of Lent. I do not celebrate Lent but I'm always very intrigued by people's ability to give up a favorite thing in order to satisfy their faith. I am not very disciplined so I'm not sure if I'd be good at the whole Lent thing ... but ANYWAYS to those of you who are good at the Lent thing -- Happy Lent! [Source]

A few of Hollywood's "It" girls turned out last night for the General Motors Ten Celebrity Fashion Show ... the celebs were on hand, not only to attend the event, but to participate in the fashion show as well ... celebs like Lindsay Lohan even provided that extra bit of titillating entertainment:

Yessir ... Linds decided to let one of the girls come out to say hello. Click HERE to see that last picture uncensored but be warned, it is extremely NSFW! [Source, Source]

See ...? L. Lo knows how to spice up a boring automotive event ... she's not an old stick in the mud like those fuddyduddies Paris Hilton and Mischa Barton:

Can you believe it? Not one flash of impropriety! The nerve! [Source, Source]

Anna Nicole Smith is really moving up in the world ... the woman has been fighting tooth and nail for years for the sake of truth and justice. She's met with successes and she's met with failure ... but her long legal struggles boil down to one last final showdown at the highest court in the land -- the US Supreme Court. Here are pictures of the crusader of justice (and her leech of a lawyer) as they make their way into the Supreme Court in Washington DC:

I'm amazed ... she doesn't even look drunk ... that much. Her whole legal battle to get her mits on her dead "husband's" fortune all comes down to this final play. I know her lawyer is salivating at the mouth over all of this ... I suppose it won't be long until we find out the outcome. Will Anna Nicole score a huge victory for gold diggers everywhere or not?! Stay tuned. [Source]

They said it couldn't be done ... I personally wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes ... it looks like Nicole Richie has actually put on some weight:

LOL! These pictures are from a taping of The Simple Life ... I'm not sure what she's doing exactly but maybe she's pulling a Katie Holmes? [Source]

Ryan Seacrest usually grosses me out ... but never more than in this picture:

Excuse me, I'm going to go gouge my eyes out and then stomp on them now. [Source]

Ack ... I need something to cleanse that icky sight from mine eyes ... I need something really hot to wipe away the ugliness ...

... ah yes, David Beckham will do nicely. [Source]

Oh no! It looks like Six has come down with Jesse Spano syndrome! Jenna von Oy must really be desperate for $$$ to be workin' that stripper pole like that:

Well, this smutty thing marginally worked for Elizabeth Berkeley ... here's hoping she doesn't get as desperate as Joey Lawrence. Whoa! [Source]

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is on the cover of the new issue of L'Uomo Vogue:

I'm not sure I'm feelin' the Michael Jackson fedora but I quite like the tank top photo. It's swell, don't you think? [Source]

Yuck! Lindsay Lohan is on the cover of the new issue of Seventeen magazine and I decided that I liked her big hair, mane look ... I now know that I'm an idiot sometimes ... check out the rest of the photoshoot and see for yourselves:

This is SERIOUSLY the worst photoshoot L. Lo has ever done. Her hair is a big mess of nast. That wig should be burned. I love ya Linds, but this shoot sucks. [Source]

Speaking of burning wigs ... hahahahahahah ... oh man ... I don't even know what to say ... check out these pictures of Victoria Beckham on the cover of Vanidad magazine:

I'm not sure what the hell happened at this photoshoot ... but doesn't one of the pictures look strangely out of place? [Source]

I think I found the inspiration for this picture:

I had no idea that Posh was such a big Afro Ken fan.

The News:
Life carries on ... I'm getting ready for my upcoming trips and am enjoying spending the alone time with myself. I did a bit of shopping yesterday and caught an evening showing of the movie Match Point:

Overall I really liked the movie ... but I wish the acting was a bit better. I think Scarlett Johansson looked great as the character of Nola but her acting left much to be desired. I actually laughed out loud when she was doing her "You're a liar!" tantrum ... that girl has made a career out of her plump, pouty lips -- I'll give her that. I quite liked everyone else in the film, especially Jonathan Rhys Meyers, even if I felt the plot got a bit convoluted. I have to admit, the movie ended up in a place I did not foresee and I really liked the way it ended. The whole "luck" theme resonated thruout the film ... and I think it was handled very well. I was also struck by the things that people feel they can get away with ... it's amazing the lengths that desperate people will go to. The movie is disturbing but enjoyable ... I'm not sure I'd recommend it as a date movie but I do recommend it nonetheless.

I have a billion things to do today before I meet up with some peeps for martinis tonight. I guess I should be on my way. I'm out.



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