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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

No Day But Today

Greetings & Salutations! Today is the first day of summer, known as the Summer Solstice. It is, as you may know, the longest day of the year ... it is my sincere wish that all y'all take full advantage of today and enjoy it as much as you can:

The exact moment of the summer solstice for this year takes place at 12:26PM GMT ... and then it's all down hill from there (i.e. the days start getting shorter). Summer is my favorite time of the year ... I have a feeling that this summer is going to be a great one.

MSNBC (by way of In Touch Weekly magazine) is reporting that things may not be as "awesome" in the Spederline marriage as Britney Spears would have us believe. According to a new report, married couple Britney and Kevin Federline are enjoying their recent Miami vacation apart ... which may explain why K-Fed is out roaming about town on his own while Britney is back at her rented house with Sean Preston:

The couple recently went on vacation in Florida -- but they reportedly stayed in separate rooms. Spears and K-Fed spent a whopping $250,000 for a getaway on Aqua Island, according to the upcoming issue of In Touch Weekly, which reports that except for a very public romp on the beach with their 10-month-old son, the two steered pretty clear of each other. In fact, Spears rented two houses so they didn't have to stay together. "She did it to get away from Kevin," a "friend" told the mag. Federline jet skied in South Beach by himself and in the evening, appeared at the club Mansion, where he had a scheduled appearance. Spears didn't attend, but K-Fed partied with eight friends, drank Cristal champagne, and danced until 3:30 a.m., according to the mag. Despite their problems, a "pal" says, Spears "wants the world to think they're happier than ever." I'm not sure how much stock I take in inside information like this coming from In Touch Weekly but it is clear that K-Fed likes his alone time. It's clear that he likes to go out partying, doing his own thing and now that he has an album to "promote" he has even more license to go out and do his own thing while Brit Brit stays at home with the baby ... er, babies. Oh Perry "SuperManny" Taylor ... where are you when we need you? [Source]

Unfortch, it looks like Perry Taylor's services may be terminated very soon ... that is, if The Federline gets his way: Kevin Federline has told Britney Spears to sack her new bodyguard - because he fears the pair are getting too close. The singer recently enlisted the services of Perry Taylor, a 28-year-old US Naval Academy graduate, to protect her and her son, Sean Preston, when she goes out ... Kevin has now told his wife he doesn't want her to employ the guard anymore because he is worried he will come between them as they try and save their struggling marriage. A source close to the pop star is quoted in Britain's The Sun newspaper as saying: "Kevin didn't like seeing Perry holding his son while out with Britney. He instructed her to drop him before their reunion last week where they decided to get their marriage back on track. Kevin was uncomfortable with Perry being so close to Britney and his son. He felt she was trying to taunt him." Perry has now reportedly been told by the 'Toxic' singer he will only be employed on an hourly basis when he is needed as opposed to the round-the-clock shifts he did before. Boo! Is all hope lost? We'll have to stay tuned to find out ...

So ... did y'all stay up late to watch the much-hyped interview that Angelina Jolie gave Anderson Cooper on CNN last night? I was surprised to find out her interview would take up most of the 2-hour program ... and I was even more surprised to find out that her interview was actually pieced together of the same few segments repeated over and over again:

I do admit that I found Angelina very likeable, eloquent and personable ... she gave good responses and managed to keep the flow of conversation natural. In the beginning of the interview, I had a hard time focusing on what she was saying because I kept trying to figure out who was wearing more foundation make-up -- Angelina or Anderson. It turns out that it was fine that I wasn't paying attention because the bits I missed out on in the beginning were repeated again and again and again. Angelina ended up talking about breast feeding (and how she can't possibly complain about having to do this "work" because refugees have it much worse than she does) 3 times. In fact, much of the 2 hour interview was made up of replayed bits of a few segment points -- like her first visit to a refugee camp, her point that the UN is not perfect and the defense of her love for her adopted children. I found it interesting that Anderson Cooper used the phrase "you know" at least 3 times (which is something that I tend to do). I also found it interesting that Anderson Cooper circa 1994 looked a lot like Brandon Walsh circa 1992 (but with a lot more grey hair). [Source]

I loved when Angelina spoke about her children ... I also love that she calls Zahara "Z" because Tracey calls her daughter Zakiya "Z Z". I suppose it should come as no surprise that Angelina reports that her little girl Zahara is a wee bit jealous of baby Shiloh:

Angelina Jolie, in her first U.S. interview since daughter Shiloh Nouvel was born three weeks ago, said her son Maddox, 4, adores his new sister -- while daughter Zahara, 16 months, is still coping with the addition to the family. "Mad loves her," Jolie said Tuesday on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360. "Because when Z came home she was older, she was 7 months old, so for Mad it's like having this tiny little pet he can just hold and look at. He's great." But, she added, "Z's a little jealous because she's still a little girl." Whew! I can see it now ... those girls are gonna be at each other's throats by age 5. I, for one, am putting my money on Zahara ... she looks like she can whip some ass. Shiloh may eventually turn out to be a stunning beauty but I'm sure Zahara can make sure that never happens. [Source]

Eh ... all in all I wasn't too thrilled with the interview ... I nodded off a couple of times. I'm just glad that it didn't air tonight opposite The Hills ... I prolly would've skipped it.

Tom Cruise brought his crazy train to Tokyo, Japan for the premiere of his latest movie Mission:Impossible:III ... he also brought along his crazy antics as well:

Of course, his new alleged baby Suri Holmes-Cruise was nowhere to be seen but that's because she probably only exists in press releases. Whatev, Tom ... show us the money baby. [Source]

Many of the hottest Hollywood "It" Girls were on hand for the launch party of the new "It" must-have toy of the summer. Here are a few pictures from the red pink carpet at the T-Mobile Sidekick 3 party in LA last night:

T-Mobile's Sidekick 3 - an updated, higher-tech version of the smartphone - officially launched in Los Angeles last night. B-listees like Kristin Cavallari, Travis Barker, Nick Cannon and Haylie Duff were expected to turn out, perhaps hoping the new PDA offering may catapult them to the same levels of notoriety and fame as Paris Hilton, whose Sidekick 2 data was famously burgled and posted online in 2005. The smartphone, which will officially hit the civilian market July 10 (but will be available to current T-Mobile customers June 28) will retail for approximately $300 with a two-year contract. It features a 1.3-megapixel camera, an MP3 player, EDGE wireless Internet technology, the possibility of expandable storage via mini-SD and a removable battery. I've read a few reviews that praise the advances in the updated SK3 but also mention that there are a few things that could've been improved upon. People (including me) go ga-ga over new toys like this so I'm sure it'll do well with the younger market. I know I can't wait to upgrade my Sidekick II :) [Source]

The cast of 24 (sans Kiefer Sutherland) paid a little visit to the good people of England recently (actually, back in May) to do a little fan meet-and greet ... here are a few pictures from the event, courtesy of

Woot! I would love to meet Mary Lynn Rajskub (Chloe) some day ... she rules. I love that Gregory Itzin (President Logan) wore a button that read Impeach Logan. I'm such a nerd, I would've gone to this event if I had the chance. I wonder if the cast of 24 do any appearances in LA? [Source via Source]

Yikes! It appears that Nicole Kidman is really feeling her age this year ...

... homegirl went waaaaaaaaay overboard with the botox. I think she's really gonna miss having the ability to move her eyebrows. [Source]

Brittany Murphy has been tapped to provide the new voice for the Disney character TinkerBell:

It is her task to provide all the magical pixie dust that Hollywood can handle. She is going to be very busy over the next few months. [Source]

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen are at it ... again ...

Photo credit: X-17

If MK thinks she's gonna make nightgowns happen then she is sorely mistaken. If you see someone on the street trying to mimic this Mary Kate "look" then you have my permission to slap them*. Ashley, to her credit, doesn't look horrible but that's generally due to the fact that she always gets compared to Mary Kate. [Source, Source]

*Please don't slap anybody, just point and jeer.

Since when did homeless people start drinking bottled water?

What is the world coming to these days? [Source]

Nicky Hilton's clothing line Chick by Nicky Hilton is launching a new line of designer purses ... with Tweety Bird on them:

Now you have the perfect handbag to go with that fugly ass outfit that you've been dying to wear. [Source]

Now, y'all know I love me some man love and there is no greater arena to watch the man love than that of the World Cup. Pink readers Kristen and Sarah send in these great pictures of a whole bunch of soccer dudes getting their celebration jollies on:

I think I'm beginning to understand why these guys take the sport so seriously. The more goals they score, the more chances they get to celebrate (note the hug + butt grab). If you score enough goals to win the game then you get to engage in a HUGE celebration with your team mates (note the man pile). And suddenly ... it all makes sense to me. [thanks Kristen & Sarah]

Pink reader Shaunna sends in this scan from the Australian magazine Girlfriend that features a short interview I did with the mag a few weeks ago:

I have to send out much love to all the Aussies out there. The support is much appreciated :) XOXO [thanks Shaunna]

And finally, here are few screencaps from my brief appearance on The Today Show this morning ... the subject was Celebrity Himbos and I got to comment alongside the illustrious editor-in-chief of Seventeen magazine, Atoosa Rubenstein:

I didn't get a lot of screentime but I am just thrilled at having the opportunity to appear on the show (I also liked that they used the Good Charlotte song The Anthem for background music). If you missed the segment air this morning then you can see it online HERE. [thanks Jordy]

El News:
So yeah, I taped my interview with NBC while I was in LA a couple of weeks ago. I have to send out lots of love to Allison at NBC who approached me to be on the show. From NYC, she coordinated everything with NBC producer Amy who worked with me in LA. Here is a picture of me at the Burbank NBC studios:

I had so much fun doing this ... David was with me at the interview ... he basically helped me not puke on my shoes from nervousness. Man I love that guy :)

Speaking of that guy, I'm flying out to NYC tonight to spend some quality time with him for about a week and half. I can't wait. Woot!

Last night, Sarah, Mark and I had a great dinner at Xochimilco in Mexicantown as a sort of Detroit send-off. I'll be in NYC until July 2 and then will be moving out west on July 6th. I won't have a lot of time to do any "Detroit things" in that short time. After dinner, we drove around downtown snapping pictures of the city at dusk:

I think these photos will look great on my fridge once I move into my LA apartment. I especially love the Faygo pop billboards. I'm really gonna miss Detroit.

So ... that's it for now ... I have packing to finish ... I'll be coming at you next from NYC. I'm out.



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