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Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Xmas

Woo ... what a week it has been. Emotionally I was a mess for the early part of the week but things started to level off and I started feeling somewhat normal again. The news of Britney Spears' desire to divorce Kevin Federline was a big boost for raising my spirits. It looks like things are full speed ahead for the final, official death of Spederline. I no longer fear that this divorce bizznazz is a publicity stunt ... things have progressed too far, so fast already. Here is a cute picture of the soon-to-be-single again Britney Spears as she emerged from a CVS drugstore after a late night trip to pick up snacks to take back to the recording studio early Friday morning:

It seems pretty clear to me that she's loving life right now. She's having a good time, playing around with the Santa Claus hat and showing off her tummy once again. It's just like the good ol' days. And it surely is a sight for sore eyes. I've already gotten my Xmas present for this year ... I don't think I need anything else. [Source]

Britney Spears is really cleaning house ... literally ... she has already put the Spederline Malibu mansion up for sale:

Images Removed By Request

For a cool $13.5 million you can own the home where Spederline flourished and floundered for 2 years. I'm fairly certain she will have no problem selling off this estate. I'm hoping she has a yard sale to get rid of all of Kevin's things ... that would effing rule! It's funny ... I bet K-Fed never knew that he would never get to return to his beautiful home when he left it last. Tsk tsk. [Source]

Well ... all that is over now ... Kevin's days of living high on the hog are pretty much dunzo ... case in point, K-Fed is no longer able to live in the lap of luxury ... he has been reduced to going back to what he knows best -- shopping at places like Wal-Mart. Here are pictures of once-again-broke-as-hell Kevin Federline doing a little bargain shopping at a Wal-Mart in Hagerstown, Maryland:

HAGERSTOWN - Paparazzi followed pop star Britney Spears' soon-to-be-ex-husband to Wal-Mart in Hagerstown on Friday, causing store officials to call police to control the commotion. James Hornsby, Wal-Mart store manager, said Kevin Federline and two of his bodyguards came into the store to buy food, clothing and video games. "They were on their way to Washington, D.C.," Hornsby said. "He said it was the second time in our store." Federline signed pictures after shoppers recognized him, Hornsby said. "We had to call Hagerstown city police because of the paparazzi following him," Hornsby said, noting the store has a strict policy about photographers on the premises. "One tried to come inside the store, and the police stopped him." Spears and Federline created a fresh wave of celebrity news this week when they separately filed divorce papers. LOL! Yeah, he better get used to this way of life again ... and I just LURVE how all the boasting he does on his album about how rich he is just makes him look even stupider than he did when we was actually that rich ... I foresee a future of many trips to Wal-Mart for our fave white boy rapper. [Source, thanks Kelly]

Maryland was just a stop on K-Fed's fruitless tour to promote his debut album Playing with Fire ... he spent last night in Washington DC trying to find out if he still had any friends left ... he found out that he does not. Pink reader Erin was at the Platinum Club in DC with K-Fed and she sends in these pictures of The Federline trying to look important to anyone who cared (no one cared):

Another Pink reader who wishes to remain nameless sends in this cute little story about what went down at the Platinum Club when K-Fed and crew rolled in: KFed & his entourage arrived around 12:15 to "judge" the fashion show being held on the bottom floor. (There's a balcony outside of the VIP room, so we were able to watch.) He looked absolutely abysmal. Firstly, the promoters were admittedly ashamed that KFed was at the event, and did not want to allow him into the VIP room. KFed tried to enter the VIP room and demanded a table, but none of the underage Georgetown/GW/American University underage Eurotrash wanted to give theirs up, as they were all booked in advance. Thus, KFed got pissed, stormed out, and immediately left the club. I wonder how long he's going to keep trying shizz like this. Does he seriously think that anyone will give him the time of day anymore ... like, seriously? He is THE laughing stock of Planet Earth right now ... if he were smart (which he isn't) he would cancel all public appearances, find himself a Motel 6 and stay out of sight for a good long time. The more he continues to show his face in public the more ridicule he's going to have heaped upon him. It is a bit delicious, tho :) [thanks Erin]

In other happy news, Kylie Minogue made her glorious return to the concert stage in Sydney, Australia Saturday night (which hasn't actually happened yet here in the US) as she resumed her Showgirl tour (aptly renamed the Showgirl Homecoming tour) in front of a house about 10,000 fans at the Sydney Entertainment Center ... here are a few pics:

Australian pop star Kylie Minogue returned to stage on Saturday for the first time since recovering from breast cancer, energetically belting out her trademark hits in front of a cheering, screaming crowd of thousands. Dressed in feathers from head to toe, with an Australian cockatoo's plume on her head, she began her concert at the Sydney Entertainment Center with an overture of her best-known songs before whipping into the single "Better the Devil You Know." The near sell-out crowd of 10,000 included parents with their children, teenyboppers, bohemians in black berets as well as a large contingent of gay men in pink hot pants and pink boa feathers who over the years have adopted Minogue as an icon. Many of the women in the audience were blonde-haired, but few had adopted Minogue's post-chemotherapy short-crop ... "I'm just going to try and enjoy the moment, roll with the crowd and take a few more risks," she said. And the 152 cm (5-ft) tall showgirl did not let her fans down, performing on a huge art-deco stage with 13 dancers, half a truck of feathers imported from the Lido theater in Paris, and a A$10 million ($7.7 million) video and laser show. Minogue is to perform 20 concerts in Australia, six in her hometown of Melbourne, before taking her tour overseas. She is due to perform in Britain on January 2. Pink reader Alicia sent in this review from the show from her BlackBerry: It was a locomotional night for KYLIE fans in Sydney as the petite pop princess took to the stage for the opening night of her showgirl homecoming tour. Fighting back tears as the crowd rose as one on sighting her feathery headdress, KYLIE launched into a touching rendition of better the devil you know. Fans went nuts for hits from every stage of her glorious career: confide in me, slow, can't get you out of my head and on a night like this for starters. Dramatic staging and costumes ranging from a leopard print cat suit complete with cute pointy ears and a barefoot slavegirl ensem confirmed her style queen status. Inviting the crowd to sing the male part to especially for you, a triumphant KYLIE ended the night on a high after three hours and two encores. She's back and better than ever people! Long live KYLIE! From what I'm hearing from Pink readers down under, the show is absolutely stunning. It has been a dream of mine to see Kylie live in concert at some point in my life. I hope that day will come ... but I am just ecstatic to know that Kylie is back on the stage that she loves so dearly. Welcome back, Kylie! I love you muchly!! [Source, thanks Craig]

In NYC last night, luminaries like Anne Hathaway, Claire Danes, Michael Kors, David Hauslaib (, and Andy Towle ( were all on hand for the Out magazine event that honored the 100 Most Influential People In Gay Culture. Unfortch I do not have any photos of David or Andy but here are a couple pics of the other luminaries that I mentioned:

Out magazine had someone live blog the event last night (you can read it HERE) and it sounds like it was a great time. David said that he had a blast -- as well he should since he is among the people featured in the issue of Out magazine. Congrats to all the honorees ... see, it's good to be gay! [Source, Source]

Here is a pic of Matthew McConaughey riding a bike all by his lonesome in Queensland, Australia showing off a new tattoo on his upper arm:

The tat looks really hot on his arm ... but sadly, it is only a temporary tattoo. Maybe sometime soon, he Jake Gyllenhaal and Lance Armstrong will all get inked together for real ... maybe something to celebrate their great affinity for one another? It's just a thought. [Source]

Jude Law paid a little visit to the dentist earlier this week and was photographed before going in to see the dentist and then after seeing the dentist:

Photo credit: Splash News

Hee hee ... it looks like he got himself a nice blast of happy gas. Hopefully, Judey pie got his butt straight home and into bed ... homie is lookin' pretty wrecked these days. [Source]

Also on the other side of the pond Paris Hilton finds herself in Dublin, Ireland doing promo work for her latest fragrance called Heiress ... here are a few photos of Miss Hilton trying to convince the Irish that her smell is worth buying since she is Irish herself:

One of the world's most sought after socialites Paris Hilton revealed her Irish roots as she launched her new perfume in Dublin. Fans thronged top shopping thoroughfare Grafton Street to catch a glimpse of the millionaire heiress. The 25-year-old fashion icon was asked why she decided to launch the fragrance, Heiress, in Ireland. She said: "Because I'm Irish. I've never been here before and I've always wanted to come here, my whole life. I'm fourth generation Irish. My great grandmother Dorothy Doogan was from Dublin." Well ... there you go. [Source]

Gwen Stefani debuted her new video for the song Wind It Up on MTV last night and here are a few screencaps from the Sound of Music-inspired video:

The video is reminiscent of the way she performed the song on tour last winter. I don't remember liking the song much when I heard it last year but it has since grown on me. The video is cute but I think she could've done a little more with it. [Source, thanks Sean]

And finally, here is a new batch of pictures sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Stephanie sends in this cute picture of her best friend Samantha who just got engaged and is proudly showing off her ring made of pink diamonds and pink gold -- Detroiter Joanne sends in a picture of Lisa and her bridal party celebrating her wedding -- James celebrating his 20th birthday in pink style -- Nikki, Lily, Geri, Virginia, Lisa and Emer sending off their good friend Amy on her last day of word -- Michaela, Jane and Martha from McGill University in Montreal, Canada celebrating the Death of Spederline:

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for the amazing pictures! I congratulate you and send you all my love! XOXOXO

Les News:
I've had a pretty bizzy week so I decided to keep it simple last night. I went to an early evening showing of Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan because I thought the theater would be empty ... it was not. I had my doubts that the movie would be as funny as everyone says that it is ... I was wrong ... the movie is absolutely, freaking hilarious:

I can't think of another movie that made me laugh the entire time. It's just so ridiculous and that you can't help but laugh at it. As funny as Sascha Baron Cohen is, I think the idiotic people who appear in the film are even funnier. This movie really shows how much ignorance and prejudice there is in the US. The racist, homophobic and sexist remarks are hard to listen to but I think it's brilliant that these people are shown to the world as the fools that they really are. I could have really done without all the nudity (believe me, not all male nudity is good) but the movie is really, really funny. I loved it.

I loved sleeping in today ... can I just say ... it was very niiiice. I am planning on seeing Night of the Living D3AD 3D this afternoon and I hear that Veruca Salt is playing a show at Safari Sam's tonight. I might have to say hey to Louise and the crew later on.

I hope you're having a great Saturday! I'm out.



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