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Monday, January 29, 2007


Well now ... it looks like we won't have to wait until Super Bowl Sunday to get our first look at the new Nationwide Insurance commercial featuring Kevin Federline. Pink reader Kristi alerted me to the fact that a teaser version of the Super Bowl ad aired this morning on the Today Show and is now available for viewing on the official Nationwide Insurance website:

LOL ... it's a cute clip and dare I say the song that K-Fed is rappin' is pretty catchy ... he should'a put that shizz on his debut album and it might've sold a few more copies. I was surprised to find out that Nationwide decided to start airing this commercial ahead of Super Bowl Sunday but since it's just a short teaser version I think there will still be enough interest to see the full length commercial when it airs next weekend. Oh and it must also be noted that red is very much K-Fed's color. [Source]

In other fast food news, Britney Spears took a break from her hellacious work-out schedule at the Millenium Dance Studio in North Hollywood, CA to hit the Golden Arches:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

EEK! How awkward to run into one's ex like this. [Source]

So ... the big story o' the day is the Screen Actor's Guild Awards that were awarded in Hollywood last night. Truth be told, I was too engrossed with my last evening with David to tune into the awards but I was happy to awaken today and learn that the usual suspects from this awards season continue to be honored for their work this year ... and HELLLLLLOOOO Little Miss Sunshine ... comin' out of nowhere to win all kinds of awards! Here are a few photos from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

Helen Mirren of "The Queen" and Forest Whitaker of "The Last King of Scotland" won Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday as best lead players, their latest prizes on the road to the Academy Awards. The road-trip romp "Little Miss Sunshine" won the prize for best film ensemble, the guild's equivalent of a best-picture award. Solidifying their positions as Oscar favorites, Mirren won for playing British monarch Elizabeth II and Whitaker for starring as Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. Eddie Murphy and Jennifer Hudson won supporting-acting honors as soulful singers in "Dreamgirls," reinforcing their status as Oscar front-runners as well. The best-picture Oscar race, though, remains wide open, with "The Queen" and "Little Miss Sunshine" up against three sprawling dramas, "The Departed," "Babel" and "Letters From Iwo Jima."

Murphy, who built his career as a fast-talking comic player, began with a thank-you speech more appropriate for a serious thespian — but his sober demeanor proved a gag. "What a tremendous honor to be recognized by one's peers. I've been acting for some 25 years now and this is a tremendous honor," said Murphy, talking in a British accent. "No, I'm sorry," said Murphy, cracking up in laughter. "I feel goofy up here, 'cause I don't be winning stuff." As a powerhouse vocalist in "Dreamgirls," Hudson continued her breakneck rise to movie stardom after becoming famous as an "American Idol" contender two years ago. Hudson thanked her co-stars, who included Murphy, Jamie Foxx and Beyonce Knowles. "Because of you, I was able to work and learn from the best. Yes, you are the best," said Hudson, who added thanks to the actors guild. "Just thank you for noticing little old me and accepting me." "Dreamgirls," which had been considered a potential best-picture favorite at the Academy Awards, was among the guild nominees for best ensemble cast, yet was shut out of the nominations for the top Oscar. Backstage, Murphy said he and his "Dreamgirls" castmates were as surprised as everyone else that the film received a leading eight Oscar nominations — but not one for best picture. "We got eight nominations, that was a great thing. We were happy about that," he said. "I was so happy to be nominated, I wasn't feeling disappointment about anything. I was caught off guard that we didn't get nominated for best picture but I've just been happy, nonstop happy." The ensemble win for "Little Miss Sunshine" could give the low-budget film a best-picture boost at th Oscars. But academy voters tend to favor heavy drama such as fellow nominees "Babel" and "The Departed."
Awww .. well at least poor Beyonce got a shout-out from J. Hud as she accepted her award ... was Beyonce even there? Did she fail to get invited? [Source]

Here are a few of the folks who took home SAG Awards last night:

Photo credit: Splash News

I would absolutely DIE if Little Miss Sunshine took home the Academy Award for Best Picture. I honestly don't see it happening (my gut tells me Babel will win but my gut is hardly ever right) but the fallout would be absolutely amazing. Lovely to see Miss America Ferrera still doing well with all of these awards that she's been accumulating and I'm sure, by now, Jennifer Hudson has had to build a new wing onto her residence to house all of her awards. The Grey's Anatomy cast looked great with their trophies and without Isaiah Washington -- perhaps it should stay that way. The next big awards ceremony on the horizon is the Grammy Awards in a couple of weeks ... but the Oscars won't be far behind. Click HERE to see the full list of 2007 Screen Actor's Guild Award winners. [Source]

In other vastly not-really-interesting news, Paris Hilton continues to work her little butt off in the wake of the scandalous personal photos, videos and documents that have been unleashed upon the Internets via the website ... er, but while Paris is continuing to work, is not -- it has been shut down by its registrar for TOS violations (something about the site posting content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable -- one has to wonder if subscribers will be getting any of their $40 back). Actually ... I think it was the sight of Cisco Adler's balls that really shut that site down for good -- OY! Anyways, here are a few photos of the working Paris Hilton in Venice, CA doing a fashion photo shoot:

Photo credit: Splash News

Glad to see that Paris isn't going to let a little thing like the whole world seeing pictures and videos of her engaged in various sex, drug and any plethora of other debaucherous acts keep her from showing up for work like a good girl. That is a PRO right there. The true Paris, exposed. [Source]

Incidentally, Paris' BFF (er, I think they're still BFF ... it has been ages since the two of them were seen together ... I've not heard of a falling out so we'll just assume that things are still A-OK) Nicole Richie spent some time over the weekend at the Shamrock Tattoo parlor on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood ... no word on what exactly she got done but she brought along a sketchpad AND her laptop computer to make sure it gone done right:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

Hmm ... why so much care just for a tattoo that prolly reads Joel Forever? [Source]

Lindsay Lohan spent another day NOT in rehab but with her mother Dina, her little sister Ali and her usual cavalcade of hangers-on doing a little shopping at Christian Dior in Beverly Hills over the weekend:

Photo credit: Mavrix, Splash News

Will you just look at that ... Lindsay has already gotten herself back to work and back to the boutiques in Beverly Hills ... it's as if she never went to rehab in the first place ... er, wait a minute ... [Source, Source]

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall have been spending the weekend hanging out with the American colonials in Pennsylvania and New York ... and apparently, Prince Charles was showin' the lads in Harlem, NY his mad basketball skills while in town to receive an environmental award:

Photo credit: Splash News

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla visited Harlem Sunday during their whirlwind American weekend, making a stop at a charter school where they answered children's questions and the prince took some time to shoot hoops with a basketball team. The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall arrived in New York from Philadelphia by a private train and visited the Harlem Children's Zone's Promise Academy. The royal couple are on a weekend visit to the United States that focuses on youth development, urban renewal and environmental stewardship ... Charles and Camilla also watched a rehearsal for a Shakespeare play and a basketball practice. Charles, wearing a blue double-breasted blue suit, blue shirt and striped tie, attempted two shots. He missed the first but made the second, drawing applause. "My son was up all night waiting for this," said Arona Pratt, the mother of one of the players. Pratt said Camilla, who wore a brown coat with a beaded collar and leopard print cuffs, "is pretty" ... On Sunday evening, Charles received an award for his work on behalf of the environment. Former Vice President Gore presented Charles with the Global Environmental Citizen Award, given by the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School. Gore, who praised the Prince of Wales' knowledge and passion, said he and the prince have had conversations about the global environment for 20 years. The prince said he was "touched" at being honored, especially by Gore. "We had great fun talking about all these issues long ago," the prince said. "I've been so fascinated watching his career, and to receive this award from him really has been a particular privilege but also immensely special." Aww yeah ... I knew that white men could jump. While I think it's great that the Prince and Duchess decided to pay a visit to the US of A I wouldn't mind if their sons Princes William and Harry decided to come out for a quick trip. They could come into LA and be shown the sights by Britney (for Wills -- wasn't there a rumor AGES ago that Prince Wills had a crush on Britney Spears ... back when she was still untainted and gross?) and Paris (for Harry -- she does have a thing for the firecrotch ... and something tells me that Harry could hang) ... wouldn't that be eversomuch fun? [Source]

Speaking of basketball, here are a few really cute pictures of David Arquette with his babygirl Coco at a LA Lakers game over the weekend:

Photo credit: Splash News

That little girl is sooo cute ... and I just know that she is going to be a fiend one day. [Source]

Somehow, Maggie Gyllenhaal got talked into showing up for a DVD signing for her movie Sherry Baby (which is in stores now) at a local Borders Book Shop ... and here are the uncomfortable photos:

I dunno what it is but there is something about Maggie that makes it really hard to imagine that she likes talking to ... regular people. Props to her for actually showing up tho ... [Source]

Did you know that Johnny Depp played in a band? Did you know that Johnny's band, called The Kids, played a gig in Pompano Beach, FL over the weekend?

Photo credit: Splash News

Did you know that this is only slightly more interesting than talking about Keanu Reeve's band that no one knows about called Dogstar? [Source]

In vastly more interesting gig news, here are a few photos from the Scissor Sisters show they just played in Tokyo, Japan:

Photo credit: Kevin Tachman

The band also shot a one-take music video for their song She's My Man with director Nagi Noda. And don't forget ... the Sisters will be appearing on the NBC soap Passions on February 8th and 9th -- set those DVRs/TiVos/VCRs. [Source]

Um ... I don't even know what to say about these first promo pictures of Daniel Radcliff (AKA Harry Potter) from his new theatrical play Equus:

I am actually ... speechless. What does one say when one comes upon photos of a beloved children's novel character who looks like ... this? Daniel will appear completely nekkid on stage for this play ... so I'm sure this is just the beginning. [thanks Cam]

And finally, it's been reported that Scientologists see their very own Christ in the guise of Tom Cruise ... and Gallery of the Absurd felt inspired to portray that notion in the following image:

LOL! Yep, I see it now. [Source]

Les News:
So my half-week with David is already over ... he's already back in NYC hard at work with all of his hard work. But I managed to snap one photo of the two of us from this weekend so that peeps can see that we really did have a great weekend together:

My beautiful new art piece is being delivered this afternoon so I'm anxious for its arrival ... and pretty much that is all I have on the agenda. I've been itching to see a movie for the past few days but David and I never found the time to go see one ... any suggestions?

I hope y'alls Monday is a good one ... or at the very least, I hope it goes by very quickly for you.

I am out.



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