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Friday, January 26, 2007

Now Showing

You may have noticed a distinct absence of all things Britney around these here parts for the past few days and even I have to admit that it has been a bit refreshing. Apparently, Britney Spears had fled the area unbeknownst to everyone ... she went back home to Louisiana to spend some time with her family (presumably because of the death of her aunt). But, yesterday afternoon, Britney and her boys Sean Preston and Jayden James (who, I'm now convinced, is hiding a second head underneath that blanket) flew into Burbank, CA and then made their way directly to the recording studio:

I suppose props are in order for Miss Brit. I hope her trip home did her some good. Wouldn't it be amazing if she returned to LA a completely changed woman ... one that doesn't party every night, stays home with her children, works diligently to prepare the best album possible and no longer is seen in public with ratty, falling out hair extensions? Yeah ... that would be so nice. I'll just be over here holding my breath. [Source]

Will all these film festivals going on all over the place there are a lot of movie premieres all going on at the same time, all over the world. Let's take a look at some of the celebs who came out last night for the premieres of their various movies.

Madonna, her husband Guy Ritchie, her daughter Lourdes and her son Rocco made it a family affair at the UK premiere of her new movie Arthur and the Invisibles. Here are a few pictures from the red carpet:

They are soooo cute all together. It's rare that the entire family is photographed together ... I think it was brilliant for Maddy to bust out the kiddies for this movie premiere. Tho, it appears that little Rocco ain't really that well versed in red carpet etiquette. The poor thing looks a little shy and miserable in the third pic ... and I think he's outright picking his nose in the fourth pic ... seriously ... he is the cutest. Miss Lola is just the perfect little lady, don't you think? She looks so much like her mother (about as much as Rocco looks like his father), I'm sure she'd never be caught dead picking her nose in public. [Source]

In Santa Barbara, CA, Sienna Miller, Guy Pearce and others were on hand for the premiere of their new movie Factory Girl at the Santa Barbara Film Festival ... here are a couple pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

I really wanted to find a semi unflattering photo of Sienna Miller and found it a much easier task than I had anticipated. Her disparaging remarks about the city of Pittsburgh, PA really turned me off but I have to admit that I am intrigued by this film. I am curious to see Guy Pearce play Andy Warhol ... but I may hold off and wait until I read a few reviews before I plunk down the $10. [Source]

Over at the Sundance Film Festival (is that thing *still* going on?), Jared Leto was Lindsay Lohan-less at the premiere of their new movie Chapter 27:

Photo credit: Splash News

To be quite honest, I half-expected L. Lo to bust free from the Wonderland rehab clinic and show up in Park City, UT for this premiere. Lindsay has been sneaking away from the clinic pretty much every day since she admitted herself (see below) so it really wouldn't have surprised me if she did just jet off for the premiere. Now this movie ... I think I'm deff gonna hafta go see. I really want to see Jared Leto lookin' fat and really ... that's really the only reason. [Source]

Back here in the LA area, French actor Olivier Martinez was on hand for a promo screening of his new drama/fantasy/horror/romance movie Blood and Chocolate at the Arc Light Theater last night:

Photo credit: Splash News

Unfortch, Kylie Minogue was not at this screening in support of her long time boyfriend Olivier. Tho, it would be amazing if she did make her way out to LA for the movie's premiere ... I might have to try and find out if she is planning an LA trip because I would love to meet her! But I digress ... I'm a bit confused by this drama/fantasy/horror/romance movie ... do all of those things really go together and make a successful film? All I know is that there is a werewolf in the story ... and I think that is all I need to know to make me uninterested in seeing it. [Source]

As was reported yesterday, Nicole Kidman was involved in a car accident on the set of her latest film The Invasion ... and, for those of you who have to know pretty much everything about everything, TMZ has video of the actual accident as it happened:

Kidman, who was behind the wheel of a Jaguar rigged for filming when it struck the pole, was examined at a local hospital after the incident, Los Angeles Police spokeswoman Karen Smith said. Smith said seven other people on the set of the alien thriller "The Invasion" went to local hospitals complaining of injuries after the 1 a.m. (0900 GMT) crash but that none was seriously hurt. Warner Bros. Pictures, the studio behind "The Invasion," confirmed that Kidman was taken to the hospital after the crash but said she was quickly released and would be back on set when filming resumed later on Thursday. "No other actors were involved in the scene at the time of the incident," Warner Bros. said in a written statement. "Two additional crew members sustained minor injuries as a result of the collision," Warner Bros. said. "The production took the appropriate steps following the incident to ensure the safety of cast and crew." There was no immediate explanation for the discrepancy in the number of injured listed by the police and the studio. Smith said the Los Angeles Police Department would likely conduct a routine traffic accident investigation and that a state workplace safety agency might also respond. She could not confirm a report by Us Weekly magazine that Kidman's car was being towed by a rig at about 45 miles per hour, with zombie-like characters hanging off the hood, at the time of the crash. Well duh ... if your car was being dragged around at 45 mph with zombie-like characters hanging off the hood would YOU want to talk about it? If you are so inclined, you can click HERE to watch the video for yourself. It def looks like there are people hanging off the car to me. The good news is that Nicole wasn't seriously injured and has already gotten back to work on the film. Oh and is anyone else a bit worried that Oscar winning actress Nicole Kidman is appearing in a movie called The Invasion? [Source]

Here are a few new pictures of Lindsay Lohan hanging out NOT at the Wonderland rehab facility that she checked herself into late last week just days before she is scheduled to get back to work on her latest film:

Photo credit: Flynet & Celebrity Babylon

Marc Malkin reports: There's nothing freaky about this coming Friday for Lindsay Lohan. I've just learned the 20-year-old starlet will return to work in just two days. The doctor treating her appendix problems has given her the okay to resume shooting the thriller I Know Who Killed Me. L.L. plays a stripper suffering from dual personalities after a brutal kidnapping. "All is good," her reps says. "She will be back at work soon." Production was halted at the beginning of the month when Lohan was apparently hospitalized for appendicitis and had her appendix removed. Since then, doctors had not given her the okay to return to work, which includes some rather risqué pole-dancing. On top of her appendix drama, there's also the rehab thing. Lohan will most likely continue her treatment at night while shooting during the day. Lohan checked herself into the L.A.-area facility Wonderland Jan. 17 ... In other words, life right now for L.L. is all work and no play. Welp ... I guess her people know what they're doing, right? Surely they wouldn't endanger all the progress (if there has been any progress) that her short stint in rehab has provided her just so that she can get back to work ... right? In all seriousness, I just hope she is getting better. I would love nothing better than for Lindsay to finally clean up her act and come out of this ordeal a stronger, healthier person. [Source, Source]

Incidentally and on a totally random note, there is a notice on my apartment building that the movie I Know Who Killed Me will be shooting in my neighborhood today ... I'll have to see what I can scope out ... maybe I'll get the chance to invite L. Lo over for some tea.

Patrick Dempsey was lookin' quite the dapper chap as he filled up his E-Type Jaguar at a gas station earlier this week:

Photo credit: Splash News

Hmm ... while he does look cute in that little cap I gotta wonder if there is a trend developing around Hollywood ... [Source]

... because UK pop star Robbie Williams was seen around town pressing flesh with the fans in his little cap ...

Photo credit: Mavrix

... which, of course, is the look that Hollywood "It" Girl Nicole Richie has been rockin' for the past few weeks. Has she started a new fashion trend? And where can I get one of these caps for myself? [Source]

UH OH ... danger must be afoot in the Beverly Hills, CA area ... here are TOP SECRET photos of CTU agent Chloe O'Brien (posing as Hollywood actress Mary Lynn Rajskub) on a clandestine mission of some sort earlier this week:

Photo credit: Splash News

There must have been some terrorist dealings at the Ted Baker store ... yeah, either that or they were just having a really bitchin' shoe sale. [Source]

Here are a few cute pictures of love birds and Lost co-stars Evangeline Lilly and Dominic Monaghan actin' all as cute as can be taking pictures of one another playing with a soccer ball:

Blah ... they're so cute, it's disgusting. But actually ... it's nice to see them being so normal. [Source]

Speaking of love birds, Pink reader Catherine went to the Dane Cook comedy show at the Laugh Factory for her friend's birthday recently and ended up running into lead Pussycat Dolls singer Nicole Scherzinger and her not-so-secret boyfriend Laguna Beach alum Talan Torriero:

Catherine writes that the couple seemed very entertained by the comic stylings of Dane Cook and that Nicole looks just as beautiful in person as she does in photos. When last we saw Nicole and Talan together, they were trying to be all undercover lovers at The Grove around Xmas time ... I'm pleased to see that things stll seem to be going well for them. I don't know what Talan is packin' in order to keep such a lovely lady but ... much props and respect! [thanks Catherine]

Speakin' of boys that are packin', Johnny Galecki (who played David Healy, Darlene Connor's nerdy/artsy boyfriend, on Roseanne) is appearing in a new NYC theatrical production called The Little Dog Laughed wherein he appears fully nekkid on stage ... so of course, here are a couple pictures from the show:

Click above to see uncensored NSFW image

Huh ... well, now I guess we know what the little dog was laughing at. Incidentally, David got to see this show with his sister Eden right before he flew out here to LA and he tells me that it is excellent. He tells me that he was quite impressed with what he saw ... er, well, with Johnny's acting performance at least. [Source]

Just in case you haven't seen enough NSFWness from heiress Paris Hilton, the website is offering you the chance to get your fill of her naughtiness ... for a small fee you will gain access to correspondence, video and photos like this:

Click above to see uncensored NSFW image

Really, it's not anything that we haven't seen many, many times before ... but in this new context, I gotta admit, I'm a wee bit interested to see what's available to subscribers. Click HERE to watch a short video trailer that gives you a further peek of what's available at the site. Has anyone actually purchased a subscription? I'm intrigued to know if it's worth it. [Source]

And finally, here is the second promo picture from the new M by Madonna clothing line that will be sold at H&M stores later this year ... additionally, included is a second candid photo of Madonna wearing a pair of M by Madonna sunglasses:

I'm so not kidding. I want those glasses. [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday was a pretty chill day ... David had biz to take care of last night so I did a quick run to Ikea to pick up a new coffee table ... which I'm sure is vastly interesting to ... well no one. Hey ... we can have quiet nights too you know ;)

Hey all you DETROIT PEOPLES ... SASS, the funnest danceparty around, returns TONIGHT with a new night (Friday instead of Saturday) and a new venue (the Fi-Night Gallery instead of the deceased OSLO) but with the same kickass music and fun:

If you're free and up for a great time ... get your butt down to SASS. Dance a bit for me :)

The weekend is now upon us ... I hope it's a good one!

I am out.



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