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Sunday, January 28, 2007

You Gotta Have Art

You know ... you kinda hafta give it up to Kevin Federline for being such a good sport ... granted, his good sportsmanship is prolly greatly influenced by his need to feed himself but he really has been taking his fall from grace pretty well. Here are a few new photos from his upcoming Super Bowl commercial for Nationwide Insurance which is already shaping up to be a bigger success story than Kevin Federline is in his own right:

It strikes me as hugely ironic that K-Fed seems capable of attaining a new level of fame based on making fun of his inability to attain fame. This insurance commercial will prolly make him more money than his record sales is really no surprise to me. I've always contended that even if he were still to be in Britney Spears' good graces, his album would have a difficult time selling ... I just gotta wonder what will become of those boxes and boxes of unsold compact discs. In any regard, we are only a week away from Super Bowl Sunday so we only have that long to see this final commercial product ... that is, unless the ad leaks to You Tube before then. [Source]

In sad news (again), it would appear that Lance Bass and Reichen Lehmkuhl have ended their fairytale relationship (again). As you may recall, Marc Malkin reported earlier this week that things looked very strained between Leichen while they holidayed in Park City, UT for the Sundance Film Festival and it now appears that Lance has confirmed this split by way of his My Space profile:

The post script to his latest blog entry alludes to "recent events" that might refer to the break-up ... especially since he's changed his profile relationship status to "single". So either Reichen hasn't gotten the memo yet or this is merely just another hiccup in their on-again/off-again relationship but Reichen has yet to update his relationship status on his profile page. Absent the fact that all of this My Space biz is so 7th grade, it's a bummer that these two have chosen to call it quits. I really do like them together damnit! [Source, thanks Robbie]

In happier relationship news, Fergie Ferg and Josh Duhamel are still happily attached and have taken to working out in public together. Here are new pictures of the pair on a little romantic jogging excursion in Santa Monica, CA this weekend:

Photo credit: Splash News

Oh Josh ... so cute ... I still don't get the whole Fergie & Josh thing but they must be incredibly happy because they've been together forever and he doesn't seem at all bothered by the fact that sometimes she comes across as a bit manly ... or maybe that's the appeal? In any regard, props to them for managing to keep it together and for devoting as much time to their physical fitness as to their undying love and affection for one another. [Source]

Here is another cutie, Heath Ledger, who seems deeply engrossed at a recent New York Knicks basketball game:

Photo credit: Splash News

Something about Heath Ledger does not immediately scream to me "basketball fan" ... I think it's the girlie clothing. [Source]

Prince Harry has, once again, thrown himself back into his military training (after taking some time off to canoodle with his girlfriend Chelsea Davy while his comrades were working their butts off) ... here are pictures of the Princely one back to work with his troop, the Blues and Royals Regiment, on an early morning run this past Friday at Great Windsor Park in Berkshire, UK:

He really does look like he's trying ... I'm still amazed that he would so willingly throw himself into such hard work when he has no real reason to. I don't think it's been decided whether or not his regiment will be sent over to Iraq but you gotta love that he's thus far been such a good little solider. [Source]

Now, I have *no idea* if this is real or not but apparently this is a sonogram of the baby that ex-Spice Girl Mel B. is carrying in her womb ... the baby that she claims was fathered by Academy Award nominated actor Eddie Murphy:

While I question the validity of this sonogram I am never really that surprised with the way these sorts of things end up making their way to the InterWeb. In any regard, I can sorta see the resemblance to Eddie ... they've got the same big head. [Source]

Here are a couple pictures from Hilary Duff's photoshoot for her new album titled Dignity:

Sigh ... our little Hilary Duff is so grown up now. She really does look dignified in these pics. [Source]

Now that Hilary is all grown up, that clears the way for new Hollywood "It" Girl on the block Hayden Panetttiere to fill in as the young ingenue ... here are a few pics from Hayden's recent appearance in Parade magazine:

The sugary-sweetness of these photos is sickening ... don't cha think? All I can think about when I see her anymore is that song of hers from the Cinderella III straight-to-video movie that we looked at yesterday ... which, of course, makes me want to shove sharpened pencils in my ear drums. [Source]

UGH ... I think I've seen quite enough from the online treasure trove ... especially since the horrendousness is NOT only limited to Paris Hilton but to pretty much every person she calls friend (well, to their face). While perusing the contents of the site I came upon this photo of Cisco Adler (current boyfriend of Mischa Barton) and was brought to a dead stop:

Click above to see uncensored NSFW image

Surely I have been scarred for life. If you wish to remain untainted by the nekkidness of Cisco Adler I highly advise you to NOT click above. If you have a propensity for hilarity then by all means click away. You have been warned. [Source]

Yes, I think I'm quite finished rummaging thru the contents of that website ... I have lost an innocence that I doubt I'll ever have a chance of getting back.

And finally ... it is time, once again, for the Hot Dude of the Week ... while the daytime temps have been very nice here in LA, our evenings and nights have gotten a bit chilly ... nothing near the insane coldness that folks in the Midwest are experiencing but chilly enough for sweat jackets and hoodies ... SOOOO, here is a picture of Christian to is trying to keep warm with a hoodie of his own:

Boo ... if it were warmer, Christian would have no need for that hoodie and he might be able to undo some of the retinal damage done by that uncensored Cisco Adler picture. Ah well, we wouldn't want the Hot Dude of the Week to catch cold, now would we? Enjoy! [Source]

Les News:
Blah ... yesterday was chilly and rainy and even tho I keep telling David that it never rains in Southern California he remains unconvinced because it actually does rain every time he is here in Southern California. But, we made plans to head out to Santa Monica for the Art LA 2007 Contemporary Art Fair and that's exactly what we did. I have been looking for a fabulous painting to hang in my living room and I hoped that I would be able to find one at this fair. There were a lot of great galleries showing really great stuff ... but there were also a few things that I found boring, uninteresting or just dumb. Art is so subjective.

But, we came upon the booth for the Skew Gallery from Alberta, Canada and I immediately fell in love with a few prints from the Doll Mouth series by artist Diana Thorneycroft. I had an immediate response to her images and just knew that I had to have one for my very own. I won't say which of the amazing 28 X 28 prints from the Doll Mouth series I purchased but it is one of the ones shown on the gallery page. I want friends who visit my apartment to be surprised when the come see it.

I was also fortunate enough to meet Pink readers Heather and Alex who were representing their gallery Taylor De Cordoba. It was very cool meeting the both of you!

After our trip to the art fair, David and I met up with his former editor Molly and my friend Jim for diner at BLD in West Hollywood. We had a great time and a great meal ... unfortch for me, I was not feeling well at all. I got really sick last night (from before dinner) and had to cut the night short and come home. Thankfully, I am feeling much better today.

David flies back to NYC tonight so we're gonna make the most of our time together. I hope y'all have been having a great weekend ... I am out.




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