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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Past The Mission Again

OMG ... I am seriously freaking out with the Tori Amos news today ... I'll get to last night's AMAZING Nine Inch Nails concert and the rest of the day's goss but I just HAVE to start out today by talking about Tori Amos. I received a press release this morning that announces that the title of her new album will be American Doll Posse and it will be released on May 1. The press release also included this amazing promo photo:

The press release also mentions that she will begin her World Tour on May 28th in Rome, Italy. There is no further information on the album, its inspiration or themes or the promo photo that was sent out. In her right hand she holds the Holy Bible, in her left hand the word Shame is written in black marker. Blood is caked on her inner left calf and her left shoe is unbuckled. Hmm ... I can't wait to find out what it all means. Tori's album will be released only a couple weeks after NIN releases its new album Year Zero on April 17th. It's gonna be an amazing year for music methinks!!! [Source]


Boo ... because I am traveling outside of the US I was unable to watch the new eps of 24, Heroes and Prison Break last night:

The websites that stream the shows after they air on US TV are blocked from IP addresses that try to access them from outside the US. Was it amazing?! Wait, don't tell me ... Oh well ... I'll just have a lot of new TV to watch when I get home.

After the real auction for Britney Spears' cut hair was removed from eBay (I believe they have a rule against selling human body parts and the like) Esther Tognozzi, the owner of the salon where Brit shaved off her hair, put the hair up for sale on the site

So ... if you have a spare $1 million dollars to spend here is your second chance to own a piece of history. Tho, be warned ... the site is down right now ... which seems really shady, especially if you were thinking of spending your million bucks on her pile of over chemically-treated hair and extentions. [Source]

If you miss out on purchasing her real hair there is still a chance that you'll be able to buy the next best thing ...

... I'm sure Britney's blonde bob wig will be on sale any day now. [Source]

Christina Ricci, Samuel L. Jackson and others were on hand for the NYC premiere of their new movie Black Snake Moan. Co-star Justin Timberlake could not attend as he is currently on tour elsewhere. Here are a few pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

Christina Ricci brought along her boyfriend Adam Goldberg whose crowning acting achievement was his guest starring stint on Friends where he played Chandler's new roommate after Joey moved out to get a place of his own because he became a "big time" actor (on the show) ... you know, the one who turned crazy, kept cracker fish in a bowl and said See ya, pals all the time. I like him. Anyways ... he was at the premiere with the movie's actors and John Singleton, the movie's director. The movie looks interesting ... I'm a fan of Singleton films so I might have to check this one out. Whoops, it turns out that Craig Brewer (Hustle & Flow) is the movie director ... John Singleton was the movie's producer and just showed up for the free popcorn. It's too bad that Adam Goldberg isn't in the movie ... I'd love to hear him utter See ya, pals again. [Source]

Last night Lindsay Lohan went to another bar ... this time it was Winston's Bar and Lounge:

Photo credit: Splash News

Just in case you wanted to start counting down the days until she goes back into rehab. [Source]

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden are really becoming a hot celebrity couple staple on the streets of LA these days ... here are a couple pictures of Nic/Joel out and about:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

You would think that Nicole would know by now that hiding behind a piece of clothing doesn't make her invisible to photographs. [Source]

Speaking of Nicole ... it appears that Ashlee Simpson is trying to bite her style ... along with a little bit of the Olsen style of fug with her new Gypsy/Old Lady hybrid look:

I guess she got tired of stealing her sister Jessica Simpson's look. She needs to start stealing looks that look good on her. This one gets a rating of: Crap Sandwich from me. [Source]

Kristin Cavallari and her latest dude Nick Zano have been lying low in recent days ... but they have finally reemerged on holiday together looking ... very hot:

Photo credit: Flynet

I must say ... Kristin gets snaps from me for picking up such a hottie. Yo Nick, your pecs are What I Like About You ;) [Source]

Boo ... it looks like Britney's new desire to do her own hair and Paris' desire to do her own make-up has started an unfortunate trend ... here are pictures of Tina Turner lookin' like she needs to stop trying to do her own hair and leave such things to the professionals:

Photo credit: Big Pictures

I think the older divas shouldn't be taking fashion cues from the Hollywood "It" Girls ... it only makes them look foolish in comparison. [Source]

If there's one thing that Mariah Carey doesn't need it's Diva Tips:

Photo credit: Splash News

Tho regarding things that she does need -- it wouldn't hurt her to pick up a few pieces of clothing that are not quite so snug and actually fit her body. [Source]

Yikes! Is Pete Doherty's bad influence finally having an effect on supermodel Kate Moss? Check out this greasy-faced pic and judge for yourself:

The 33-year-old - pictured here leaving for Doherty's Babyshambles gig at Brixton Academy last night - looks anything but a style icon. Not wearing any makeup and sporting a number of spots is not a good look at the best of times. But it will hardly warm the hearts of the bosses at make-up giant Rimmel, for whom Kate is the international face. And, in a clear message to Kate - nicknamed "Cocaine Kate" by the tabloids after she was pictured allegedly snorting the Class A drug in a recording studio - signs posted around the venue last night warned: "Don't end up like Pete the junkie". Unfortunately, the signs should have been more specific: if the people behind them (indie band The Wayne Foundation) wanted Kate not to end up simply looking like Pete, they may already be too late! Forget it, y'all ... she's in love and love is blind. Now we just have to wait and see if the pair actually make it to the altar ... of if they are destined to break up, yet again, so that Kate can go back to being pretty. [Source]

James Franco, Ryan Carnes and other celebs were on hand for a 26-hour Dance Marathon at UCLA this past weekend to raise funds for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Camp Heartland and Camp Kindle. Here are a few pics of the boys at the fun event:

In addition to raising over $330,000 for the charities, the boys also made hearts race by dancing with their UCLA student dance partners. Regarding the photographs, James Franco arrived at 2:45 am on Sunday during a "Prom" themed shift (that's why that girl is wearing a dress and why they were slow dancing). Ryan Carnes was presenting a student group on campus on Saturday night. Both actors were so kind and gracious and were thrilled to support the cause ... which is why I lurve them so. [thanks Taylor]

Here are a couple new photos of Daniel Radcliffe performing on stage in his new West End play Equus ... no, they're not nearly as nekkid as I'm sure we'd all like but they are pretty cool nonetheless:

Photo credit: Big Pictures

Will the nudie pics ever get leaked to the InterWeb? [Source]

America Ferrera, the star of Ugly Betty, is on the cover of the new issue of Latina magazine ... here are a couple pics:

I think she still has a little ways to go before she can be called a bona fide Latina Diva but ...she'll get there someday. [Source]

Here are a few photos of the real Diva Latina, Jennifer Lopez, from the cover photoshoot for her new album Como Ama Una Mujer:

Simple and stunning. J. Lo looks amazing. The top left photo is the one that will appear on the album artwork but I think they all look amazing. [Source]

In her never-ending attempt to be as cool as big sister Mischa Barton, little sis Hania (19) has decided to go into rehab -- according to ... how else is she going to get to hang out with the likes of Lindsay Lohan without her running away?

Celebrity Babylon has learned EXCLUSIVELY that Mischa Barton's younger sister Hania, 19, has just been checked into a rehabilitation facility to treat her addiction to prescription pain killers. Hania Barton (who just turned 19 on February 18), was getting "out of control" according to sources close to the Barton family. The former The O.C. star, 21, is said to be very upset about what is going on with her little sister, but is glad that she's getting the help that she needs. Photos of Hania partying over New Year's have been circulating around the Internet, and it seems that the family was not pleased with her behavior in the last six months. The family finally got their way and was able to talk Mischa into dumping her Whitestarr rocker beau Cisco Adler, 28, this month, and now they are dealing with Hania's problem."Everyone is hoping that this will be the first and last time Hania has to be in rehab," says the family source, "she's young, but she's a smart girl, she will be fine." Hmm ... well if she is really in need of help and is finally getting it then I guess that is good news ... but you just never know about these things in a town like Hollywood. [Source]

And finally ... in case any of you needed more proof of just how whacked out Anna Nicole Smith was, TMZ has video that should take care of that need and finally put the issue to rest:

Geeze ... she was *such* a mess. I hope she is finally resting in peace somewhere out there. [Source]

Les News:
So ... seriously, last night's Nine Inch Nails show here in Barcelona was just amazing. The setlist was incredible and very different from other setlists that I've seen from this tour so far. Here are a few pictures from the show:

You can click HERE to see all 200 pictures that I snapped last night (yeah, I kinda went overboard). Here is the full setlist from the show:

The Collector
Terrible Lie
The Becoming
Help Me I Am In Hell
The Fragile
You Know What You Are
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole

I also managed to record some video from the show to share with all y'all. Click HERE for a clip of the song Heresy. Click HERE for a clip of the song Closer. Click HERE for the entire performance of Eraser.

And as a special treat ... here is video of NIN performing the song Survivalism, the first single off their new album Year Zero:

I believe this is the first time this new song has been performed live -- so enjoy! We had an amazing time! It was truly an unexpected treat to see NIN live while we are here in Barcelona.

This morning we did some shopping (I even picked up a Real Madrid soccer jersey and a pair of shorts) and grabbed a quick lunch ... we are now on our way to dinner. I hope y'all are having a fabulous Fat Tuesday :) I am OUT!



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