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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Top This

Well isn't this a happy sight ... Britney Spears, Isaac Cohen and little Sean Preston out for a lovely day together here in LA earlier this week. It appears that things are coming along very nicely for BrIsaac ... Isaac actually spends more time with the Federline children than does Kevin Federline himself:

Photo credit: Splash News

Britney is still rockin' that Star of David pendant around her neck ... she's prolly already got big plans for Sean Preston's Bar Mitzvah tho it's prolly already too late to throw him a bris ... no worries tho, she prolly still has time to squeeze one in for Jayden James. [Source]

But all this Jewish planning will have to go on hold for a bit ... Britney and the crew are currently in Las Vegas working on her new album. Apparently she is holed up inside the Palms Casino working on tracks for her do-or-die comeback album which is scheduled for release this Fall. Here's a picture of Britney in Vegas wearing one of her now trademark see-thru tops ...

... and thank the Lord Almighty, she finally wisened up and decided to cover up her nipply bits for once. I'm not sure if this is a new trend (ie. if Brit has finally decided to keep the private parts of her body private) but one can always hope. [Source]


Okay ... so I know I didn't talk much about Top Chef this season but I did manage to watch most of the episodes and in the end was kinda sorta interested in finding out who would be chosen the winner this season. I managed to catch the season finale last night and was very happy with the results ... I hadn't anticipated all the bitchy fun that unfolded but I did appreciate it. You know, every time I watched Top Chef this season I couldn't help but think that I recognized Ilan from somewhere ... I just couldn't remember where. Then last night it hit me ... Ilan reminded me of a Pink reader who said his name was Ernst:

Now either I'm crazy or these two guys look almost exactly alike ... or perhaps they are the same person and Ilan has an pseudonym and has been a Pink reader for a couple years now. Hee hee ... actually, they're prolly not the same person but the resemblance is uncanny. In any regard, congrats go out to Ilan for his win ... I actually wouldn't have minded if Marcel had one tho -- he was such a jerk (his "paprika" comments were priceless). He did make the season fun to watch. [Source]


Right after Top Chef finaled Bravo debuted its new show Top Design. Hmm ... I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this show. While I love Project Runway ... I found that I was less interested in a food show based on the same template -- I fear I might care even less for interior designing. I found that I had to be impressed by this show for me to still want to watch it ...

... I wouldn't say that I was impressed but I was nominally entertained ... so I may tune in again. I love the bitchy judge who edits for the illustrious magazine Elle Decor. It's so illustrious, in fact, that I've never heard of it. She *so* wants to be Nina Garcia (who edits at a real magazine called Elle) so you gotta give her props for that. It's good to see Todd Oldham back on TV ... hearing his voice took me back to 1991 when he hosted the show MTV Style with Cindy Crawford ... except now he's wearing a lot more make-up. It was also cool to see the Pacific Design Center featured so prominently on the show ... I park in their parking lot after hours when I go to either The Abbey or PopStarz. I also loved that they used Alexis Arquette as the mystery client ... she totally rules and I'm really glad she picked the right design to win. I was very unimpressed with the show's catchphrase -- Project Runway uses "Auf Wiedersehen" when they cut someone, Top Chef uses "Please pack your knives and go" but this show is going with "Goodbye" (if you make the cut you get a "You can stay") ... I mean ... seriously? I'm not sure if I'll tune in every week ... but I'll keep my eye on this show. There may be more entertainment to be had. [Source]

UPDATE: Apparently I missed hearing this but I'm told that the actual cut catchphrase is "See you later, decorator" ... which is infinitely worse! ;)

A whole bunch of people I never heard of nor ever remember seeing in any other movies (including one very liver spotted gentleman) were on hand for the premiere of the new prequel Hannibal Rising ... here are some pictures from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

I fear I do not have much hope that this movie will be very good ... I'm hearing horrible things about the book itself. Chances are they're gonna go the gore route to try and make the movie work. I'm not really counting on a suitable prequel for the masterpiece The Silence of the Lambs but ... well ... I think I'll skip this one. [Source]

J.K. Rowling has announced the publication date of the final installment of the Harry Potter series on her official website. Mark your calendars ... the book is due out on July 21st of this year:

The seventh and final Harry Potter book will be published on July 21, it has been announced. Publisher Bloomsbury revealed the long-awaited date. July 21 is a Saturday and the book will go on sale at midnight. Bookstores are bracing themselves for unprecedented scenes of Potter mania. Author JK Rowling has said that two characters die in the final installment - and fans will be desperate to discover if Harry is one of them. Rowling revealed the name of the seventh book in December. It will follow Harry during his final year at Hogwarts. The author has hinted that two of the main characters will meet their ends. "We are dealing with pure evil here. They don't target extras, do they? They go for the main characters - well, I do," she said. I'm sure people are lining up at their favorite bookshops already. I think it is time for this series to end ... it's really run its course. Harry is already practically a grown man ... and is starring nekkid on the West End stage. I somehow doubt that JK will kill Harry in this final installment ... but you never know ... if she really wanted to give us closure ... then she would have to have him die heroically. [Source, Source]

Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Philippe have put aside their divorce differences and came together this week as a unified pair to support their daughter Ava at one of her school plays ... here are a few cute pictures from the reunion:

Photo credit: Flynet

It's nice to see that they can get over their personal problems and come together for their children. Perhaps there is a chance for reconciliation here? Everyone knows that staying together for the kids is a sure way to happiness. [Source]

Speaking of the kiddies ... we are finally just now getting a good look at the progeny of Michael Jackson's loins ... here are pictures of his three children, Prince Michael-Joseph Jackson I, Paris Michael-Katherine Jackson and Prince Michael-Blanket Jackson II, walking around without wearing their freaky little masks:

It should be noted that, 1. little blanket has grown up so much ... he's practically a bedspread now, 2. it seems that Whitney Houston is now working as the Jacko kids' nanny and 3. one should never have to be reminded that Michael Jackson has loins ... ever. [Source]

Fergie Ferg, who has just been named as the new face of Candie's, appears to be suffering from that "not-so-fresh" feeling in these candid photos:

Photo credit: Flynet

Er ... shouldn't someone warn her boyfriend Josh Duhamel? [Source]

I'm not sure exactly what happened but it looks like last night the normally uberexclusive Hyde nightclub let down its velvet ropes and let pretty much anyone who walked by inside ...

Photo credit: Splash News

It's funny ... even tho AJ Mclean, Bai Ling, Elliot Mintz and some homeless dude had no problem getting in I bet Tara Reid *still* would've gotten denied. [Source]

The fine, upstanding Joe Francis (who made a fortune off drunk college chicks who like to show off their boobs) guested on the Howard Stern show yesterday where he tried to convince everyone that neither he nor Paris Hilton were behind the site ... along with dishing on all the Hollywood "It" Girls that he has had sexual relations with over the years. Normally, Joe grosses me out ... but his comments yesterday are just too funny to not share:

Joe Francis of "Girls Gone Wild" fame got on the line to talk about the recently revealed sex video of him and Paris Hilton, but after saying hello, he went completely silent. This led Howard to ask Joe if he was high, but he insisted he wasn't, and was instead "just chillin'" bed. As Joe began talking again, Howard acknowledged he didn’t understand how Joe had enough money to afford private jets, and Robin figured it had to do with the fact that "Girls Gone Wild" was a subscription series. Joe claimed he wasn't happy that the Paris tapes were released, but both Howard and Robin thought he was behind their release. However, Joe promised that wasn’t the case and was planning on suing the tapes' distributors. Joe went on to say the man behind the tapes tried to extort him for $7 million, and, when he refused to pay that, he then released the videos. Joe also noted he owned the copyright to the tapes, so, even if they were released, he thought he should be getting money from them. Howard reported there were images of Valtrex prescriptions (a herpes medication) on the Website where the tapes were being sold, but Joe promised he was clean and thought Paris was as well. Joe then acknowledged he had sex with Paris, but denied he was ever with Lindsay Lohan. As Joe again began fading out, Howard informed him he was "a sh*tty interview" this morning, but he responded it was because of his phone connection, not that he didn’t want to talk ... When Howard asked Joe who "the best" sexual partner he’s ever had was, he named Paris. Joe proceeded to suggest people visit the Website to watch his video so they could see how "good" she was themselves. This led Howard to point out that Joe had referenced the site a number of times during the interview, which he thought was another sign that Joe was behind it. However, Joe again denied any ties to the site ... When asked who was the worst in bed of all the famous chicks he's slept with (insinuated in this interview: Paris, Lindsey, Kimbo Stewart, Tara Reid) he said Tara was the worst, and when Howard asked why, he went silent again. When asked to explain why he claimed Tara was so bad, he wouldn't come out and say it, but merely mumbled, "... well I only used protection with her, so maybe that made it less pleasurable..." Howard then began asking more leading questions like, "So she just laid there?" or "Was it because she had a big smelly loose vagina?" Joe responded, "More or less, yeah." All I have to say is LOL. PS: David loves Joe Francis ... and he wants the whole world to know it. [Source]

Now ... if you were thinking that Brandy was in super duper big trouble for accidentally causing a fatal car accident then you ain't heard nothing yet. Altho Brandy may be charged with vehicular manslaughter and alto she has been sued for $50 million dollars she's still in a better position than former Prison Break star Lane Garrison. The police now believe that Lane was high on cocaine when he caused the fatal death of another driver a couple of months ago ... which can't be good for his chances of avoiding prison time:

The Beverly Hills Police Department announced today that they are recommending the L.A. County District Attorney's office charge Prison Break star Lane Garrison with gross vehicular manslaughter, driving under the influence of alcohol, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Police Chief David Snowden also announced at a press conference that Garrison had been driving in excess of the 25 mph speed limit and was under the influence of cocaine at the time of the accident. According to toxicology reports, Garrison's blood alcohol level was at 2.0 percent, two and half times the legal limit. As if this weren't bad enough, witnesses have come forward to verify that they witnessed Lane doing lines of coke before getting in his car that fateful night: TMZ spoke exclusively with several witnesses who claim they watched Lane Garrison snort lines of cocaine just before the fatal crash. According to our sources, Garrison looked "very high" and his "eyes were glazed" at the the party, which was attended mostly by teenagers. According to our sources, Garrison obtained the coke from another attendee in an upstairs bedroom of the Beverly Hills home where seven or eight people were partying. They report that Garrison also had six or seven shots of Grey Goose vodka at the same time. A short time later, Garrison was the driver in a fatal crash that killed Vahagn Setian and injured two other teens. Yikes ... Brandy must be feeling better already. [Source, Source]

Lane ain't the only fool in trubs these days ... the geniuses behind the guerilla ad campaign for the Cartoon Network Adult Swim TV show Aqua Teen Hunger Force caused quite a stir in the Boston, MA area yesterday. While they were only trying to get people to watch their TV show, many of the people they were targeting for this promotion thought they were being targeted for a multiple bomb attack instead:

Several illuminated electronic devices planted at bridges and other spots in Boston threw a scare into the city Wednesday in what turned out to be a publicity campaign for a late-night cable cartoon. Most of the devices depict a character giving the finger. Peter Berdovsky, 27, of Arlington, and Sean Stevens, 28, of Charlestown, were each charged Wednesday night with one count of placing a hoax device and one count of disorderly conduct, state Attorney General Martha Coakley said. The two men worked together to place the devices, Coakley said in a news release announcing Stevens' arrest. Highways, bridges and a section of the Charles River were shut down and bomb squads were sent in before authorities declared the devices were harmless. Turner Broadcasting, a division of Time Warner Inc. and parent of Cartoon Network, said the devices were part of a promotion for the TV show "Aqua Teen Hunger Force," a surreal series about a talking milkshake, a box of fries and a meatball. Authorities are investigating whether Turner and any other companies should be criminally charged, Coakley said. Berdovsky and Stevens were scheduled to be arraigned Thursday in Charlestown District Court, Coakley said. "We're not going to let this go without looking at the further roots of how this happened to cause the panic in this city," Coakley said at a news conference. Those conducting the campaign should have known the devices could cause panic because they were placed in sensitive areas, she said. Turner did not notify officials of the publicity campaign until around 5 p.m., nearly four hours after the first calls came in about the devices, she and others said. Berdovsky was arrested at 8:15 p.m. at his lawyer's office. His lawyer's name wasn't available, and phone number believed to be Berdovsky's did not accept messages. Stevens was arrested at his home in Charlestown at about 11:30 p.m., Coakley said. It could not immediately be determined if Stevens had legal counsel. Berdovsky and Stevens were to be arraigned Thursday in Charlestown District Court, Coakley said. Berdovsky told The Boston Globe earlier Wednesday that he was an artist and installed the devices for an advertising company hired by Turner. He described himself as "a little kind of freaked out," the Globe reported. The law under which the two men were charged allows the state to pursue restitution. Mayor Thomas Menino said the security scare may have cost the city more than $500,000. At least 14 of the devices were found, and at least 24 more are still around the city, officials said. "The packages in question are magnetic lights that pose no danger," Turner said in a statement. It said the devices have been in place for two to three weeks in 10 cities: Boston; New York; Los Angeles; Chicago; Atlanta; Seattle; Portland, Ore.; Austin, Texas; San Francisco; and Philadelphia. "We regret that they were mistakenly thought to pose any danger," the company said. As soon as the company realized the problem, it said, law enforcement officials were told of their locations in all 10 cities. Well, if this doesn't get people to watch this TV show then nothing will. Oh and I fully expect these devices to go for a king's ransom on eBay ... tho, if anyone from this ad agency has an extra device they'd like to send my way, I'd happy hang it up in my bathroom :) [Source]

UPDATE: LOL! Thanks Michelle.

Jennifer Hudson is lookin' sexy and fierce on the cover and within the pages of Giant magazine:

But it's in an Essence magazine interview where she starts talkin' shizz about American Idol: Jennifer Hudson has won Golden Globe and SAG awards – and is up for an Oscar – for her role in Dreamgirls – despite what she describes as an abusive experience on American Idol. "On American Idol, you go through this mental thing; you've got to get yourself back together. You've been abused, misled and brainwashed to believe whatever they want you to think," Hudson, 25, tells the new issue of Essence. "You become a character – I became the girl in the turkey wrapping." (On one episode, she wore an unflattering outfit that earned that label.) "I just knew I had to sing my way out of it. I don't believe in looking back, and I didn't look back." Heh ... AI didn't really do much for her so I don't blame her. The fact that she was allowed to slip thru the cracks on that show just goes to show how flawed it is. I'm sorry but I just don't see how Taylor Hicks can win that sort of competition and Jennifer Hudson could not. [Source]

LC is on the cover of the new issue of CosmoGirl magazine ...

... except she works for Teen Vogue magazine and doesn't want to be called LC anymore. So there. [Source]

So it's February and you've prolly already got all the calendars that you need but just in case you don't you might want to consider picking up the American Heroes calendar:

A portion of the proceeds from this calendar goes to military victim's families. Forget about all the half nekkid dudes ... do it for your country. [Source]

And finally ... here are a few photos from a recent Young Love concert in NYC:

Photo credit: Last Night's Party

I'm not sure who came up with this awesome sign but I am much obliged. It turns out that I am going to the Young Love concert at the Knitting Factory in Hollywood tonight ... but I think I'll leave my sign at home. [Source, thanks Deanna and Greg]

Les News:
Yesterday was my annual trip to the grocery store ... which was pretty uneventful except for the fact that I ran into Billy Martin from Good Charlotte at the check-out lane. My grocery store pulls in all the rockers (ran into Ray Toro from My Chemical Romance last time) ... so maybe I should start a band?

Yeah ... that was pretty much my day. The most exciting thing was my discovery of a hybrid fruit called a Grapple which looks like an apple and supposedly tastes like a grape. Yeah ... I'm gonna go now. I'm out.



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