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Friday, July 06, 2007

Keep On, Keepin' On

Before I get into the day's goss, I have to extend my heartfelt thanks to the MANY of you who have been sending me emails of support and concern. I really cannot convey what all the love means to me. I really feel as if I have thousands and thousands of friends who I just haven't met yet. I have been having a very rough couple of days but all the messages that have been flooding in have really been helping me feel better. Thank you all SO MUCH.

Okay ... let's get to it. Yesterday I posted pics of Britney Spears lookin' semi cozy with a dude that I had forgotten was her bodyguard back in the day. He used to rock a serious porn 'stache and I failed to recognize him without it (the "sexy" hair also threw me off a little). But a couple astute Pink readers gave me a little reminder ... AND TODAY we have more pics of the pair out together. Whether or not they're doing the nasty they really do look chummy together:

Photo credit: X17 & INFdaily

There are reports that Britney is seeing some businessman dude on the sly but I dunno ... this looks like a recipe for a new version of The Bodyguard ... except Britney can't sang like no Whitney Houston and this dude looks nothing like Kevin Costner. (You will note that I didn't even make a comment about Britney's booty flash ... that's called restraint, people) [Source, Source]

Hairspray had its first of many premieres in the UK yesterday and a few of the principle stars came out for the event ... along with Sarah Michelle Gellar and her hubby Freddie Prinze, Jr. Here are a few pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

Hmmm I wonder which product Zac Efron uses more of ... hair product, skin bronzer or Crest whitening strips? That boy is primped more than most of the ladies on that carpet ... you better work it, gurl! Nikki Blonsky looks ravishing in her red dress and I am SO thrilled that Amanda Bynes is no longer orange. I dunno how SMG and FPJ managed to finagle their way into the premiere but, as we all know, SMG does have a knack for singing in musicals so I guess I can't blame her. And even I have to admit that FPJ looks pretty damn sharp in that suit ... but only prolly cuz SMG dressed him. [Source]

Well Hellooooooooooooooooo David Beckham. It looks like Becks is getting in a little training while he vacations in France before he makes his way to the States to debut as the newest member of the LA Galaxy soccer team ... here are a few HOOOOOOT pictures of Becks all decked out and riding his bike:

Photo credit: Splash News

Thanks to Jake Gyllenhaal, I have learned that, under the right circumstances, spandex doesn't have to be a bad thing ... David Beckham's hot bod squeezed into said spandex is one of those "right circumstances". I know I've been hoping for pics of Becks in a speedo ... but this will do nicely for the time being :) [Source]

Here are a couple more pictures of Lindsay Lohan hanging out with a new friend, who just so happens to be AJ Lamas (son of Lorenzo Lamas), on the 4th of July earlier this week:

Photo credit: Mavrix

I dunno about you but I think AJ would make a nice new companion for Linds. If they spend all their time lovin' up on one another than she doesn't have any time to get into trubs. What a way to stay sober :) [Source]

Paris Hilton doesn't need a man to make sure she stays on the straight and narrow ... she is throwing herself back into her work in order to keep her nose clean. Here are pics of Paris emerging from an acting lesson in Bel Air yesterday afternoon:

Photo credit: INFdaily

I kinda don't have to the heart to tell her that all the acting classes in the world couldn't possibly help her out in any capacity so I'll just focus on the fact that it's a great idea for her to concentrate on the positive things in her life. [Source]

US Weekly is boldly proclaiming that Nicole Richie is PREGNANT as if they have the official exclusive word from the diminutive Hollywood "It" Girl herself ... but you will note that the headline, Yes, She's Pregnant doesn't read Yes, I'm Pregnant ... so it looks like she gave them that quote when, in fact she didn't:

After several weeks of Nicole Richie hiding her stomach from photographers, the is-she-or-isn't-she-rumors can be put to rest: Us has confirmed via multiple sources that Richie is more than 12 weeks pregnant with her and boyfriend Joel Madden's first child. "She is extremely excited right now," a source close to the star tells Us. Richie, 25, shared the good news with her mom Brenda, and close friends like Mischa Barton, in early May, adds the Richie pal, after a pregnancy test came up positive. And the pregnancy isn't the only cause for celebration. A source says Madden, 28, along with a few friends and his twin brother Benji, recently went shopping for an engagement ring. And the twins' older brother Josh Madden tells Us, "Nicole is awesome. I would love for them to get married!" Both families are thrilled about the couple's baby joy: "Everyone's happy, everyone's good, everyone's getting along" a source tells Us. Clever, clever ... quoting Josh saying "I would love for them to get married" has a nice ring to it but it's not really a confirmation. US Weekly is just reporting this story as if it was an official announcement when it's no such thing. Personally, I'll just hold off on extending my official congrats until I hear something straight from the horse's mouth. [Source]

Here are a couple pictures of Eva Longoria and Tony Parker from their 4th of July visit to Disneyland:

The couple spent all of yesterday traveling to France and must've gone straight to city hall upon arrival because they were officially wed in a civil service there, ahead of their grand nuptials scheduled to take place tomorrow: Eva Longoria and Tony Parker made it legal at Paris's city hall on Friday, with a big church wedding and lavish reception still to come. The basketball star, 25, and the actress, 32, became man and wife at a civil ceremony – as required by French law – at the Mairie (city hall for the 4th Arrondissement) in Place Baudoyer, not far from Notre Dame. "They are married. They were married here by the Mayor of Paris, Monsieur Bertrand Delanoë," a spokesperson for the 4th Arrondisement district confirms. Delanoë told PEOPLE of the couple he'd just married, "Their international reputations cannot escape me – but for me they are just Eva and Tony – two young people, very appealing, who love each other and who are at a very important moment in their life." Just before 4:30 p.m. Paris time, wedding guests filtered out of the building and entered limousines. A large, white floral bouquet was placed in the rear of the stretch limo. The crowd, which had swelled to about 1,000, cheered loudly. I guess now all that's left to get out of the way is the ridiculously lavish ceremony that has been in the works for about a year now. I suppose congratulations are in order so Congrats Eva & Tony!! [Source]

Just because Britney Spears's new/old bodyguard has gotten rid of his porn 'stache doesn't mean it can't be up for grabs for someone else ... here are pictures of Orlando Bloom rockin' the 'stache in NYC this week:

You know ... if anyone can make a dirt nasty look like this sexy, it'd be Orlando Bloom. Now I'm having all sorts of unclean thoughts about the kind of porn that Orlando might participate in ... mmmm .... [thanks Mel]

It looks like Guy Ritchie is wantin' to get in on all the DILF love that Brad Pitt has been gettin' in recent months from the media. Taking a page from the Brangelina playbook, here are pictures of Guy dropping off his kiddies Rocco and David Banda at school:

I can't say that I mind much. Hot dads doing the daddy thing is really ... well, hot. [Source]

Now see ... in this recent picture of Tracy Morgan out and about in LA, his court-ordered SCRAM alcohol detecting ankle bracelet should be the focal point when, in fact, it's kinda hard to even notice it when you are looking at the entire pic:

I think he's even wearing make-up. Homie needs to get on the horn with his agent STAT because if this is the sort of work he has to resort to doing then I fear things don't bode well for his career. Unless he's just dressing up in drag for the fun of it ... then it's OK. [Source]

Yesterday afternoon, Siouxsie Sioux's debut video as a solo artist Into A Swan made an appearance on You Tube and was quickly taken down ... but not before I was able to watch it a few times and snag it for viewing HERE:

Pink reader Mykah managed to get a whole bunch of screencaps and share them with me. The video is really very cool and it does much to remind me of what an amazing artist Siouxsie always has been and always will be. I am very much looking forward to hearing her album, Mantaray, when it gets released in September. Click HERE to check it out for yourself. [thanks Mykah]

Paula Abdul is in the UK for the next few days and will be making an appearance on the SNL-like sketch comedy show The Friday Night Project tonight. Here is a pic from their American Idol sketch that is set to air in tonight's program:

I gotta say, I think Paula makes a very nice-looking hairy man. Actually, I'm in a a pretty Paula way because I was able to catch up on her new Bravo show Hey Paula yesterday and it was pretty much the only thing that managed to make me smile. She makes a lot more sense when you're able to see her in her everyday life. I was the BIGGEST Paula Abdul fan back in her hey day and I'm just glad that I'm able to relive some of that idolatry by watching her TV show. It's funny, if you watch the show then you surely have noticed all those framed magazine covers that hang on the walls in her home ... I had those same magazines framed on the walls of my bedroom back in the early 90s ... and I ain't ashamed to admit it (even tho, I prolly should be). [Source]

Here are a few pics of Hilary Duff showin' off her hot bod in the new issue of Shape magazine:

Now, I dunno where those muscles came from but they look good on her. She practically looks like a new woman! Hot! [Source]

Jennifer Lopez is on the cover of the new issue of Glamour magazine:

You know, just in case you forgot what she looks like. La Diva Latina has been out of the spotlight for so long now ... she needs to come out with a new album already (and, I'm sorry, the Spanish language album doesn't count for me because they won't play it on US radio). [Source]

And finally, Paris Hilton may not have made the cover of the new Smashing Pumpkins album Zeitgeist but she did make it into the cd booklet that accompanies the special edition version of the album:

Paris is joined by a graffitied coffin, the grim reaper and a surprisingly hot Billy Corgan. [Source]

Les News:
Again, I have to reiterate my immense thanks for all the messages that have been coming my way. It means so much to me that so many of you would take the time to express your concern and support. Without getting into anything unpleasant I'll just say that I won't be going to NYC this weekend and David and I will not be going to London next week. That's about all I'm ready to divulge right now. I mention this only because I have also received many emails from Pink readers in the UK who have sent suggestions and tips for our London trip and it looks like they may go unused -- at least for now. Thank you all again for taking the time to send those emails as well.

I pretty much holed myself up in my apartment yesterday but I think I'm gonna venture out tonight. I dunno what, if anything, I'm gonna do tonight ... I'm just gonna try and be a'ight.

So, I guess that's it ... I'm out.



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