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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Some Enchanted Evening

It looks like Xmas has arrived early this year. Not only did the first David Beckham for Armani Underwear photo explode onto the InterWeb this past Monday morning but today we have a look at the second photo from the much anticipated ad campaign. David Beckham posted on his official website that while his new Armani Underwear ad campaign would be included in the February '08 issue of Vanity Fair magazine it would actually debut online on the Emporio Armani website on January 1, 2008 ... but here is the second pic from the new campaign for all y'all to enjoy right now:

Click above for larger image

Granted, this photo isn't quite as clear as the first photo but I am deffo not complaining. I am suddenly curious about all the different poses and positions that Becks will appear in for this campaign. I can't wait to see more ... hopefully more photos from this Armani Underwear campaign will continue to make their way to the InterWeb before they make their official debut next month. [thanks Doug]

In other big news (tho not quite as big as the bulbous bulge that Becks has got packed into his Armani Undies), Jessica Alba has announced that she is pregnant with her first child by her long-time boyfriend Cash Warren:

Jessica Alba is pregnant with boyfriend Cash Warren's child, her rep tells PEOPLE exclusively. "I can confirm that Jessica and Cash are expecting a baby in late spring, early summer," says rep Brad Cafarelli. Alba, 26, has dated Warren, 28, since the fall of 2004 after they met on the set of The Fantastic Four, on which Warren was a director's assistant. The couple have been seen being affectionate together in Los Angeles in recent days, shopping for mattresses last Saturday and attending a Lakers game, where they were spotted kissing Sunday. Well, I suppose congrats are in order for the happy couple. I seem to recall that they went thru a rough patch some time ago but, clearly, have patched things up completely and decided to have a child together. I find it very interesting that Jessica thought it prudent to make this pregnancy announcement so early ... she isn't even sporting the smallest sign of a baby bump. Jessica isn't all that fond of opening herself up to media speculation (ie. she is a fan of hiding from the paps whenever possible) and yet, here she is declaring her pregsness when she was still able to keep the news to herself. I wonder what gives? Does she think more people will go see her new movie Awake now? [Source]

Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett-Smith packed their bags, their children and their Scientologically-minded friend Tom Cruise and made their way to NYC to appear at The Theatre at Madison Square Garden for the premiere of Will's new movie I Am Legend. Here are a few pics from the event's red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

There must've been something extra sassy in the air by the way that Tom and Pete Wentz were acting on the carpet. Tom Cruise always has a bit of sass to his demeanor but I wonder what put the spring in Pete's step. You can see that Petey is still rockin' the foot brace (which he acquired after he broke his foot jumping off a speaker and onto the stage while in concert a few weeks ago) and some sexy new facial hair as well. I think it's a good look for him ... I hope he keeps it. [Source]

Kylie Minogue, clad in a skin tight rubber dress, was among the performers (along with Alicia Keys and others) at the Oslo Spektrum yesterday in Oslo, Norway for the Nobel Peace Prize Concert which honored this year's Nobel honorees, including Al Gore. Here are a few pics from the concert:

Kylie Minogue squeezed into a sexy PVC number in a bid to warm-up freezing Norway last night. The diminutive star put on a sizzling performance in front of former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and the United Nations climate panel at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in the Oslo Spektrum. Kylie, 39, joined other performers, including Alicia Keys, Annie Lennox and U.S. country singer Melissa Etheridge at the annual concert in the Norwegian capital, which dipped below freezing temperature on Tuesday. The event was hosted by Hollywood stars Kevin Spacey and Uma Thurman and followed the presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize to Gore and the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Monday. What better way to honor the recipient of the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize than with a sexy performance by Kylie Minogue in rubber. Shoot, that alone sounds better than the actual peace prize itself. What an honor, indeed. [Source]

Members of the cast of the NBC hit show Hereos came out in support of the Writer's Strike (which is still raging on) yesterday afternoon at Universal City to take up signs and walk the picket line with their compatriots ... and they plan to continue supporting the writers in the future as well. Here are a few pics from the Heroes strike yesterday:

Photo credit: Splash News

As the Hollywood writer's strike continues into its second month, those involved in the strike are getting creative with their tactics and support. Access has learned "Heroes" creator Tim Kring, along with show stars, Ali Larter, Adrian Pasdar, Jack Coleman, and Christine Rose, will walk the picket lines on Wednesday in front of Universal Studios. They are encouraging fans to join the picket by handing out comic books and T-shirts. On the one hand, I think it's awesome that the actors have come out in droves to lend their support to the striking writers but on the other hand I can't help but think ... eh, what else do they got going on? Of course they should be out there marching in support. I understand that closed door negotiations have been doing on behind the scenes for the past week or so and that the opposing sides were very near an agreement ... but, clearly, they just haven't gotten there yet. I gotta say, the strike thing was a novel little fad for a while now but I'm ready for it to be over. I really, really hope they come to an agreement by the end of this month so that folks can get back to making the TV shows that I love. As much as I love reality TV, I'm not really looking forward to an entire season of it should this Writer's Strike continue into the new year. [Source]

What's this? Has Lindsay Lohan fallen off the wagon? Is she back to making those horrrrible decisions that led her down the path of near destruction earlier this year?

L. Lo has been so good at keeping herself out of trouble since her release from rehab a couple of months ago but I don't know that it's a good idea for her to be hanging out with the likes of JR Rotem. I know that she is working on her next album right now and is prolly rationalizing a collabo with Rotem for her the success of her album but ... I just think it's a bad idea. Linds needs to steer clear from shady characters like JR at all costs. [Source]

Awww ... things look like they are going well for Jessica Simpson and her new Dallas Cowboys quarterback loverboy Tony Romo. Jessimo have been spending a lot of time together considering that they live really far away from one another. Here are pics of the happy couple hugging everyone in site as they arrived here in SoCal at the Burbank Airport this week:

You just know that Papa Joe Simpson is wetting himself over this happy new union. Honestly, I bet he's more excited about the pairing than Jessica is. Now we'll have to see if Jessimo can outlive, outlast the Nick Lachey/Vanessa Minnillo dream team La-Nessa for supercouple superiority. La-Nessa have got a huge head start and they seem sickeningly happy together ... personally, my money is on Team La-Nessa for the win. But, I wouldn't necessarily count Jessimo out entirely ... both Tony and Papa Joe are fierce competitors ... they might give us a run for our money. Game on, bitches. [Source]

Two of my fave ladies ever, Michelle Trachtenberg and Kristin Cavallari, got themselves all dolled up and came out for a grand opening event here in LA for the new Foley + Corinna store ... tho Kristin looked happier about the shindig than Michelle did. Here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Both of these lovely ladies have been out of the spotlight in recent weeks and months so it's great to see them out and about again. I'm sure we'll be hearing/seeing more of Michelle very soon since it was just announced that she will be co-starring with Hollywood "It" Boy Zac Efron in the new movie Seventeen. I'm hoping that we'll get to see more of Kristin out on the town now that she's newly single, having just broken up with Nick Zano. After the rough beating that Hollywood "It" Girls have taken over the past year, it'd be great to have some good girls come out of the woodwork to represent. [Source]

Hmmm ... why do you suppose that Madonna is walkin' around town trying to hide her new black eye behind a pair of sunglasses? Could she have come up on the losing end of a fist fight ... or could it be the result of something else?

Her ever-youthful looks have often caused onlookers to wonder how she stays looking so young. But now the answer might just be apparent, after Madonna was seen with what looked like two black eyes - prompting renewed speculation that she has had a facelift. The Queen of Pop, who turns 50 next year, was spotted hiding the black eyes beneath a pair of sunglasses as she left a medical building in New York last night. Her ever-youthful looks have often caused onlookers to wonder how she stays looking so young. But now the answer might just be apparent, after Madonna was seen with what looked like two black eyes - prompting renewed speculation that she has had a facelift. The Queen of Pop, who turns 50 next year, was spotted hiding the black eyes beneath a pair of sunglasses as she left a medical building in New York last night. I dunno ... I don't think that Madonna would go in for a medical procedure of the plastic kind and then brazenly walk out in public for all the world to see. My bet is that the bruising is a result of something else. Now, I dunno who would want to punch Madonna in the face (or who'd have the balls to do so, for that matter) but I hope she at least got to whip some ass in the process. [Source]

Pink reader Sarah was in Las Vegas this past weekend where she saw the Spice Girls perform at Mandalay Bay but had a very close encounter with 2 of the Spices in a more intimate setting at Pure nightclub on Sunday night. Here are a few of Sarah's pics of Mel B and Emma partying in the VIP section at Pure along with her account of the encounter:

I just wanted to share some pictures I got at pure. we showed up at pure simply for something to do on sunday night and the door girl said there would be a special guest at 1am. the spice girls didn't come up in my mind AT ALL for some reason. I actually thought it'd be cheryl burke from dancing with the stars because I saw her earlier in the night at celine dion's concert, haha. anyways, we arrived a little after one, and there were murmurs going around that there was a spice girl in the VIP section, but I couldn't recognize anybody. shortly after they came on and announced that some spices were indeed in the house and mel b and emma popped up! I quickly made my way to the front to plant myself in front of the glass. mel b would come to the front every once in a while and everybody would whoop and holler for her. emma stayed on and around the couches most of the time. she came up to the front a little bit but never really addressed the crowd so we could get clear shots of her. at least while I was there. my sister says she did a little later as the night was winding down. there was also a very large group of brit guys who kept chanting some song. I thought they were singing for mel b, but turns out the british fighter who fought against mayweather was in the vip also. I love it ... sounds like it was a fun night. Sarah goes on to reveal that she ran into Mel B again but this time inside the women's bathroom at Mandalay Bay on Monday night. She failed to ask her for a photo because Mel shot her a look of, and I quote, "don't even try it." LOL. I guess that's to be expected. Folks prolly don't feel picture perfect when they are about to hit the toilet. It does make for a great story tho ... thanks for sharing. [thanks Sarah]

Indulge me for a moment as I relish the fact that the early-90s band The Divinyls played a show at The Enmore in Sydney, Australia yesterday after many long years out of the music spotlight (at least here in the US). I'm pretty sure there are at least a few Pink readers out there who can appreciate my excitement ... here are a couple of pics from their show:

Photo credit: Wireimage

The Divinyls had a HUGE hit here in the early 90s with their song I Touch Myself. In fact, the whole album was really very good but it was that song that catapulted them to one-hit-wonder fame here in the States. When I was in high school, I played the saxophone in marching band (first chair, don't scoff) and we took a road trip down to Florida to march in a parade at Disneyworld during my junior year. On the bus ride there and back I played the Divinyl's song I Touch Myself on my cassette player (hush) pretty much on repeat (along with Paula Abdul's song Rush Rush -- but that's another story, for another time) ... so much, in fact, that I had the adult chaperones singing along in no time. Yes, I know it sounds pretty miserable now (actually, I recall the bus ride was pretty freakin' miserable back then too) but the song was a big fave of mine and it made the long sojourn more manageable. I'll spare you the stories about the gross bathroom on our bus and the embarrassing incident at one of our Waffle House stops ... I just wanted to give the Divinyls a shout-out on the blog since I never thought I'd ever get the chance to do so. [Source]

Keri Russell and her babydaddy Shane Deary appear to be huge NY Knicks fans as they were seen hootin' and hollerin' at a game on Monday night ... the couple were seated next to Gossip Girl's Chace Crawford who didn't really look like he was all that interested in the game:

Photo credit: Splash News

The Knicks ended up losing to Dallas by 10 points so I guess there wasn't anything for Chace to get all excited for anyways (tho, Pink reader Melanie informs me that Chace is from Dallas, so he was prolly cheering for the Mavericks anyways) ... [Source]

... but how's this for exciting Chace Crawford news ... here are a few pics from a pretty cheesy (yet hawt) photoshoot that Chace did back in the days before anyone even knew who he was (ie. before Gossip Girl premiered on The CW this season):

Heh. I love it. Once fame hits things like this start falling out of the closet. Head on over to to see a whole bunch of pics from this photoshoot ... in high res. [Source via ONTD!]

Rugby star (and uber hottie) Ben Cohen agreed to be photographed for the UK magazine Gay Times as a little thank you to his legions of gay fans and admirers. As soon as word spread that Ben would be appearing in the mag, there has been much speculation and anticipation over how the pics would turn out ... well, here they are:

Meh. The pics are cute but nowhere near as hot as I was hoping. Shoot, even Chace is wearing less clothing in his photoshoot. These pics don't even show off Ben's famously hairy chest ... at all. What a let down. [Source]

Paris Hilton will never run out of products to try and sell with her fame and celebrity ... here are a couple of promo pics for her latest product endorsement for Rich Prosecco -- the champagne that you drink from a can rather than a bottle:

Geeze, what won't this girl pimp herself out for just to make a few bucks. [Source]

And finally, it is with great pride and joy that I can report that one of my fave words ever has been chosen as the Word of the Year by Merriam-Webster dictionary:

"w00t," an expression of joy coined by online gamers, was crowned word of the year on Tuesday by the publisher of a leading U.S. dictionary. Massachusetts-based Merriam-Webster Inc. said "w00t" -- typically spelled with two zeros -- reflects a new direction in the American language led by a generation raised on video games and cell phone text-messaging. It's like saying "yay," the dictionary said. "It could be after a triumph or for no reason at all," Merriam-Webster said. Visitors to Merriam-Webster's Web site were invited to vote for one of 20 words and phrases culled from the most frequently looked-up words on the site and submitted by readers. Runner-up was "facebook" as a new verb meaning to add someone to a list of friends on the Web site or to search for people on the social networking site. LOL! I love it ... and to be honest, I had no idea that it was a word used by the online gaming community. I've been saying Woot! since before there were online games ... before there was online. While I do not spell with word with zeros, I have no problem taking a bit of credit for its popularity. As long as folks like David Beckham and Jake Gyllenhaal keep appearing semi-nekkid in photos, I'll be sure to be Wooting right along :) [Source]

Les News:
Last night, David and I met up with my friend Michael for an amazing sushi dinner at a new place called Yuta in Studio City before I had to take David to the airport for his red-eye flight back home to NYC. Michael and I had been planning to see a movie for a couple of weeks now so we made our way to Burbank, after I dropped David off, to see Enchanted:

I was a big fan of the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit? which did a great job of incorporating animation with live action ... so I really wanted to see how Enchanted would turn out. I was very pleased to discover that it is a really fun little movie. The animated parts were really well done and the casting was perfect. Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey played great characters but James Marsden really stole the show. His face is so animated, he was the perfect pic to play Prince Edward. Actually, I should say that the computer animated chipmunk Pip was the real star of the movie ... he was brills. The movie may be geared towards kids, but it is really funny and very well done. I thought that Susan Sarandon's evil queen could've been more prominent but still, the movie turned out great. It's really fun ... any fan of the famed classic Disney animated films will be happy with this movie.

So ... yeah, I'm bummed that David is gone already ... I have stuff to take care of before Sarah arrives this weekend so I'm gonna get to it. Have a great Wednesday, y'all. I'm out.



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