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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cruz Control

I swear ... if left to her own devices for just one night Britney Spears seems unable to control herself. After spending a nice, lovely and drama-free night out this weekend with her father and conservator Jamie Spears, Brit Brit went out on the town on her own last night after she got a hankering for a sushi dinner. It pains me to reveal that our dear Britney forgot to wear her underwear, again, and unfortch let the paps know it:

Photo credit: INFdaily and X17

Troubled singer Britney Spears appears to be finding comfort in food following her recent spell in a psychiatric ward. The 26-year-old pop star was showing off a noticeably curvier figure when she dined out at her favourite restaurant Shu Sushi in Bel Air last night. Clutching a notebook and Blackberry device, Britney dressed for the cool LA night in a lycra dress and puffa jacket as she was followed by her bodyguard and assistant Brett. It appeared Britney had forgotten her underwear yet again, revealing a tad too much to the awaiting throng of paparazzi as she stepped out of her car. And after flirting with the Kabbalah and Hinduism in recent years, Britney seems to be returning to her Christian roots as she teamed a silver cross with her ensemble.

Boo! No more vag, Britney! When will you learn? Blah, it makes sense that Papa Jamie has ordered that Britney never be allowed to be by herself when in public ... even when she goes to the bathroom ... it's clear that she's not quite ready to handle freedom and responsibility on her own just yet. Sometimes I wonder if she ever will be ready to handle things on her own. [Source]

The Spice Girls Reunion Tour made it's last NYC stop last night at Madison Square Garden and Les Spices managed to pull out a new trick in order to, ahem, spice up the show. At various stops along the tour, the Spice Girls brought their children out on stage with them as they performed the song Mama. Last night was one of those stops ... and when 3-year old Cruz Beckham took the stage he obvs felt the time was right to thrill the crowd with his awesome breakdancing skillz ... here are a few pics of Baby Spice Cruz Beckham stealing the show last night:

The youngest Beckham boy, who will be three tomorrow, charmed the notoriously tough crowd at Madison Square Garden with an amazing display of breakdancing, revealing a hidden talent for the crowd-pleasing moves. Even Spice Girl Melanie Brown, mother of Angel Iris and Phoenix Chi, was amazed at his spontaneous performance and she had to stop singing as she laughed out loud in amazement and said "that's brilliant" as proud mother Victoria looked on smiling.

Hahhahahaha ... this has to be the cutest thing ever ... click HERE to watch video of the Spices performing Mama ... Cruz begins his routine at around the 3 minute mark. If you watch the video til the end you'll see that they had a hard time getting the little ham off the stage. [Source]

But, Cruz wasn't the only Spice kid on stage ... all of the Spice moms (sans Mel C.) brought their offspring out on stage for a bit:

Photo credit: Splash News and Kathryn M.

Dressed in sparkly Cavalli outfits, the girls took to the stage hand-in-hand to sing the emotional song Mama. And the event became a family affair when they brought their children, who were all watching from the front row, up onstage. Mel B danced with 10-month-old Angel, her baby by actor Eddie Murphy, in her arms. Geri showed off 19-month-old Bluebell Madonna, while Victoria strode proudly onstage with her three sons. However, nine-year-old Brooklyn, thrust among the lights and the rhinestone costumes, looked as if he'd much rather be somewhere else. Appropriately Baby Spice - Emma Bunton - showed off her six-month-old son Beau. The Spice Girls tour has just two weeks to go, after the group announced their decision to cut it short last month.

Yep ... it looks pretty evident that VB's eldest son, Brooklyn, is SO over it all:

Photo credit: Splash News

You can tell that he was pretty pissed that he got upstaged by his baby brother -- LOL! Much love goes out to Pink reader Kathryn who was at last night's show and sent in a few of her photos to share :) [thanks Kathryn]

Alright ... moving on ... Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson and Eric Bana were all on hand at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel here in NYC to participate in a press conference for their new movie The Other Boleyn Girl ... here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Lovely, lovely ... everyone was lookin' lovely. Eric Bana is just a really hot man so it'll be very cool to see him in this movie ... I love Natalie Portman and I don't mind Scarlett Johansson that much so, all in all, the movie should be a huge hit, no? After all, having 3 big name actors is bound to ensure box office gold. [Source]

Things appear to still be going strong in the much-talked about romance between Heroes co-stars Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia as the couple was spotted out together this weekend at a black tie private party in Hollywood. Here are a few pics of our dear HaLo making their grand exit from the event:

Aww ... they make such a cute couple ... nice and innocent. One might imagine that all these two do together on dates is hold hands and stare lovingly into one another's eyes ... envisioning anything more risqué than that would be far too much to bear. Let's just assume that HaLo have been abstaining from engaging in any sort of enterprises that might be rated stronger than PG-13, shall we? I wouldn't want my frail little heart to burst from hearing otherwise. [Source]

In an attempt to try and whip up more interest in the new movie The Hottie and the Nottie, movie producers have released the following photos of the movie's biggest fan:

Photo credit: Wireimage

If this sort of movie promotion doesn't generate tickets sales then I don't think anything will. [Source]

Hahahahaha ... in other Paris Hilton news, HERE is video of everyone's favorite heiress trying her best at being a Pussycat Doll. Try not to choke on your unceasing guffaws.

It would appear that Madonna's only begotten daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon, has already grown tired of her fame and notoriety ... and she hasn't even gotten old enough to really understand its magnitude. Here are a couple pics of Lola getting herself a mani/pedi ...

Photo credit: Fame

... and lookin' ready to strangle someone for invading on her private time. This little one is going to be a pistol, I can just see it now. Mark my words, we'll be seeing her whippin' the ass of some poor soul who dares to cross her path on the wrong day. [Source]

As if the thought of an ass-beating by a disgruntled celebrity child wasn't scary enough ... here is a new photo of Marie Osmond posing with one of her terrifyingly creepy dolls at the NY Toy Fair at The Jacob Javits Convention Center here in NYC:

Photo credit: Splash News

Maybe I'm the only one but there is something in the doll's don't-get-too-close-to-me-or-I'll-suck-out-your-soul stare that gives me the heeby-jeebies. I can't believe that people would actually want to have these things in their homes. [Source]

Well, well now ... what is going on here? Tom Cruise ... paling around with a woman who is not contractually obliged to be in his presence? Doth mine eyes deceive me?

She's taller than him, and a brunette, but that's where the similarity ends, as Tom Cruise cozies up to a woman who is clearly not wife Katie Holmes. Tom and the mystery brunette were seen cuddling in Los Angeles last week. And it's clear there was a previous acquaintance between the two as they greeted each other rather warmly. The Mission Impossible star's wife was nowhere to be seen as Tom and the woman walked arm-in-arm inside a building, and disappeared into an elevator. Cruise looked relaxed and was smiling as the mystery brunette kept a protective arm around him, but kept his trademark sunglasses on. Later the pair openly posed for a photograph together, so there was little suggestion of anything irregular.

I'm sorry ... cuddling? Tom Cruise? And a mystery woman? Could freedom really be within reach for Katie Holmes at long last? My mind is just befuddled with possibilities ... tho, I shouldn't get my hopes too high. But still ... this could mean something ... after all, Tom Cruise is not the type of person to mislead the public by engaging in any sort of shammy relationship just to draw attention to himself or any projects he may be working on. [Source]

Smashing Pumpkins played a show at the Brabanthallen in Den Bosch, Netherlands last night ... and here are a few pics from their performance:

Photo credit: Wireimage

I'm not a huge SP fan but I do love that they played the Netherlands on the day that David and I left. Incidentally, Babyshambles played a show in Amsterdam last night as well. Holland was really hopping last night, it would seem. [Source]

Who knew that Lindsay Lohan was a wrestling fan? Certainly not I ... but here are a couple pics of Linds posing with WWE wrestling superstars Rey Mysterio and John Cena in front of their Monday night RAW show at the Honda Center in Anaheim, CA last night:

It turns out that Lindsay wasn't in the hiz solely to enjoy all the wrestling ... she was there primarily to spend time with children from the Sunshine Dreams of Canada Foundation who were there to enjoy the wresting:

To the pleasant surprise of many WWE Superstars and Divas, Hollywood A-list actress Lindsay Lohan dropped by the Honda Center this Monday before Raw. The star of Mean Girls, Georgia Rule and Bobby chatted and snapped photos with Superstars John Cena, JBL, Rey Mysterio, and six-time boxing champion Floyd Mayweather. But Lohan's visit wasn't limited to meeting Raw Superstars and Divas; she also spent time with children like Brandon Eliot, from the Sunshine Dreams of Canada Foundation. "I love what [WWE] does for children, and I think what WWE does is amazing," she said, after a photo with a smiling Eliot. "I love being with children and giving back as much as I can." Each year, WWE grants the wishes of children who desire to meet their favorite WWE Superstars. Since 1982, Superstars and Divas have conducted more than 5,000 meet-and-greet sessions with children across the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany and Australia.

How nice of Lindsay to take time out of her bizzy schedule to come out and spend time with kids in need. I don't think that it hurt that there were also burly and muscley men to hang around with as well. L. Lo strikes me as such a giver ... always willing to show parts of her that may have previously gone unnoticed ... [Source]

... and speaking of Lindsay "showing parts" ... here are a few pics of Lindsay on the cover and in the pages of New York magazine in a photospread homage to the Last Sitting photoshoot that Marilyn Monroe posed for mere weeks before her death in 1962:

Actress Lindsay Lohan appears as she's never been seen before in an exclusive photo portfolio by Bert Stern, restaging the photographer's famous series of photos of Marilyn Monroe that came to be known as "The Last Sitting," in the Spring Fashion issue of New York magazine, on sale today. Shot at the Hotel Bel-Air on February 5, the photos of Lohan as Monroe duplicate the 1962 originals down to the lighting, the shellacked blonde wig Lohan wears, and her willingness to appear in little more than a chiffon scarf. Regarding the nudity, Lohan tells the magazine: "I was comfortable with it," though she confesses to having done "250 crunches" the night before the shoot. Lohan sees the Monroe photos (and by extension her own) as a way of regaining power: "Here is a woman who is giving herself to the public. She's saying,'Look, you've taken a lot from me, so why don't I give it to you myself.' She's taking control back." Taken only six weeks before Monroe was found dead of an apparent barbiturate overdose, Stern's original "Last Sitting" photos are "arguably the most famous images ever captured of America's most famous actress," Amanda Fortini writes in an accompanying essay. Lohan admits to an abiding obsession with Monroe, having purchased an apartment where she once lived, and says of her willingness to re-create the famous photos, "I didn't have to put much thought into it. I mean, Bert Stern? Doing a Marilyn shoot? When is that ever going to come up? It's really an honor." No stranger to scandal herself, the thrice-rehabbed Lohan calls Monroe’s suicide "tragic" and remarks to the magazine, "You know, it's also tragic what just recently happened to someone else." When asked if she's referring to Heath Ledger she says, "They are both prime examples of what this industry can do to someone." She is adamant, however, that she will not meet a similar fate, saying, "... I sure as hell wouldn't let it happen to me."

This is really a pretty spectacular photoshoot. Not only did Lindsay decide to pose in the nude, just like Marilyn did, but she was able to do so for the very same photographer who shot the Marilyn pics back in 1962 -- I think this is really very remarkable. Here are a few side-by-side comparison pics of Marilyn and Lindsay from their Bert Stern shoots:

In 1962, photographer Bert Stern shot a series of photos of Marilyn Monroe that have collectively come to be known as "The Last Sitting." Taken during several boozy sessions at the Hotel Bel-Air, the photographs are arguably the most famous images ever captured of America's most famous actress: Monroe, sleepy-eyed and naked, sips from a Champagne glass, enacts a fan dance of sorts with various diaphanous scarves, romps with erotic playfulness on a bed of white linens. Six weeks after she had posed, Monroe was found dead of an apparent barbiturate overdose. The photos endure partly as artifacts—as the last visible evidence of the living woman (a legacy reinforced by Stern's decision to publish the contact sheets Monroe herself had crossed out in red marker). But the pictures are also remarkable for the raw truths they seem to reveal. In them, we see an actress whose comedic talents were overshadowed by her sex appeal, a woman who is cannily aware of her pinup status, yet is also beginning to show her 36 years. In many shots, she is obviously drunk. This was an unhappy time for Monroe. Notorious for her on-set antics, she had been publicly lambasted by Billy Wilder after Some Like It Hot, then fired from the production of Something's Got to Give; she'’d endured two recent divorces and, in 1961, a brief stint in a psychiatric ward. Stern excavated and preserved the poignant humanity of the real woman—beautiful, but also fragile, needy, flawed—from the monumental sex symbol. In our armored, airbrushed age, his achievement feels almost revolutionary. Forty-six years later, Stern has revisited his classic shots with Lindsay Lohan, another actress whose prodigious fame is not quite commensurate with her professional achievements. Stern, who shot the photos on film rather than digitally, told me he was interested in Lohan because he suspected "she had a lot more depth to her" than one might assume from "those teenage movies." Indeed, many in the film industry believe that Lohan has yet to pursue projects equal to her gifts. Without putting too fine a point on it, you might say Lohan has, like Monroe, a knack for courting the tabloids and tripping up her career. (Readers will remember that Lohan had her own Billy Wilder moment two summers ago on the set of Georgia Rule.) Stern said the project also grew out of his interest in "controversial women," or "bad girls," like "Britney, Paris, and Lindsay." Monroe was, in a sense, the original tabloid queen.

The article that accompanies these photos in the new issue of New York magazine is a great read. I, for one, believe that this issue is worth owning and I deffo plan to pick up a few copies before I fly back to LA tomorrow. Head on over to the New York magazine website to see the full portfolio in all it's uncensored, NSFW glory. [Source]

Jessica Alba is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Latina magazine. In her photospread, she recreates some famous scenes from various horror films ... in the article she talks "brown babies":

In Latina's March 2008 cover story, Jessica Alba gets personal with Editor-in-Chief Mimi Valdés Ryan and directly responds to the rumors that have resulted in her now-commonly used nickname, "Jessica 'Don't Call Me Latina' Alba." Check out some of her revealing answers below, and don't forget to pick up the full story when the issue hits newsstands on February 19!

On her reluctance to walk the red carpet at Latin events: "I'll support those shows, but I can't go on the press lines and have people make me feel bad about myself. Life is too short. I can't change how I grew up, and I shouldn't have to apologize for it. I know I feel close to the Latin community, because that's what I grew up with."

On claims that she's proud to have cut loose from her Mexican roots: "I never said that. Cut loose from what? What the hell are they talking about? Why would I want to cut loose from the only family I know?"

On not learning to speak Spanish as a child: "I wish to God that my dad spoke Spanish to my brother and me, but he didn't grow up with it."

On confusing other men for her dad as a kid: "When I was little, I used to go up to black men and hold their legs, thinking it was my dad all the time. I'd wrap my arms around them, then look up and be like, 'Oh my God!'"

On being accepted for who she is in Hollywood: "I was always trying to figure out: How the hell am I going to be mainstream? How are people going to accept me? When are the going to get a clue that I am American, that this is what America looks like -- people like me who are mixed, have different blood, mixed with different ethnicities? When are the people who are hiring for these jobs and writing these screenplays going to realize that?"

On what she wants her baby to look like: "I'm excited for my baby to be brown. I just have to believe the dark gene is going to survive. Cash and I are like, please!"

I ... uh ... don't really know what to say. The photoshoot is a cool idea and all (even tho some of the poses look ... forced) but I'm not exactly sure what it has to do with the accompanying interview. The two things seem so different from one another, I don't really understand why this particular photoshoot was paired with this interview. I suppose you gotta give it up to Jessica for being so candid in her interview ... I can relate, especially to the part about not learning Spanish. In my case, my parents did speak Spanish to me and I chose to reject it in order to fit in better with my surroundings. It's something that I've grown to regret. I'm very interested in reading the full text of this interview ... I wonder what other things Jessica has to say about this heritage thing. [Source]

Janet Jackson has set her sights on NYC to make a big splash on the release day (02.26.08) for her new album Discipline. Here are a couple new promo pics of Miss Jackson that are to be used for her upcoming singles Rock Wit You and Luv along with her release day performance schedule and the final track listing for her new album:

On February 26th, Janet will kick off the day with a live performance in Times Square at the Nokia Theater on Good Morning America at 7AM before she takes over MTV's TRL at 3PM. That night, Janet will appear at an in-store autograph session at Best Buy (529 5th Ave between 43rd and 44th) at 6PM. If you're a Janet fan and you'll be in Manhattan on that day, plan accordingly ... it's gonna be a bizzy day.

And here is the official final track listing for the 2-disc Discipline:

01. I.D. (Interlude)
02. Feedback
03. LUV
04. Spinnin (Interlude)
05. Rollercoaster
06. Bathroom Break (Interlude)
07. Rock With U
08. 2nite
09. Can't B Good
10. 4 Words (Interlude)
11. Never Letchu Go
12. Truth Or Dare (Interlude)
13. Greatest X
14. Good Morning Janet (Interlude)
15. So Much Betta
16. Play Selection (Interlude)
17. The 1 feat. Missy Elliott
18. What's Ur Name
19. The Meaning (Interlude)
20. Discipline
21. Back (Interlude)
22. Curtains

Hahahhaah ... Janet sure loves her interludes, don't she? I've been pretty lukewarm on Janet in the past few years but I like the sound of this new album ... I can't wait to hear the whole thing. [Source]

Mark your calendars, y'all ... MTV has announced that the extended portion of The Hills Season 3 will premiere on March 23:

And ... to whet your appetites ... here is the teaser tralier for the upcoming new eps:

Woot!! The show's been off the air for far too long now ... It's about time we got some new drama to obsess over. Will LC find true love in Paris? Will Speidi ever make it down the aisle? Will Whitney learn some new facial expressions? I can't wait to find out!!! [Source]

And finally ... somebody wised up and decided to make some money off of Matthew McConaughey's love of taking off his shirt ... here are a few screencaps from the new Dolce & Gabbana fragrance ad for The One which stars Mr. McConaughey in his half-nekkid glory:

Click above to watch the video

LOL. I'm actually surprised no one has thought of doing this sooner. Enjoy! [Source]

Les News:
Alas ... David's and my trip to Amsterdam is already over ... we made it back to NYC safe and sound around 8:30pm last night after a pretty grueling 8-hour flight. Despite the fact that David was feeling a bit ill, we managed to get everything that we wanted to accomplish squeezed into what little time we had left yesterday. After we checked out of our amazing hotel, we rented a couple of bikes and took to the streets of Amsterdam for a few hours. It was seriously the funnest thing I've done in ages. You really can get all over the entire city by bike in very little time and with very little effort. I can't remember the last time I rode a bike but I took to it like an old pro ...

... Well, that's not entirely true. I kinda got into a couple people's way in the bike lane and I am very appreciative that they didn't run me over ;) We got to see even more parts of the city on bike yesterday ... it was really phenomenal. For our last meal, we ended up at a Chinese restaurant near the Red Light District that we realized was the same Chinese restaurant that we dined in with our blogger friends 2 years ago. The trip really turned out to be a smashing success.

I have to send out lots of love to all the Pink readers in and around Amsterdam who emailed me their suggestions, etc. thruout our stay. And an extra special shout-out goes to Melanie and Steven ... David and I got your note, thank you both so much :)

We were pretty wrecked, as you can imagine, upon our arrival ... we barely had the inclination to eat before we passed out ... and here we are, at home again.

I'm still planning on seeing Tokio Hotel at The Fillmore at Irving Plaza tonight ... I understand that I'm in for a crazy show.

And so ... I'm out.



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