Wednesday, June 30, 2004
it's still june!
oi ... i should be in bed still ... i didn't go to sleep until 4am ... but here i am up before noon and doing stuff ... mother would be so proud. lessee ... the news du jour ... i really don't know how i feel about this whole bizzness about saddam being turned over to the new governing body of iraq. the first thing that came to mind was that he would surely escape or be set free. altho, i can also see a whole lotta people screaming for his execution ... it just seems so stupid that saddam hussein is now in iraqi custody when we've spent so much blood trying to catch him and get him out of iraq. i hope this thing doesn't blow up in our faces (like the entire iraqi occupation has thus far).
in other legal shenaigans, it seems that courtney love just cannot get her stupid ass to court on time, or even close to on time. she is such a moron! after the judge scolded her dumb ass for being 5 1/2 hours late Love apologized to the judge while playing with a packet of cigarettes. ye gods, someone lock this woman away before she ends up killing herself ... from what i understand, there is a great treatment facility in utah ...
which brings me to the next little tidbit. so we now suspect that mary-kate is being treated for drug abuse in addition to an eating disorder mainly because her father has admitted that she's been battling anorexia for 2 years now. man, i bet ashley's a little pissed that mk is getting all the press ... maybe ash can run over some paparazzi or something ... she needs some screen time too.
oh and guess what, the supreme court has ruled, in its infinite wisdom, that parents have to be parents when it comes to monitoring their own children. imagine that! man, the supreme court can be so smart in some cases (like this one) and so incredibly stupid in others (like the pledge of allegiance case). oi vey!
i love that there can actually a dialog concerning who barbie is dating. we all know (cuz people follow dumb shit like this) that barbie broke up with ken earlier in the year ... but did you know that she replaced him with a gay boyfriend named blaine? here is a pic of the happy couple

now she doesn't have to waste her time hanging out with stupid midge and stupid skipper ... now she can do some serious shopping with her new boyfriend blaine. after all these years, it's nice to see barbie settle down as just another fag hag (tho it would be hilarous if blaine dropped barbie for ken ... hee hee).
and the final bit of news, thus far, is that author j.k. rowling has come up with the name of the next harry potter book ...
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
and the world breathes a collective sigh of WhatTheFuck?!?