Saturday, June 26, 2004
the color purple

the office started out with white walls.

then we had to tape the edges of everything ...

and get to the painting.

and this is how it turned out ... the coolest color!
it looks as if kirsten and erik did all the work but VLB sarah came over and she and i taped and painted as well. we got the whole room done very quickly ... it just looks sharp as hell. i love it!
stephanie, her sister sydney and their mother candi came over to visit. candi and sydney had never seen the house before and they were pretty impressed.
after they left, tracey and ken came over for drinks and trivial pursuit.

i do look stunning in a tiara don't i?
tracey was going to spend the night but she had to go home to ann arbor to get stuff done before tomorrow afternoon ... we decided to have our sleep over some other time.
and that was pretty much the day ... we were bizzy but didn't run ourselves ragged. i was clued in that we have more projects for tomorrow. we are putting up shelves in the living room and are painting the fronts of our outer doors red ... cool!
i would be remiss if i didn't post a britney update when there is new information to share ... world of britney has this picture of brit sporting, what looks to be, her engagement ring:

i still think it's a baaaaaaaad idea. i really hope she doens't make it to the altar. i just can't believe that she's really in love with this guy enough to marry him.
time will tell ... and then i will tell as soon as it happens.