Saturday, June 19, 2004

don't we look fucking awesome?!? we had so much fun last night. we played 2 games against "the superfriends" (who were undefeated, 4-0). we won the first game 6 to 5 but we lost the second game 5 to 2. we had fun (even tho they were being dicks much of the game) nonetheless. erik made some amazing catches in the first game (3 of them actually) and i scored a run in the second game. but seriously the best play of the game (or ever in history for that matter) was played by anne (the girl in the front doing the splits). i shit you not ... she had one foot on first base and did a full split to catch the ball and get the person running to 1st base out ... it was AMAZING! totally like something you'd see in a movie ... she was incredible.
it was soooo fun! VLB sarah and rod came out to cheer us on ... we took some team pix (the photo album that is linked at the right will be added to over the next few weeks). after the game jacob arrived and we all went the blarney stone pub for food/drinks. the team we played and 2 other kickball teams were there as well ... we were rowdy and loud ... it was awesome!
kickball is so much fun ... we have games every friday ... if you're in the area you should come check us out.
Quop on!