Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Who's Got The Best Ass In The World?

So here it is, 8am and I am awake. Our microwave has been on the fritz lately (it won't heat and smells of burning) so Erik arranged for a repair person to come out and fix it up. The dude was knocking at our door at 8am precisely. Erik had to go to work so I got to deal with the repair-person-dude. He opened it up and showed me that the damn thing is sparking like crazy. He warned us not to use it again or it could cause a fire. Now we have to wait for a replacement, it's all very upsetting. How am I going to microwave my popcorn in the interim?
Erik still has my car because now he has to wait for the insurance company to check out his car before the dealership can begin repairs. I was going to visit my folks today but now I'm going to have to postpone my visit to this evening (after Erik gets home from work). I have to go to work tomorrow (and Friday) for Dreamweaver training so he might have to rent a car for the next few days. I'm not too jazzed about going back to ULS so early but I am a little jazzed that I'm going to receive serious HTML software training. Now maybe my websites won't look so elementary.
On a bit of a serious note, the 9/11 Commission's final report gets released tomorrow (it comes out in book form next week actually, I may pick up a copy) and it promises to outline the many missed chances that could have prevented the 9/11 attacks. The report also fails to fink a link between the 9/11 attacks and Iraq. I have no words for how angry this makes me. Having just read Plan of Attack I think I have a pretty good understanding on how this war became a reality; GWB and his administration were war-hungry from day one. And now GWB actually has the gall to try and pass himself off as the "peace president"!!! I completely agree with the guys at, GWB needs to STFU! Grrr ...
But enough brevity, let's get to the levity; there's a lot of goss to throw around so let's get to it:
- Britney's fiancé is a father again. Shar Jackson, his former girlfriend of four years, gave birth Tuesday at 10:30am to their second child (her fourth overall). Apparently he missed the actual delivery but did make it, sans Britney, to the hospital shortly after. I wonder if Britney sent a gift?
- It's official -- Kylie Minogue has the best bum in the world. Kylie garnered 31% of the UK vote and was the clear winner. Well duh!
- It's (also) official -- Jake Gyllenhaal and Kirsten Dunst are a couple no longer. In less exciting news, Cameron and Justin are still on.
- Have you ever wished that you could have your head put on top of a PEZ dispenser? Well wish no-longer, now you can! THIS SITE will allow you order your own personalized PEZ dispensers. Too bad my birthday is over.
- The Democrats are raising more money than the Republicans for the 2004 election. "From Jan. 1 through June 30, Kerry and Democrats raised $292 million, compared with $272 million for President Bush and Republicans." It takes $$$ to win elections so let's keep the donations coming. Republicans have deep pockets so the people who want to oust GWB need to keep giving.
- Fahrenheit 9/11 will get a screening six miles away from Bush's Crawford, TX ranch. Previously there have been no showings within 30 miles of Bush's home but a local peace group has organized a showing of the film on the side of a barn near his ranch with proceeds going to the Crawford Peace House and the town of Crawford itself. Yehaw! There are some intelligent folks in the lone star state afterall.
- P. Diddy, who is calling himself Citizen Combs, is on a campaign to make voting "sexy" for young people. His plan includes a line of t-shirts that will "make politics fashionable". If he can Rock the Vote for Kerry/Edwards then I'm all for his endeavors.
- Holy Shizz! The entire Freshmen class at Duke will receive free iPods at orientation this year! The 20GB iPods will come preloaded with "Duke-related" content; additionally, "Duke is also licensing Apple iTunes software to distribute a special version of iTunes that offers students the ability to download course content provided by faculty, including language lessons, music, recorded lectures and audiobooks." How f-ing cool is that?!?
- Who in the hell would want to drink a Krispy Kreme doughnut? Well the company thinks some people would so they have introduced a line of frozen drinks "including frozen original kreme -- a drinkable version of the company's signature doughnut". I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
I know that Kylie was voted the #1 ass in the world but let's not short-change the next president of the United States of America and his assets:
I bet that wetsuit is pretty form-fitting. I'd have to see him from behind to be sure but I think it's safe to say that our next president will be much hotter (and with better hair) than our current one.
I've been on a reading kick lately so I think I'm going to go stick my nose in a book. Hopefully I will be able to fall asleep and get back some precious hours of beauty rest. Boy do I need it, I've been looking pretty hit for a few days now. More later ...