Friday, July 16, 2004
It's Friiiiiday.
It's too bad that Sarah and Mark didn't go to the Detroit Tigers game yesterday because they might have run into Jessica Alba:

Shit, do you know what I would have done if I had run into Honey? I'd have said, "Bitch! How you wanna play me like dat?!" (Bet you saw that coming a mile away, right Megan?)
In other news:
- Britney Spears is threatening to sue the New York Post for claiming that she was swigging whiskey in public; it turns out that she was only swigging a tiny bottle of ginseng. Eep! In my defense, I was only reporting what The Sun Newspaper was saying. It's sad, though, that it was so believeable that she was chugging liquor on the street isn't it?
- Bill O'Reilly (that annoying asshole on Fox News) is threatening to sue whoever he can. I absolutely loathe this man and his proposed journalism.
- American Idol has raised the age limit for contestants from 26 to 28. What, does William Hung have an older sibling?
- Wondering what you're going to do with your white iPod after Labor Day? Never fear, a company called Colorware is selling color customized iPods. I really like the red one.