Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Behold, The Papa Ratzi

Hmmm ... The caption reads that K-Fed gave it to Brit as a gift but ... I wonder if she had to pay for it? Whatevs, Spederline is so weird.
Anyways, last night UPN showed an 11-second preview clip of the new Britney & Kevin Show:

ONTD! has a link if you want to download the clip ... there are more links at (reg. req'd.) ... it goes by really fast so you're really not missing much. I can't WAIT for this show to debut!
So, we found out that Natasha Lyonne is in big trubs for threatening to molest a neighbor's dog ... here is her mug shot, from

But she's not the only celeb in trubs with the law ... Chris Tucker has got himself his own mess to deal with, here is his mug shot from

I'm not sure what his hurry was but he was arrested for going 109 mph ... and then not pulling over. Hmmm ... orange isn't his color, btw.
Reese Witherspoon had the worst day ever ... not only did she escape reckless driving paparazzi on the road, but her car was hit AND she got a parking ticket:

She looks pissed ... it's a good thing she's got a solid relationship to gain support from ... oh wait ...
Brandon Flowers never looks happy:

And all these stripes make him look really depressed ... or is it his always-sour face? It takes away from his cuteness too ... Boo!
Aaron Carter ... man, I love when pictures of Aaron Carter come out, he's not a boy -- not yet a woman:

He was a cute little kid but now he's just an awkward looking boy trying to be all manly. Keep tryin', sonny.
I tried and I tried and I tried to sum up how I feel about this picture of Brittany Murphy ...

I am at a loss ... what do you think?
Jennifer Lopez looks like she's feeling not so fresh:

She looks like she's surfing the crimson wave, she needs to totally haul ass to the ladies.
Hilary Duff and Joel Madden are so cute:

Does anyone know what the dog's name is? I hope it's Hil Hil ... or Jo Jo :)
Lindsay Lohan, newly blonde, is a very complex woman:

One day she's all shy and the next she's all "look at me!" One thing's for sure, more times than not, she loves the camera.
The Backstreet Boys are back:

... and closer than ever!
Lacy Chabert is so cute:

The only thing I don't like is her mouth and the way she moves it when she talks. What is up with that anyways?
How droll ... Eva Longoria buying a magazine that she's on the cover of at a newsstand, isn't that what personal assistants are for?

I wasn't going to post this picture but I love the guy in the background. LOL!
Destiny's Child are down under:

It's a nice picture so I posted ... the girls really look cute. I hope to take the exact same picture some day. [picture via]
Here are some pictures from The Dukes of Hazzard movie:

I dunno ... it could be cute ... but I'm weary. The General Lee looks great though!
Here is one more picture of Lo from MTV's Laguna Beach from her My Space profile:

Hmmm ... I wonder what she's tokin' down on? Thanks to Claudia for sending me the link.
Hey, have you heard ... Pink is the new Energy Drink:

Loves it! Thanks to Jackie for sending me the link!
It appears, to some, that the Virgin Mary has taken up residence in a Chicago subway underpass:

They're even talking about this story on the other side of the pond. I guess she got tired of living on a half-eaten grilled cheese sandwich.
Let's do the news roundup:
- So, after the new pope was chosen Japan got hit by an earthquake. There must be a small catholic population in Japan. Check out The Pope Blog. Leave it to The Sun to come up with the funniest headline of all the pope news stories. PETA is hoping to get the new pope to join their cause (bad news for J. Lo). Leave it to a blogger to secure the domain And you have to check out Towleroad's Separated at Birth: The Catholic Edition.
- THIS is soooo horrible ... but so funny.
- Alanis Morissette is doing an acoustic tour this summer. She comes to Detroit on June 8th.
- The White Stripes are touring as well. So far, no Detroit date.
- "Its no big secret that Nicole and I are no longer friends. I will not go into the details of what happened. All I will say is that Nicole knows what she did and that's all I am ever going to say about it." -- Paris Hilton
- Arjan Writes has the skinny on a new controversy surrounding The Bravery (well, Sam Endicott really). Sam says he dislikes Duran Duran ("The Duran Duran comparison is my least favorite, because I don't like that band at all.") so what does Simon Le Bon do? He books them as their opening band. Hahahaha!
- As for fans of The Bravery, well they're too cool to care.
- Avril Lavigne in an animated movie?!
- I've applied for THIS JOB, have you?
- Coldplay cover art code decoded. All I can say is ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! [via Thighs]
- Scarlett Johansson dumps Jared Leto for Josh Hartnett? And we know that Jared can't be with Selma Hayek 'cuz she's with Jamie Foxx. What the hell ..?
- But I want to know if there is a LaFawnduh action figure.
- Missy Elliott says goodbye to working with Timbaland.
- I can't wait for the G-Unit remix.
- I kinda believe THIS STORY about Jennifer Aniston.
- Is this the last season of Charmed?! Say it ain't so!!!
- Tru Calling cancelled ... again!
- The CBS Martha Stewart movie is gonna be pushed back, we get the Amber Frey movie instead.
- Andy Dick expunged for showing his dick. Man, he is really hurting for attention isn't he?
- Paris2 want to become Paris3.
I'm hanging with K-Dawg tonight ... FINALLY I'm going to get all the juicy details. Woot! And, I'm out.