Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Celebrate You
But, I'm not the only person celebrating a birthday today -- let's all wish a very happy birthday to Julius Caesar, Bill Cosby, Topher Grace and Erik's best friend Stephanie:

I know there are a few Pink readers who also share my birthday -- and I want to wish them a very happy birthday as well! Woot!
So let's get to it, shall we? Brad Pitt met up with Adrien Brody at the Grand Prix this weekend:

Mr. Pitt was also mackin' on the ladies ... I wonder where Angelina Jolie and her children were?
Lindsay Lohan is in the Twin Cities of Minnesota filming a new movie with Robert Altman ... and she's quickly learning there's a price to pay for working on an Altman movie:

EW! He is totally pawing her bony leg ... that can't be fun. Ugh!
Aww ... here is yet another picture of Reese Witherspoon and daughter Ava ... this time they are on their way home from "religious school" (whatever that means):

I wonder if Ava is taking growth hormones ... she's already almost as tall as mama Reese.
Oh look, here is Pink walking home from school too:

I wonder where her mother is?
Naomi Watts took her new beau, Liev Schreiber, for a ride on her motorscooter:

They look really cute. Those 2 are still together ... I guess it's time we named them ... do we like Naomiev or Schreibatts?
Drew Barrymore and Fabrizio Moretti look like they are so in love:

They make a really great couple. It's nice to see Drew smiling ... and not flipping off the cameras.
Why does Chris Evans look constipated in these pictures from the premiere of the Fantastic Four?

I guess it really doesn't matter ... there are a lot of scenes of Mr. Evans half nekkid in that movie ... you have to check it out. Constipated or not he is HOT!
You know, they lie when they say that celebrities are just like us ... look at how easy it was for Halle Berry to get out of getting a traffic ticket:

Well, I take that back ... I'm fairly certain that most hot chicks (famous or not) can get out of traffic tickets if they know how to work it. Boo! No matter how much I know how to work it ... I never get out of tickets :(
Ashlee Simpson met up with a friend for lunch ... and she decided to bring the biggest purse she could find:

That's a big-ass purse ... I wonder if she used it to steal the silverware? I think she should just steal one of her sister's LV purses and go more chic than trendy.
Kristen Davis says hello:

Hi, Kristen!
Check out the cute dog:

Yeah ... that joke was just too easy. But whoa, look how freaky Mischa Barton and Rachel Bilson look in this picture:

Adam Brody looks skerred, y'all.
What is going on here? Mary Kate Olsen ... happy ... again?!

I don't approve of the smoking but I do admit that it's so nice to see Mary Kate all happy and stuff ... she is much more appealing when she's smiling rather than when she's all scowly. It seems that she is reacting well to the simpler things in life (trampolines, hanging out with friends). Good for her!
Check out these ads for Candie's shoes featuring their new spokesmodel Hilary Duff:

I can't wait until I get my first endorsement deal ... can you imagine what the ad campaign might look like?

Yeah, that's hot!
Sarah and I were very shocked to learn that one of Mark's best childhood friends, Mike Naughton, has a semi-huge part in the new Orlando Bloom/Kirsten Dunst movie Elizabethtown. Check out this promo picture:

How cool is that?! I think that's Patty Griffin in that picture too! What a cool-looking movie ... I can't wait to see Mike on the big screen!
I was very happy to learn that People magazine has chosen the Starve Wars t-shirt from RandyandMoss.com as their T-Shirt of the Week ... I was also very happy to learn that RandyandMoss.com have chosen me as their customer of the week:

Click above to see full size image
I am really touched. Randy and Moss make the coolest t-shirts ...
Yay! It seems that someone at the Washington Post likes Pink is the new Blog! They quoted me again in the Express portion of today's issue:

I'm not surprised, DC is full of extremely cool people (right Diana, Toby, Melissa?) ... well, outside of the political arena. Woot! I <3 the Washington Post! [thanks Toby and Alec]
And finally, my copy of US Weekly arrived yesterday (it always comes late, damnit) and I was very surprised to see elements from my blog show up in their pages:

I suppose imitation is the biggest form of flattery ... although, a job at the magazine might be an even better form of flattery. I do admit, US Weekly is a great magazine ... it's the only gossip mag that I subscribe to.
Let's do the news:
- Click HERE to see what other celebs are celebrating a birthday today.
- Towleroad has the first picture of the first same-sex couple to wed legally in Spain.
- Britney Spears steals the spotlight ... as she should.
- Detroit is so Hollywood. (Reg. Req'd) [thanks malatron]
- Michael Jackson gets sued ... again.
- The next round of American Idol auditions will include 50 more cities.
- Marc Anthony seems like a raging jerkface.
- Check out Tom Cruise's blog HERE. [thanks Erica]
- The Spice Girls are recording a new single.
- Maggie Gyllenhaal learned her lesson.
- Click HERE for the supposed, alleged Jennifer Garner/Ben Affleck baby registry. [thanks Stephanie]
- www.Buffy.nu is now www.Whedon.info
- R. Kelly begins shooting chapters 6-10 of his Trapped in a Closet saga.
- The original Veruca Salt is a fan of Burton's new take on Wonka.
- Congrats to Tiffani
AmberThiessen who who just got married. - Click HERE to read an interview with Bow Wow. [thanks Dorrie]
- I must see THIS movie.
- Um, why exactly is Willie Nelson recording a reggae album?
- Snoop Dogg cancels his divorcizzle fo' shizzle ... again.
Thank you all again for the warm birthday wishes ... I <3 you all! XOXO trent