Thursday, October 27, 2005
A Real American Hero

The video version of the song is longer than the radio edit that is available on iTunes. The video uses the album version of the song (which I got to preview at Warner Bros. Records a couple of weeks ago). The video is awesome ... I like how it's not too overdone. The best part is when Madonna is dancing at the arcade ... loves it! [Source]
Here is a new picture of Madonna from the Confessions on a Dancefloor photo shoot:

I know homegirl has been rockin' the purple lately but I know she's got some love for the pink. [Source]
Last bit of Madonna news, check out this picture of Carlos Leon with Madonna's children Lourdes and Rocco:

Isn't he just the greatest role model. [Source]
Paris Hilton is home from her romantic jaunt in Mexico ... she spent the night out with her sister Nicky Hilton ... they did dinner and a movie:

Damn Paris! She already has the pink Juicy Sidekick ... at least Nicky is still showin' some love for the Motorola Pink RAZR. Holla bitches! [Source]

Aww ... well, Mary Kate ... don't worry ... Paris can't date every guy in the world ... right? [Source, thanks for the head's up Annie]
Here are a couple of pictures of Brad Pitt dressed as Jesse James on a lunch break:

See, people should never be photographed while they are eating because it is a very unattractive sight ... unless those people happen to be celebrities and then they should always be photographed eating because it makes for funny pictures to look at. [Source]
Josh Madden, with Detroit homie Jordan Silver, made an appearance at the Inked magazine launch party last night:

He looks great. I'm so bummed I wasn't able to hang out with him on my last 2 trips to NYC but we were both so busy. We gots ta hang out soon, Josh!!! [Source, thanks Gurj]
What?! Michelle Trachtenberg has her mitts on the new pink Juicy Sidekick too?!

All I keep thinkin' is how great this pink Sidekick would go with my pink RAZR. Shouldn't everything be in pink? [Source]
Alanis Morissette and Ryan Reynolds were photographed at a hockey game this week:

They don't look too excited, do they? I wonder if they are bad Canadians who don't really care for hockey. [Source]
Matthew McConaughey likes to keep in shape:

And what a nice shape he keeps. [Source]
OH HELL NO! What the eff is Jennifer Aniston doing pawing all over our Jakey Gyllenhaal?

Homechica needs to step off before we have a problem. [Source, thanks Gisela]
Check out these pictures of our fave gang from Laguna Beach chillin' at a party:

Stephen is still sniffin' around Kristin and LC is still going out with Jason. All's right with the world. [Source]
Did you know that Lindsay Lohan directed her new video for Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)?

That would really explain a lot. What other director would be able to get this much emotion out of our dear L. Lo? [Source]
I don't want to hear one damn word about whether or not these pictures of Chris Evans are old ...

... let's just enjoy them all the same. Woot! [Source via Oh La La]
Um, I'm not sure if this nekkid picture of Survivor's Jeff Probst is real or not ... but dayum ... if the pic is real, homeboy is packin' HEAT:

The star is almost too small to cover him up properly. Visit ONTD! to see the NSFW uncensored version. [Source]
And finally ... my good friend Joe is featured in this month's issue of Genre magazine -- he is one of Genre's Men of the Month:

He was awesome enough to give Pink is the new Blog a shout out as well! Thanks so much Joey! I was a little bummed that they didn't use all of the pictures from your photoshoot:

You make a really hot G.I. Joe! Knowing is half the battle.
The News:
- Is Britney losing faith in Kevin?
- Stuart Price dispels Madonna myths.
- Click HERE to watch a 10 minute Much More Music interview with Madonna.
- Janet Jackson finally denies having an 18-year old secret daughter. I'm not convinced.
- Again, Pam?
- Revenge of the Halloween Masks!
- Laguna Beach's Casey is the heiress to a frozen burrito empire? Um, LOL! [thanks David & Dierdre]
- Boo! I can't believe I missed out on THIS. [thanks Sarah]
- Rufus Wainwright to release Want in a double album version ... with 2 extra songs.
- Poor Kylie. Get well soon, pet.
- Angelina Jolie to adopt more kids.
- Axl Rose is almost as cool as your grandparents.
- Ding Dong! She's dunzo.
- I think I found Sarah's Xmas gift.
- Kirsten Dunst has a girl crush on Patricia Arquette.
- Click HERE to stream the new Dolly Parton album of covers.
Last night, Erik and I secured our tickets for the Ashlee Simpson concert in Detroit on December 3rd ... who's gonna meet us there?
Tonight I'm hanging out with Sarah ... just the 2 of us ... we haven't had much time to hang out lately (which sucks ass) so we're gonna do just that tonight.
And that's about it ... I'm out.