PINK is the new BLOG
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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Beef Jerky & Cotton Candy

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire opens this coming Friday on November 18th ... and the Harry Potter kids are flying all over the place to have premieres in all kinds of cities ... here are the HP kids at the NYC premiere this week:

Who dresses Daniel Radcliffe (Harry)? Does that person hate him or something? This outfit isn't as bad as the green velvet mess he wore in London but electric blue shimmery clothing ain't that much better. The boy is pale enough already ... he looks like he's wearing pancake makeup in that last pic. Emma Watson (Hermione) is still very cute ... but I hate her shoes ... she looks like a little girl who is trying to look older at a cocktail party. Rupert Grint (Ron) is still my fave out of all of them ... he's totally keeping it real -- and I really like his jacket. I have a pair of jeans with a military patch like his on the back pocket. Robert Pattinson (Cedric) still has that cuteness about his whole look ... but only from far away ... [Source]

... cuz when you get up close the boy is a fright!

Tweezers. I think he should look into procuring a pair of tweezers. He should also inquire on finding a 12-step program ... homie looks a little wasted. [Source]

Out magazine celebrated its annual list of 100 of the year's most interesting, influential and newsworthy GLBT people by having a party ... among those honored was Melissa Etheridge:

A few cast members of the musical and movie versions of Rent were also on hand for the celebration. Rosario Dawson looks amazing ... I cannot WAIT to see her take on the role of Mimi in the movie version of Rent. November 23rd cannot get here soon enough for me. [thanks Rosie]

Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson were spotted at an Ohio airport after having spent some time with his family ... and boy did they look happy:

Don't these two young'ns just look all crazy in love? [Source]

There has been much discussion over whether or not Janet Jackson was actually photographed, in a very large state, working out on the beach earlier this week ... some say the pictures were actually old pictures of Oprah Winfrey ... US Weekly agrees with me ... I think it's Janet:

And in the end, does it really matter if it's Janet or Oprah ... can't we just enjoy the pictures regardless of which one it is? [Source]

UPDATE: The very astute Pink reader, Ryan, noticed that Janet is wearing a black iPod Nano on her wrist ... so it cannot be an old picture of Oprah! Woot!

I hear NYC was jumpin' last night because Joel and Josh Madden were on hand to DJ at MisShapes:

My good friend Brad managed to do the IMPOSSIBLE and got Princess Melissa Howard to be his date at MisShapes!!! It sounds like they had the best time ... and I'm very sorry I missed it. Brad and Mel -- I can't wait to get back to NYC to hang out with you crazy fools! XOXO [thanks Brad]

Pink reader Lim alerted me to the fact that Hilary Duff is on the cover of the Singapore magazine Cleo and sends in these scans:

Even tho the pix are from an older photoshoot I really appreciate getting the scans to share will all of you. [thanks Lim]

And finally ... WOOT! ... Here is this week's hot dude of the week ... I have been a fan of this model for quite some time ... his name is Dan ... I never thought I'd go for a guy with a spare tire:

I have been privy to certain pictures of this lad in various states of undress ... and let me tell you ... I'm a fan! So on this day of rest, let us sit back and enjoy all that Dan has to offer ... well not all that he has to offer ... but you get the gist! [Source]

The News:
Yesterday was very relaxing ... mainly because I spent much of the morning recuperating from the party ... Sarah and I made plans weeks ago to go see Jarhead and then we decided to make it a double-feature and see Shopgirl as well. Both movies were amazing ... but for different reasons ... my friend Mike says it's like eating beef jerky and then cotton candy all at the same time.

First up ... Jarhead:

This movie turned out to be more artsy than I had anticipated ... without giving too much away I have to say that while it is set in the first Gulf War it really isn't a war movie. Bascially, it was more like soft core porn with a lot of sweaty hot dudes (le sigh), quite a few butt shots and a full frontal shower scene ... in the desert. Is it hard for me to be impartial about a movie that has so much Jake Gyllenhaal nekkidness ... most probably but who the eff cares? Peter Sarsgaard is really good in this movie as well ... I can't think of a film where I felt he did a bad job (he was amazing in Kinsey) so I wasn't really worried on that regard. Jamie Foxx is kinda funny ... he plays a likeable character but gets kind of lost in the whole story. I usually tend to not go for artsy movies that I feel try too hard (Gus Van Sant's Elephant comes to mind) but this movie (which isn't any near as terrible as Elephant) connected with me. It is a bit long ... it felt really long after about an hour but over all I enjoyed the movie. I'm actually looking forward to seeing it again ... but not for the artsy cinematography.

Next up, Shopgirl:

I found this movie so damn charming ... there were a lot of icky moments where I kinda wanted to just go "EW!" (yeah, YOU picture Clarie Danes having sex with Steve Martin) but that was just my issue. The story did not play out at all the way I thought it would ... which I was very pleasantly surprised by. Jason Schwartzman plays his usual quirky character but it works so well in the context of this story ... there were far too many scenes where you were inundated with his EXTREMELY UNRULY body hair but, once again, that was just my issue.

I loved this movie ... I totally thought it would be this year's Lost in Translation but I think to just compare it to Lost in Translation is not doing it justice ... it really is a great movie in its own right. I picked up a copy of the novella because I want to read the story to see if the prose is as charming as the movie was.

After Sarah and I were done with the movies we parted ways and I went downtown to party at the SASS danceparty at OSLO ... which was so damn fun (see post below).

Today is a lazy day ... I'm gonna get back to Erik time now ... Lates!



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