Friday, November 04, 2005
Hello Moto
The biggest party on the OTHER side of the pond was right smack dab in Lisbon, Portugal which played host to the MTV Europe Music Awards ... the Queen Herself, Madonna, opened the show with a stunning performance of Hung Up:

Unfortch, I was on an airplane when the 2005 MTV EMAs aired live on MTV2. Head on over to Made in Brazil and Egotastic to find video and pictures of the performance if you missed out as well. I was able to download the performance and check it out for myself ... Madonna effin' rulz, y'all. She tore it up ... sooo best! [Source]
Here are pictures of some of the other peeps who were at the MTV EMAs last night/yesterday:

That party looked like it was off the hook ... [Source]
... Until you take into consideration that Salt N Pepa played the biggest party on THIS side of the pond ... Salt N Pepa reunited (for the first time in many years) to perform together for The Motorola 7 Toys 4 Tots party last night in Hollywood, CA. Some friends and I were lucky enough to attend the party as well:

I can tell you, first hand, that Salt N Pepa tore the shit up! They were amazing ... the singing the dancing ... they were just as good as they've ever been. I can't tell you how amazing it was to be a part of that party. [Source]
There were a lot of celebs at the Motorola party last night ... I was fortunate enough to meet a few of them:

I cannot tell you how cool it was to get to meet Nicole Richie. She was so amazingly sweet - she was exactly the way I thought she'd be ... very, very cool. Hal Sparks was very cool as well ... I have always been a huge Loni Love fan (homegirl is from DETROIT, y'all!) -- she complimented me on my bow tie :) There were a lot of other celebs there as well (Paris Hilton, Shannon Elizabeth, Omorosa, Mena Savari, Mandy Moore ...) but I am really bummed that I missed out on meeting Kristin Cavallari! I found out this morning that she was there too!!! Boooo! I would have loved to profess my love for Team Kristin in person. Oh well, maybe some day. [Source]
My friend Jim, on the other hand, got to spend A LOT of time with Alan Cumming. Yeah, that Alan Cumming.
I have to give a shout-out to all the people who came up to me to say hello ... it was very cool getting to meet all y'all. Remember, if I gave you a sticker you need to send me a picture of you with that sticker ;) Thank you so much for making me feel like a rock star ... even tho I'm SOOO not a rock star!
Okay ... moving on ... so we know that Ashlee Simpson paid a little visit to Toronto, Canada to do some promo work for her new album on Much Music ... it seems that not everyone in Toronto was in favor of her visit, tho ... Pink reader Erin told me that people put up these Anti-Ashlee posters all over town:

Aww ... poor Ashlee ... well I'm sure this is the worst thing that happened to you while you were in Toronto ... [thanks Erin]
Oh wait ... there's more ... when I arrived here in LA I had an inbox full of links to THIS now infamous video of Ashlee Simpson acting drunkenly belligerent at a Toronto McDonald's ... Oh Ashlee ...

THE VIDEO is hilarious to watch ... but I think her most heinous crime is continuing to wear these fugly hair nets! Ugh ... capri pants aren't looking so bad anymore ... [Source]
Sienna Miller is DUMB DUMB DUMB ... and she gets what she deserves ... here is a picture of Sienna getting all cozy with Jude Law, the dude who cheated on her ass, in the backseat of a taxi:

What-EVER ... [Source]
Sarah Michelle Gellar and Michelle Trachtenberg (Buffy and Dawn) were among the guests at a very special Alanis Morrissette concert to benefit Step Up Women's Network this week ... Alanis, surprisingly, looked pretty good ... the dress was a bit much but over all she looked great:

Boo to Michelle for wearing terrible-looking capri pants ... BOO BOO HISS HISS! Sarah Michelle Gellar, ever the fashionista, looked amazing in this red dress. You can always count on SMG to class up any event. She should beat the hell out of Michelle for wearing those stupid "pants". Oh wait, I guess I still do hate capris ... [Source, Source]
Does Johnny Depp know that Halloween is over?

Oh wait, he's just being his normal quirky self. Nice glasses, tho ... well, not really. [Source]
Here are a few screencaptures from Mariah Carey's new Marilyn Monroe-inspired video Don't Forget About Us. Let's listen in as she talks us thru it:

Thanks Mariah! [Source]
Woot! Jake Gyllenhaal is EVERYWHERE these days ... here is our fave boy o' the moment on the cover of the USA Today magazine newspaper insert:

He should win the Academy Award just for that smile. Jarhead opens this weekend ... I'm gonna see if I can see it while I'm here in LA. [thanks Natalie]
So Vanity Fair magazine had a few pictures of Kate Moss lying around and decided to use them for their new issue ... which is released just after Miss Moss gets released from rehab ... how timely!

We live in an age where cocaine addicted-models who go to rehab can be given a second chance ... isn't that a thought that warms the cockles of your heart? [Source]
Hilary and Haylie Duff have signed on to participate in the Until program which raises awareness for HIV/AIDS resources, education and research ... and here is their poster:

How cool is that? [Source]
Are you ready for this???? Check out some of our fave Laguna Beach kiddies when they were kiddies:

The picture of Stephen is PRICELESS! Seriously ... I'M STILL LAUGHING! Loves it!!! LC looks pretty much the same ... and Lo was a pretty nast-looking kid. LOL! [Source, thanks Jill]
And finally ... here is a recent picture of LC and Jason still happily together:

So please, no more inquiries as to why I'm on Team Kristin. [thanks Danielle]
- Kirsten Dunst shows some love for Pink is the new Blog, Go Fug Yourself and in THIS video interview (it's at the end of the clip). We love you back, Kirsten ... give Jake a big hug for me!
- Click HERE to find out who won awards at the 2005 MTV Europe Music Awards.
- Click HERE to get a lyrical breakdown of K-Fed's leaked hip-hop song.
- My Space launches its own music label.
- SMG teams up with Alec Baldwin for a new movie. If they have to kiss I'm gonna have to puke.
- Morrissey's new album is slated for a March 2006 release. Holla!
- The Jacko charity single is almost ready. Aren't you excited?!
- Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards are on the mend. Rock on.
- China is lookin' to land on the moon by 2017.
- Got $1 million bucks? Then you can be the proud owner of Vincent Gallo's splooge. For $50 bucks you can get a t-shirt. [thanks Jed]
So last night so freaking amazing. Adriana, Jeff, Jim and I were lucky enough to go to the super-kickass Motorola party here in Hollywood. I wanted to wear something fun and funky ... and not pink ... I opted for Madonna's color of choice lately ... and threw in a bow tie (which I learned to tie all by myself) for the hell of it:

We seriously had the best time ... much love to my boy David Pinsky, the Moto party mastermind, for welcoming us all to his hot-as-hell shindig. The food, the drink, the entertainment ... sooooo freaking best!
I have some other meetings today ... and I am paying a little visit to E! this evening. Hopefully I'll have some news to report on that front later on this weekend.
Das ist alles ... I'm still a little wiped from the party ... I think I need to nap ...
I'm out.
Posted: 10:23 AM PST