Wednesday, November 16, 2005
La Vie Boheme-ian Rhapsody
"Britney Spears' husband Kevin Federline has broken his hand - after spinning out of control on the dance floor. The professional dancer was seen falling from a podium in trendy Los Angeles nightspot The Spider Club after one too many enthusiastic dance moves."

LOLOLOLOL ... it gets better, says a witness: "He was really going for it, throwing some seriously mad moves, when he suddenly slipped and landed on his butt. His arm got caught and he has fractured his left hand." Hahahahahahahahaha! What a great way to start the day. Hee hee. [Source]
It's gettin' cold out there ... check out these pictures of Madonna all bundled up as she leaves a pilates session:

She had to get in one last workout before she had to get her butt down to KoKo's for her album release concert/party last night ... [Source]
The concert streamed live on AOL and was witnessed by fans all over the world:

You can tell she got all into the moment and really pulled out the stops. Madonna is back, y'all! [Source]
One last bit of Madge news, she will be on the cover of the next issue of Rolling Stone magazine:

Click HERE for a preview of Madonna's interview with Rolling Stone. [Source]
Um ... does Jessica Simpson strike you as a very safe and courteous driver?

Oy! Me neither. Playing with your Sidekick, reading the small text on a screen while you are operating a vehicle is about as smart as attempting to speed away with a coat pulled over your head. [Source]
I think it's time that

They are obviously just friends and nothing is going on between them at all. [Source]
Check out the $250,000 blinged-out motorcycle that Paris Hilton received just because she's Paris Hilton:

I dunno, I think it's a little understated ... and not at all Paris' style. And hello, can we talk about her new pet
Kristin Cavallari and Brody Jenner were on hand for the premiere of the movie Just Friends:

It's clear that Kristin and Brody are more than just friends which lays to rest the rumor that she dumped him for Aaron Carter. Thank god! [Source]
Justin Timberlake was lookin' a little tipsy as he exited Club Element earlier this week:

Hmmm ... no Cameron Diaz in sight. I hope he was a good little boy. [Source]
Katie Holmes managed to get away from Tom Cruise for 15 minutes to do some innocent shoe shopping at Neiman Marcus:

Doesn't the poor girl look like she's trying to plot her escape? I'm sure Tom's thugs weren't too far away to keep that from happening but ... you gotta wonder what is going on in that poor girl's head. [Source]
Mariah Carey made an appearance at the Virgin Megastore at Hollywood and Highland in LA yesterday and was looking pretty funky all the while:

Hee hee, I love how photogs manage to capture the worst facial expressions possible. [Source]
David Beckham and Victoria Beckham endured the cold British weather in order to be seen modeling the latest winter wear:

Are the aviator glasses a nod to Will Young's latest video, Switch It On, that pays homage to Tom Cruise's movie, Top Gun? Have I just cracked the secret code of the Gay Mafia? [Source]
Check out these pictures of the filming of Spiderman 3 in Los Angeles:

I am very excited to see that things are already moving forward on Spiderman 3 ... I am also very excited to see one of my favorite Spiderman villains come to life on the big screen ... [Source]
... Thomas Hayden Church as the Sandman is NOT the favorite villain I was talking about but here is a picture of him anyways:

Kirsten Dunst (accidentally on purpose?) divulged that the 2 villains in Spiderman 3 will be the Sandman (played by Church) and Venom (played by Topher Grace). Hot damn! I can't wait! And yes, I'm a geek. [Source]
Since Laguna Beach is dunzo for the year what ever are we going to watch on Monday nights ... Oh, I dunno ... maybe MTV's The Gauntlet 2: Rookies vs. Veterans perhaps? Woot! Check it ... our boy Landon Lueck is already all excited about being on the show:

Bring it on, bitches! I know I love me some MTV Challenges ... The Inferno 2 wasn't the best one of the batch but I have high hopes for The Gauntlet 2. New challenges, new fights, new drama ... I can't wait for December 5th! [Source]
I came across these magazine scans of Jake Gyllenhaal but I couldn't figure out which magazine they are from:

I don't suppose it matters ... Jakey looks cute. I love the Spiderman pose. [Source]
While GQ has named Jennifer Aniston their Woman of the Year, Blender magazine chooses Kelly Clarkson as their Woman of the Year:

Personally, I endorse Kelly as a so-called Woman of the Year because she actually did something this year. Jen just got dumped and spent the year crying about it ... how is that an accomplishment? Kelly Clarkson solidified her self as a musician that exists beyond the reaches of American Idol -- and she's really the only one to achieve that feat. Rock on, Kelly! Can't wait to see what you're gonna do next. [Source]
And finally, check out this scan from The Advocate ... the gays really do love Nick Carter:

Says Nick: "Our gay fans are dedicated to us, and dedication is very limited nowadays." It's nice to know that he appreciates the people who butter his bread. I think I have newfound respect for Nick Carter. Woot! [Source]
The News:
- New Lost tonight ... will we ever warm up to Anna Lucia?
- LOL! Visit the Sony Style website HERE and then type in "USB" in the search field and see what semi-NSFWness comes up. Quick before they take it down ... but just in case they do take it down, HERE is a screencap. [thanks Jessica]
- The next joint from 50 Cent -- hip-hop novellas, yo!
- The Killers are releasing a box set of all of their singles ... including all those b-sides.
- Parisopolis get into a tiff over a pillow fight?
- Mariah Carey is set to perform at the Thanksgiving half-time football game which will feature the Detroit Lions vs. the Atlanta Falcons.
- Are you ready for the Mariah Carey doll ... how about the My Chemical Romance dolls?
- Morrissey releases a tracklist for his new album HERE.
- Click HERE to read the transcript of Ryan Seacrest (filling in for Larry King)'s interview with Nicole Richie. [thanks Gail]
- Chris Martin hints that Gwyneth is pregs again.
- Maggie Gyllenhaal turns 28 today -- happy birthday!
- Oooooh, you never see THIS in American football.
- March of the Penguins goes for the Oscar.

Ahhh ... there is so much I'd like to write about regarding this movie but there are so many people out there who haven't seen the musical and I'd hate to ruin the experience for those people. I will try to hit upon the things I think will not give away too much as best I can.
Firstly, as the movie began the whole thing just felt wrong ... the first 20 minutes of the film do not translate well onto the screen. The song Rent loses its POW! factor in the context of the movie (when you see the musical, the song Rent is the first big number that explodes and yanks you into the world of Rent [the musical] ... this doesn't happen in the movie). That said, the movie version of the story is able to do more things that cannot be done on stage (particularly the back story told in One Song Glory and the dance routine in Tango Maureen). I was really afraid that people who hadn't seen the musical would be turned off by the whole movie ... it wasn't until the first Life Support meeting that the true story of Rent seeps in and takes hold on the audience. From then on out ... the Rent magic unfolded and the audience (including those who hadn't previously seen the musical) falls into the story.
It is very cool to see what the Cat Scratch Club looks like and I was VERY happy to see that Maureen's Over The Moon performance translates very well onto the screen. It was at that point (and more specifically, during La Vie Boheme) that I could see how the movie version of Rent could enjoy the same success that the musical did ... but that might be pushing it a bit -- I doubt anything could match the enormous success that the musical enjoyed in the early 90's.
I was also very surprised to see that all of the original Broadway actors still managed to look young enough for their roles (well, Maureen doesn't look at hot as she used to but Idina Menzel plays her so well that it really doesn't matter how hot she looks). Rosario Dawson is a great Mimi ... her lips, her eyes ... her singing ... she truly became Mimi for me. Taye Diggs does a great Benny ... I never liked the character but Taye made him more likeable for me.
And truth be told, I did tear up a little in all the right places ... just like I did when I saw the musical. I ain't ashamed! I have feelings, too!!!!
Damn ... I could go on and on ... but I'm gonna stop there ... if you're a fan of the musical then you need to see this movie (beware tho, many of the songs are not in the film, some of the lyrics of those songs get turned into dialog). If you're new to Rent I think you'll like this film ... just remember it's a movie based on a musical (so it may have some of that Grease 2 feel to it) but if you go with it I think it'll grab you and you'll not be disappointed.
Not sure what's going on today ... and that's just fine by me.
I'm out.