Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I Didn't Steal Your Boyfriend
Spederline have gone underground ever since Britney Spears gave birth to her second child, Sutton Pierce, and then holed her herself and her family inside her mansion to stay out of sight. It appears that Kevin Federline got the itch and had to escape ... here are new pictures of The Federline tooling around town in his Ferrari with one of his homedawgs:

Maybe he went out for snacks for his wife? More likely, he went out for cigs for himself. At any rate, it's been a few weeks since the birth of Spederbaby #2 ... we should be seeing that kid splashed across the cover of People magazine any day now. [Source]
Ashlee Simpson made her theatrical stage debut last night in London in the West End production of Chicago. It would seem that her performance went off without a hitch, here are some photos from Ashlee's worldwide stage debut:

I've seen Chicago on Broadway and, of course, I've seen the movie version so I know that the role of Roxie Hart is very challenging. I was actually very surprised that Renee Zellweger did as fine a job as she did in the movie version. I would be very interested to see Ashlee on stage myself but seeing as I've already flown home from Europe, I don't think that'll be the case. I suppose we should just be happy that her rampant acid reflux problem didn't rear its ugly head. [Source]
Here are a couple more pictures of Ashlee from just after her performance ... oh look, her proud sister Jessica Simpson is right there by her side:

I know the sisters *say* that they're very supportive of one another and, generally, I'm sure they are but they are sisters and there has to be some sibling rivalry going on there. I don't really believe that Jessica is as happy for Ash as she says she is ... shoot, I'd be pissed as hell if my little sister started stealing the lime light away from me. Well, at least Jessica can content herself with the fact that she's a big movie star ... er ... well, at least she has her fake hair business to fall back on. [Source]
Well, well, well, well ... lookie, lookie here ... could it possibly be that the newly-single Lindsay Lohan is making a play for Paris Hilton's ex-boyfriend Stavros Niarchos? Really? That's just so impossible to believe ... but here are pictures of the pair looking pretty chummy last night:

I hightly doubt that L. Lo's interest in Starving Nachos has anything at all to do with any sort of petty revenge against Paris. I'm suuuuuure it's all very innocent. [Source, Source]
After all, it would seem that Lindsay is still carrying a torch for her beloved Harry Morton ... here are a couple pictures of Linds rockin' a new ballcap:

I wonder if she meant for this cap to be cute ... cuz, it actually looks very sad and pathetic. [Source]
Happy days are here again ... the sun is shining, the birds are singing and Pete Doherty has been let loose from rehab ... yet again. Here are photos of Pete who has just been reunited with his beloved and extremely loyal girlfriend (fiancee?) Kate Moss as they try and make their way thru an airport in Dublin, Ireland:

On-off couple Pete Doherty and Kate Moss were back together this week, traveling in Ireland where Doherty's band is on tour. Witnesses said the 32-year-old supermodel took the stage Monday night at a nightclub south of Dublin and sang alongside Doherty at the start of Babyshambles' new tour. "They came in the front door and chatted with the fans. Kate got up onstage at a few points and helped sing the chorus of a few songs. They both appeared to be in fine form," said Damien O'Brien, manager of the Music Factory in the town of Carlow, where the show attracted about 680 fans. Doherty, 27, skirted a jail sentence on drug charges earlier this month after a judge in London ordered him to continue rehabilitation. He checked himself out of a drug rehabilitation clinic last week. He pleaded guilty on Aug. 18 to five charges of possessing heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine and cannabis. The charges stemmed from arrests in April and August, in which drugs were found in his vehicle and home and he was found with a crack pipe and a small amount of crack cocaine. Ain't love grand. You can see how these two were made for one another. Don't die, Pete. Good luck. [Source]
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes made another guest starring appearance at one of Tom's kid's sporting events ... this time, Connor's football game (incidentally, don't these kids do anything other than play sports ... do they even go to school?). Here are pictures of, what looks to be, a very disinterested TomKat rooting the boy on:

Katie's meds must be wearing off ... she generally looks a lot happier at these functions. Interestingly, Suri was no where to be seen ... maybe she's at the fake-baby factory getting a tune-up. [Source]
Matthew McConaughey is back home at the beach he so dearly loves ... here are a few photos of the shirtless one playing a little game of fetch:

Even tho he looks like he smells, I bet he's fun to play with. [Source]
Kirstie Alley recently threw a yard sale at her "estate" to get rid of some stuff that she no longer needed ... and apparently to make a few bucks on the side ... here are a few photos:

It's my understanding that she got rid of things like "ripped lampshades, lots of children's toys, kitchen utensils" and her dignity. I hope she made a couple hundred, at least. [Source]
Hang on to your lunches, y'all ... if you thought that image of Jack Osborne and his hot pink undies was a fright, wait until you get a load of this:

Photo credit: X-17
Click above to see full-size NSFW image
I warn you ... do not click the link if you have a sensitive stomach. Blech! [Source]
Justin Timberlake is on the cover of the new issue of Bon magazine ... and homie is keeping it real interesting -- check out the really cool photos from the photoshoot:

These are great photos. They're simple ... but look really cool. Love them. [Source]
And finally, here are a few more official stills from the new Harry Potter movie The Order of the Phoenix:

Those kids are so old now ... they should be ready to start "doing it" at any moment now. [Source]
Les News:
- South Park turns 10 years old.
- Shakira lands a whole slew of Latin Grammy Award nominations.
- It's Spankin' New Music week at MTV ... check it out HERE.
- Agree, IT sucks.
- Jason Wahler arrested again.
- Marilyn Manson begins work on the next album.
- Joe Francis is guilty and he doesn't care.
- George Clooney doesn't want to run for prez.
- Oprah Winfrey's lawyers don't want her to run for prez either.
- Enjoyed those Grey's Anatomy screencaps yesterday? Wanna see the vid clip?
- Lindsay Lohan does not <3 the paps.
- Revenge of the nerd.
- Jennifer Aniston gets Ashlee envy.
- Hasselhoff's daughter only suffered from cat scratch fever, not suicidal tendicies.
- Emma Watson can't score a date.
- Christina Milian is 25, Olivia Newton-John is 58 and Jack LaLanne is 92 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- Mel Gibson hates the Iraq war, but he still loves bars.
- Michael Jackson is label-less.
- The Mona Lisa is fragile but she should be okay for a long time now.
- Luscious Jackson get matriarchal.
I am planning on doing a bit of laundry (and I only have a bit to do, I got most of it done in NYC) and then catching up on my saved DVR shows. I'm all caught up with Prison Break (yay!) and have a ton of Laguna Beaches to watch. Mostly, tho, I'm looking forward to just laying on my beautiful couch and reading. I've been so out of the TV mode for so long and into reading mode that I think I'm going to polish off a few books while I'm still in the mood. I've just discovered that I insanely LOVE Augusten Burroughs ... I've never laughed out loud and for so long from just reading a book before in my life. I tore thru Running with Scissors and am 98% finished with is most recent collection of stories Possible Side Effects.
Tonight, tonight ... is the big night that we celebrate the release of the debut album by my new fave band ever The Oohlas! Best Stop Pop is released today (go buy it now or download it from iTunes HERE -- at least download The Cahuenga Shuffle -- it's my fave song) and I'm hosting the cd release party at Cinespace tonight:

It's a free party but get there early so you can be sure to get in and hear The Oohlas rock your world! I hear Ollie is giving away free hugs to anyone who asks so don't miss out! I hope to see you there ...
... and that is all ... I'm out.