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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sometimes They Come Back

Thanks to the Death of Spederline, and the intense interest in every possible aspect of the story, anyone even remotely associated with either Britney Spears or Kevin Federline are being sought out so that they can be interviewed in the hopes that any new information might be had. I fully expect Perry Taylor to come back into the picture at some time in the future (at least, I'm hoping he does). So ... if you want to try and get more information on what might've happened in the Spederline break-up who do you go to? That's right ... their exes. Shar Jackson (the mother of K-Fed's two eldest children) and Jason Alexander (the man who was married to Britney Spears for 55 hours) were brought together for a scintillating interview about the Death of Spederline:

Yes, folks ... this is the moment that these two have been waiting for ever since they were cast aside by both Britney and Kevin. I'm sure they knew the day would come when Spederline would break-up and they would have their brush with fame extended for a little while longer ... [Source]

... unfortunately, these two don't really know how to capitalize on a golden opportunity ... the interview really sheds no light on what might've went down nor do either Shar or Jason speculate as to what the problem might've been. Shar takes great pains to answer most of the questions posed to her by saying essentially, "I don't know, it's not my business" ... so I have to wonder why she agreed to do the interview in the first place. For his part, Jason knows why he was even included in the interview, he says: "I wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for Shar." Yep, that pretty much says it all. Check out the interview for yourself but I found it severely lacking. Head on over to to check out more pics of the these two hamming it up for the cameras. [Source]

In one last bit of Shar news, here are pictures of her out with her children Kori and Kaleb Michael Jackson doing a little shopping together:

I can't believe how big these kids are already! Kori looks so cute ... and Kaleb is a little doll. I simply cannot believe that K-Fed would abandon his family to run away with a multi-millionaire pop star ... er, okay, I can believe that he could do that but it's still gross that he did so. I really hope that Shar doesn't take K-Fed back. She seems like the kind of woman who would never deny her children their father ... but I hope she's not foolish enough to take him back for herself. [Source]

In Splitney news, there are reports that Kevin has finally resorted to lashing out at his soon to be ex-wife, apparently from the concert stage: KEVIN FEDERLINE launched a bitter attack on his estranged wife BRITNEY SPEARS during a concert on Sunday (12NOV06) night - by screaming out "f**k Britney" and giving the finger to the singer. The rapper was playing at The Norva in Virginia when he made the foul-mouthed gesture, according to British newspaper Daily Star. Hmm ... classy. On the Britney front, it appears that her lawyers are doing everything they can to make sure that Kevin walks away from this divorce with as little $$$ a possible: A source close to the family reveals to Access Hollywood that under their prenuptial agreement, which the source termed "iron-clad," Kevin Federline will receive "under a million dollars." And while Federline indicated that he will seek custody of their sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, the source said, "It'll be a joke if he fought [for] custody. He never did that with the other kids [he had with Shar Jackson]." In another bombshell revelation to Access Hollywood, the source said that Federline has "only spent four days with the baby [Jayden] since it was born." Hinting at among the reasons for the break-up and Federline's flimsy claim for custody, the source said he used the excuse that he was busy working, "but he didn't come home after(wards)." The source says the two have not been in contact, but that the children have spent the past two weeks with Spears and have traveled with their mother to Miami. "She loves those children." It was a "tough decision," filing for divorce, said the source, noting, however, that "it was a long time in the coming. It was inevitable." The source further felt Britney "made a bad choice," but she's "learned from her mistake" and "pressing forward." "It's sad," added the source, "but she's doing well." I trust that Brit's lawyers are a pretty smart bunch ... I'm sure they'll successfully minimize any cash prize that K-Fed is counting on. I still believe that he has ZERO chance of winning full custody of Britney's children. I have no worries on that front.

Okay ... let's move on ... Parker Posey, Alyssa Milano and others were on hand for the Hollywood premiere of the new Christopher Guest movie For Your Consideration last night ... here are a few pics from the event:

I absolutely love Parker Posey (she is one of my fave actresses) and Alyssa Milano (mainly because of Charmed and not because of Poison Ivy II) so it's always great to see these ladies out and about. When it comes to Christopher Guest movies, it's usually hit (Best in Show) or miss (A Mighty Wind) for me. This new movie looks pretty good tho ... I've seen the trailer a few times and it's piqued my interest. Besides, any movie with Parker Posey in it is totes worth seeing (yes, including Blade: Trinity). [Source, Source]

Penelope Cruz was lookin' muy caliente at a Tribeca screening of the new Pedro Amoldovar movie Volver in NYC last night ... here are a couple of pics:

As I mentioned yesterday, I got to see this movie on Sunday night and I quite liked it. Penelope really impressed me with this film. I don't know why I didn't see it before but she is really, really beautiful. She's deff got Eva Longoria beat ... [Source]

Exhibit A:

I rest my case. [Source]

Angelina Jolie has teamed up with her A Mighty Heart co-star Dan Futterman in Pune, India where they caused a major scene while filming a scene on a packed commuter train:

Hollywood star Angelina Jolie caught passengers of a packed commuter train unawares in India's financial hub of Mumbai on Monday where she shot for a film on a slain American reporter. Jolie, filming in India for almost a month with partner Brad Pitt, bought tickets from a city station and boarded a crowded compartment of a Mumbai train with co-actor Dan Futterman. A Reuters photographer on the train said disbelieving passengers jostled for a view of the sultry actor -- wearing a green T-shirt and khaki trousers -- but were kept at bay by four of her bodyguards. Passengers brought out pens and paper for autographs, but they were not allowed near Jolie. There was no police security for the shooting. Yeah, that sounds like a productive commute for the locals. At least you gotta give Angelina props for keepin' it real and gettin' down and dirty with the regular folk. [Source, Source]

Here are a few very sweet pictures of Nicole Kidman visiting her hubby Keith Urban as he gets himself cleaned up in rehab (which, according to THIS German site, is the Betty Ford Entzugsklinik in Palm Springs, CA):

You can tell that they're so in love. I'm sure they're gonna get thru this together. [Source]

Move over Leichen, here is Hollywood's newest "It" dude couple ... check out this amazingly adorable picture of Neil Patrick Harris, David Burtka and their two dogs:

Are you seriously kidding me? Two hot guys, two cute dogs, groceries and flowers?! See ... being gay is A-OK! [Source]

Michael Jackson still frightens me ...

... and I don't think that that will ever change. [Source]

Lindsay Lohan paid a little visit to a tattoo parlor over the weekend ... and altho she says that she didn't get a tattoo she was very anxious to show all of her friends something on the back of her neck:

Photo credit: X-17

Head on over to X-17 to see the video for yourself. I'm not sure why she's being all coy about this new tattoo ... maybe she is trying to keep it hidden from her movie studio bosses? [Source, Source]

Kylie Minogue's Showgirl Homecoming tour rolls on down in OZ and here are a few pictures of the various costume changes that she goes thru during the show -- BRITISH READERS MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS NEXT PART IF THEY WANT TO REMAIN UNSPOILED:

I ain't gonna lie ... I don't love all of these costumes but some of them are pretty cool. I love the cat suit but overall, I think I could do with a little less feathers. Even tho Kylie is rockin' out for her own tour, it appears that she doesn't have enough energy to rock out for other people's shows: KYLIE MINOGUE was forced to pull out of a gig with U2 yesterday with exhaustion. The Aussie star is worn out after giving her all on the opening dates of her rescheduled Showgirl Homecoming Tour. She had promised to sing with BONO to thank him for joining her on stage for a duet at her gig on Sunday night. But the Pop Princess, recovering from breast cancer, wasn't up to performing in Sydney at the Dublin super-group's gig. A source said: "Kylie called Bono to explain that she had worn herself out. She is really feeling the physical effects of her return to the stage. He told her to spend Monday resting, get her energy levels fully restored and relax. It wasn't a problem at all. Everyone realises Kylie is putting herself through the mill for her tour." Bono did perform a tribute to Kylie, singing a verse of Can't Get You Out Of My Head — complete with an embarrassing jig to go with it. Aww ... I think it's wise that Kylie take some time off and not overexert herself. Even tho she's doing much better these days, it's prolly best that she not over do it and risk getting sick again. [Source]

Here is a great picture of 3 amazing bloggers featured in the Out magazine Out 100 issue on newsstands now ... from left to right, Keith Boykin (, Andy Towle ( and David Hauslaib ( &

Congrats to these guys for making it in Out's list of the 100 Most Influential Peeps. I'm kinda partial to the one from Jossip/Queerty but I kinda heart them all ;) [Source]

And finally ... can you guess who this person is?

It might not be immediately apparent who he is but if you pin back the ears, take off some of the baby fat and picture chin and/or cheek implants I think you can guess who it is. I, for one, think he's come a long way, baby.

Les News:
Last night's date with Gillian got pushed back to tonight so I ended up chilling at home doing fun stuff like laundry! I also got to catch up on my reading and spent far too much time playing with my Nintendo DS Lite (Wario Touched! owns my life) so it was a nice evening in. I met up with Jim and Davey for a nightcap at Fuel at around 10:30 pm and that was pretty much my night.

I have a few things left to do to prepare for my trip to Detroit and I have a last minute thing this afternoon ... so I gots ta go. Have a great day! I'm out.



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