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Monday, April 02, 2007

Not All P33N Is Created Equal

Booooo ... all's quiet on the Western Front today ... too quiet, actually. There are slim pickin's for news today as there really isn't much going on to talk about. Let's work with what we've got and try and make a day of it, shall we?

I'm not exactly sure when Britney Spears became a huge basketball fan but she's really taken a liking to the Los Angeles Lakers this year. Since she was released from her stint in rehab, she has made her way to the Staples Center a few times in order to take in a Lakers game with her friends. Here are pictures of Britney in full Lakers garb looking totally engrossed in all the action:

Photo credit: Splash News

Actually, if memory serves, Miss Britney played basketball when she was in junior high or high school so I'm sure she's been a basketball fan for quite some time. It's just a bit funny that all of the sudden she's showing up at Lakers games every chance she gets. Tho, I'm not complaining at all ... I much prefer seeing her sit courtside at a basketball game than partying her ass off at a nightclub. [Source]

Nelly Furtado played host, performer and award winner at the 2007 Juno Awards last night in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The Junos are the Canadian equivalent of the Grammy Awards and Nelly was this year's Canadian equivalent of the Dixie Chicks -- she won all 5 of her Juno Award nominations ... not too shabby:

Furtado, 28, pocketed wins for best single, album, and for fan's choice during the broadcast, adding to wins for artist and pop album of the year, which were presented at a gala dinner the night before. Her 5 Junos, the Canadian equivalent of the Grammys, eclipsed Toronto punk rockers Billy Talent, who picked up a pair for best group and best rock album, for "Billy Talent II." "I'm just happy to be here and humbled," Furtado said as she received her fan choice award, which is voted on by the Canadian public. Furtado's "Loose" album has sold about 5 million copies, spawned four top 10 hits, including the Juno-winning "Promiscuous," and earned her a Brit award for best international female solo artist. Those Canucks really love their Nelly Furtado. Interestingly enough, they also love the Dixie Chicks as well ... they picked up a Juno for Best International Album for Taking the Long Way. [Source]

The other "big" news of the day involves Donald Trump and his "billionaire bet" with Vince McMahon of the WWE. In a wrestling stunt that is usually reserved for z-list celebs like Kevin Federline, Trump and McMahon bet on a wrestling match at WrestleMania XXIII (which was held in Detroit, MI yesterday -- Oh the shame!) where the loser had to shave his head. It should come as no surprise that Donald Trump was victorious and escaped having to shave off the few wisps of hair that he so desperately clings to:

Donald Trump told PEOPLE last week he wasn't afraid to shave his head – and luckily (for him, at least), he didn't have to. Trump "defeated" World Wrestling Entertainment owner Vince McMahon in the "Battle of the Billionaires" in Detroit on Sunday, thereby sparing his famous coif. Trump and McMahon didn't actually duke it out in the ring, but instead had WWE wrestlers battling on their behalf: Bobby Lashley for Trump, "The Samoan Bulldozer" Umaga for McMahon. Still, at one point during the match, Trump jumped up and pummeled McMahon with punches, the Associated Press reports. After Lashley triumphed over Umaga, McMahon, as promised, had his head shaved in front of a live pay-per-view audience and more than 80,000 wrestling fans ... But Trump took some post-match licks of his own. While toasting his win with a beer, he was given a "Stunner" – a shoulder to the head – by special guest referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. I'm not even gonna get into the whole "wrestling is fake" thing but I find it very hard to believe that Donald Trump would ever allow his head to be shaved -- those hair plugs look too precious to him. This sort of media stunt is right up K-Fed's alley (I'm sure he was able to sell a few more albums because of his tie-in with the WWE) ... it's a shame that Donald Trump is now so desperate for attention that he would resort to this sort of the thing just to get some press. And I thought his public feud with Rosie O'Donnell was hella lame ... I think this takes the cake. [Source]

Over the weekend, I reported on the rumor/story posted by concerning speculation that not only was Aubrey O'Day of Danity Kane pregnant ... but that she might be pregnant with Diddy's love child. It appears that the rumor has gotten back to Aubrey because she decided to leak some photos and a video to the InterWeb yesterday -- on April Fool's Day:

LOL! You gotta love a celeb with a great sense of humor. What better way to counteract a rumor like this than to just have fun with it. By the looks of all those home pregnancy tests she's got there, she must be carrying a whole lotta babies right now. Apparently, didn't get the joke ... they've posted video of this shopping trip and contend that it is further proof that their story is correct. Hahahhahahah. Brills! [Source]

Here is one more pic from the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards which were held live in LA on Saturday night ... it appears that Nicole Kidman was so desperate to attend this year's Kids' Choice Awards that she had to resort to drastic measures in order to gain entry:

There used to be a time when Nicole Kidman and her children (adopted with Tom Cruise) Connor and Isabella were completely inseparable ... ever since Tom decided to become a family man with new wife Katie Holmes and Suri, those kids have been almost entirely in his possession. This picture of Nicole, who got to borrow her kids for the afternoon, with Connor and Isabella is very odd ... and a bit sad. [Source]

Mandy Moore attended the Kids' Choice Awards on Saturday afternoon and looked completely happy, healthy and radiant ... but something must've happened late Saturday night because Mandy showed up at LAX airport wearing a leg brace on her right leg:

Damn ... those Kid's Choice after parties are a killer. First, a few people get wounded at a party where shots are fired and Mandy Moore gets injured at another. Those kids really know how to party. [Source]

Victoria Beckham didn't make it to this continent to attend either the Juno Awards in Canada or the Kids' Choice Awards here in California ... instead she packed up the kiddies and hit the slopes in France for a nice skiiing getaway:

Skiing season may be almost over but that won't hinder Posh from having a good time anyways. Daddy Becks was nowhere to be seen, he was prolly off getting himself a new haircut or something. [Source]

In other former Spice Girls news, Geri Halliwell spent some of her weekend hanging out with her friend (and gentleman caller?) David Williams and her daughter Bluebell Madonna in North London:

Aww ... little Miss Bluebell is getting so big. She looks totally unimpressed with her mother's choice in men. I'm sure it won't be long before the little Halliwell is giving her mum a run for her money. [Source]

OY! Okay ... so I've got some good news and some bad news ... let's do the bad news first -- one of Rod Stewart's children appears so desperate for attention that they decided to strip down completely nekkid so that the paparazzi could snap a few pics. The good news is that it wasn't Kimberly Stewart who did the stripping ... thank the gods! Here are a few pictures of Sean Stewart (one of Rod's many children, from his many baby mamas) running around nekkid on a beach in Malibu, CA yesterday afternoon:

Click above to see larger uncensored NSFW image
Photo credit: Flynet

Sean has teamed up with Randy Spelling (the lesser known child of Aaron Spelling) for a new A&E reality show called Sons of Hollywood (which doesn't sound at all unlike the failed Fox reality show Princes of Malibu) and they are pulling out all the stops to whip up as much attention for the show as possible. First Randy Spelling is began telling anyone who would listen that he was the one that took Paris Hilton's virginity and then Sean Stewart started revealing in interviews that he was guilty of pleasuring himself while thinking about his former step-mother Rachel Hunter and now ... this. I'm telling you, their show must be amazing if they're willing to do this kind of promo to hype it up. If you are so inclined, click above to see a larger NSFW picture of Sean showing off his little Stewie ... or click HERE to see all of the uncensored pics. [Source]

And remember ... at least it's not Kimberly Stewart.

Vinnie Jones and Jason Statham are becoming quite the cute new couple ... here are pictures of the lads enjoying a little coffee together showin' their love to all the fans:

Aren't they just so precious? [Source]

Jonathan Rhys Meyers never struck me as the manliest of men ... and these pics of him making his way out of the gym this weekend do nothing to affect my perception of him:

The v-neck blouse I can forgive and the bright orange Puma gym bag I can overlook (if I squint my eyes) but the Juicy-looking velour pants are just a bit much. Surely he borrowed them from the new girlfriend he's shackin' up with ... at least, I hope he borrowed them from her. [Source]

Oh, who am I kidding ... I totally heart JRM which is why I'm so excited that The Tudors finally debuted on Showtime last night. As I mentioned before, I already watched the first 2 eps of the show on Showtime On Demand (and have been allowed to preview the next 2 eps as well) and found them to be very entertaining. It's always difficult to make a history lesson entertaining ... that is why you cast hot men and then make them take their clothes off -- voila! You've got a hit. Not only is JRM bringing the hotness to Showtime but so is his co-star Henry Cavill. Cavill plays a member of King Henry's court, the Duke of Suffolk, and in the series' premiere episode he is the first dude to show us what he's made of:

Yes, Jonathan also partakes of the sex but he's yet to show off anything worth mentioning (at least in this show so far). If you are interested in watching Henry in action click HERE to watch the NSFW scene at Oh La La Paris. So far, I like what I see ... and I'm not just talking about the nekkidness. It's a pretty good show so far ... even if it does get off to a bit of a slow start (it is history, after all). Check it out ... you may like what you see as well. [Source]

Les News:
Yeah ... I told y'all it was a pretty slow news day. I'm still recovering from my irritating sore throat but I'm feeling much better today. Jim and I are planning to head out to a cd release party at The Abbey tonight ... which promises to be fun -- but we'll see about that. He has some friends in town this week and I believe there is a trip to Disneyland in the very near future. I had so much fun last week with Tracey and Zakiya I think I'm definitely up for going back ... there are a bunch of rides I didn't get to ride that I want to check out.

I am also getting ready for a trip later on this week ... I'll be leaving for NYC on Thursday so I have a few things to take care of here before I'm off again. Even tho it's a quiet Monday, I hope it's a good one for y'all. I am out.



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