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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Party Of 1

Once Britney Spears gets free ... she really tries to get as much out of her freedom as possible. She's been a bizzy little bee this weekend already ... showing up all over the place doing all the things that, well, she loves to do ... er, well, not all the things that she loves to do -- cuz then she'd have to go back to rehab ... but I'm digressing. Here are pictures of Britney as she makes her way to as many parts of the Los Angeles area as is possible in about a day's time:

Photo credit: Flynet & Splash News

Britney paid a little visit to her favorite dance studio, Millennium Dance Complex in North Hollywood, to bone up on her dance moves by taking a 1-hour hip hop dance class. After her little sojourn to the dance studio, she made her way to the tanning salon because they didin't have sun at the Promises rehab facility. As Britters made her way around town she was carting around a mysterious little blue book (maybe she has found Jebus much like Lindsay Lohan has) and a pair of blue eyes. You know, cuz the first thing you gotta do once you get out of rehab is to change your eye color. I dunno ... this newly cleaned up Britney seems awfully like the Britney we saw before her rehab days. I guess I don't get why she can't just stay home with her kids for a little while and try and stay out of trubs. True, all of these recent activities are very benign but still ... I am a bit concerned. [Source, Source]

While Britney has been testing her wings around town, Kevin Federline has made his way to Las Vegas to throw himself a birthday party at Pure nightclub at Caesar’s Palace. Here are a few pictures from the red carpet ... yeah, pretty much the only people who showed up for K-Fed's party was K-Fed and his parents:

Photo credit: Splash News

Aww ... that's so sad. And I bet the only reason the Federline folks showed up was because of the free booze. Well, his birthday wasn't all sad and pathetic ... he got to spend some time with Shar Jackson ... oh wait ... yeah, I guess it was a pretty sad birthday all around: While his ex Britney Spears worked on her dance moves back in Los Angeles, Kevin Federline celebrated his 29th birthday over the weekend in Las Vegas with his kids and ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson ... After checking into Caesars Palace, Federline spent the remainder of the afternoon relaxing in a VIP cabana at Caesars' Venus Pool Club, a private somewhat hidden topless pool adjacent to the general public pool, a source tells PEOPLE. The birthday festivities kicked off Saturday night, with Federline (who turned 29 on March 21) starting his evening at Social House, dining on Asian fare with 14 of his closest friends and family by his side, a source tells PEOPLE. "He was talking on the phone and texting the whole time," said the source. Later, Federline made his way to Caesars' Pure Nightclub, where his ex Shar Jackson was already present. "As soon as his parents got to the club they immediately went to Shar's table on the other side of the club and hung out there for a while," a source says. "They were taking photos with her and catching up. It's pretty easy to see that they still care about her." Meanwhile, a well-dressed Federline "was clearly having a good time, hanging with his group and singing along to most of the music," says an onlooker. Drinking Jack Daniels, Federline hung out in his VIP area most the night, waving to the crowd as they yelled for him. At 2:30 a.m., Jackson again returned to Federline's table to dance with his parents. Federline then grabbed the mic, says a source, and said to the crowd: "'My entire family came out for my birthday. My brothers are here, my mother, my father, my sister and even my ex Shar Jackson came out for this.'" What I want to know is who the hell was K-Fed talking to as he "talked and texted" on the phone ... everyone he knows was at the party with him. Well ... at least Shar Jackson still puts up with his bullcrap ... not that that says much about Shar. [Source]

In somewhat more glamorous birthday celebration news, Sir Elton John who turns 60 years old today celebrated his birthday last night with family and friends at St. John's Cathedral in Manhattan ... guests included Liz Hurley, Liv Tyler and the Osbournes:

Photo credit: Splash News

But it was the entrance by one of his closest BFFs Donatella Versace that really stole the show:

Photo credit: Splash News

It looks as if homegirl was hittin' the champagne pretty hard in the limo ride on the way to the shindig. Even tho she practically ate dirt on her way into the cathedral, Ms. Versace managed to regain her composure and pose prettily for the cameras. Elton John is scheduled to perform a birthday concert at Madison Square Garden to round out his birthday weekend. Happy 60th, Miss Thang! [Source]

But, even tho Donatella looked drunk, it was Prince Harry who was really the plastered one this weekend. Here are pictures of his Harryness trying to assault a photographer for snapping pictures of him as he partied NOT with his long-time girlfriend Chelsea Davy but with his "friend" Natalie Pinkham. The result was that paps were able to photograph his drunken tirade on the streets in front of the club:

FIGHTING drunk Prince Harry exploded into booze-fuelled rage on Saturday after being caught on a secret date. Our astonishing pictures show the paralytic prince crashing onto his backside as a minder tries to manhandle him into his car. Other photographs show how, seconds earlier, Harry ran amok, attacking one snapper and yelling at him to "F*** off" as he sneaked out of a London club following a night out with very close friend Natalie Pinkham. The 22-year-old prince — due to head to Iraq for a six-month tour with his unit in weeks — was furious that he'd been spotted meeting former TV presenter Natalie, 29, while girlfriend Chelsy Davy is away on her gap year. The two had spent the night canoodling on the dance floor of Boujis, with Harry caressing the beauty whose boobs he once famously groped on another wild night out in London nearly four years ago. One fellow clubber revealed yesterday: "He and Natalie were dancing very close and his hands were everywhere." Harry tried to sneak out of the back door of the club at 3am yesterday while Natalie left by the front. But when the royal on the razzle spotted photographer Nirach Tanner waiting he chased him down the street in a fury. "He was very drunk. I took a few shots of him and he just came for me," said Tanner, 27. "He knows me because I've taken his pictures before and I have never had a problem with him. "He saw me as he came out of the club's rear entrance because he didn't want to be spotted leaving with Natalie. "He screamed at me to 'F*** off', then grabbed me and tried to shove me over. He had his hands around my collar and back. "It was an assault. I've never known anything like it before." In the club Harry and Natalie — who he describes as one of his favourite drinking buddies — knocked back vodka and Red Bull. A fellow reveller said: "Harry was obviously very drunk. He and Natalie spent most of the night huddled together at a corner table beside the dance floor where Harry's bodyguards did their best to hide them both from view. "They ordered full-size bottles of vodka and cans of Red Bull and mixed their own drinks at the table. It was clearly a big night out for both of them. Harry kept putting his arm around her. "At times it even looked like he was kissing her neck — although it was difficult to see. They were certainly being very touchy-feely with each other." The prince also danced with a second girl — an attractive mystery blonde. Our source revealed: "They were gyrating together. He held her very close and had his leg between hers. He was totally out of it. It was like something from a hip hop video. LOL! Drunken royalty are a hoot! I sincerely doubt that Chelsea gives a crap if he dances with other girls ... he is the Prince after all. It is hilarious, tho, to see Harry falling onto the ground as he tries to assault that photographer. He must've really been puttin' down the vodka. [Source]

Oh and for the record, the Royal Family denies that Harry was involved in this altercation.

Here are a couple pictures of Naomi Campbell enjoying her last night in NYC as she puts down a hot dog or two at Gray's Papya on 23rd and 7th on Friday night:

Who says that Supermodels don't eat? See ... I think I figured out the way to solve the eating disorder problem in the modeling world. Just make the models work in a sanitation department long enough until they work up an appetite and VOILA! [Source]

But Naomi didn't stay in NYC for long ... she packed up her shizz and high-tailed it out of town as soon as she could. Here are pictures of Naomi Campbell enjoying the Sony Ericsson tennis Tournament down in Miami, FL:

Photo credit: Splash News

LOL ... at this point, I bet she's happy to be anywhere but in NYC for a while. Well ... she managed to make it thru her pitiful sentence so I guess she's earned her well-deserved rest. [Source]

Anna Nicole Smith's bodyguard, simply known as Moe, was spotted at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida for the first time since Anna Nicole died there last month:

Photo credit: Splash News

You may recall that Moe was the one who tried to resuscitate the unconscious Anna Nicole before she was pronounced dead. Well, apparently that little fact doesn't carry much weight with Shaquille O'Neal ... Moe was denied entry into Shaq's birthday party. I bet Moe would've been allowed inside K-Fed's party in Vegas ... he should've tried his luck there. [Source]

Here are a few outtake photos from Lindsay Lohan's latest photospread in GQ magazine:

Honestly, she looks hot in all these pics. This is really one of her better photoshoots. She looks hot! [Source]

I am happy to report that my David as arrived safe and sound in Thailand after his 18 hour flight all day long yesterday ... and even tho he is so far away we can still enjoy his hilarity in this week's installment of Jossip TV provided by

LOL! You've gotta watch this ep ... it's the freakin' best. I love his Nicole Richie when it acts up. LOL!

And finally, here is this week's Hot Dude of the Week ... let's say hello to Josh:

There's something about a beefy dude with a bucket and rag in hand ready to wash a car that really says Springtime has arrived! All Josh has to do is lose the basketball shorts and he'll be good to go. Dang ... I could use a car wash right now myself. [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday afternoon, Tracey, Z and I spent some time tooling around downtown Burbank because Trace wanted to do some shopping at IKEA. After we shopped and ate, we made our way to Little Tokyo for a Derby Dolls Roller Derby Game:

Our dear Adriana aka Furious Georgette was kickin' ass and we were there to see it. Tracey really wanted to check out a roller derby game so she had a blast. Z was a hit because she was happily high-fiving everyone in sight.

Today we're headin' out to Santa Monica to spend the day at the beach ... so I must be off. I hope everyone is having a great weekend ... I am out.



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