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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Summit Place

Welp ... she's done it again ... I was hoping that it would never come to this again but it seems that I was wrong. I just don't get why Britney Spears can't keep her lips covered! Here she is flashing 'em off as she exits Barney's department store here in LA for all the world to see:

Photo credit: Splash News

Fortunately for all concerned, she was only flashing her tattooed lips this time and nothing naughty :) I sincerely hope she learned her lesson. Anyways, not that it's a clear pic but this is the lips tattoo that Britney had done on that fateful night she flipped out and shaved her head in North Hollywood. I believe she got this new tattoo strategically placed on her wrist to cover up her Pair-A-Dice tattoo to accompany the one that she got with her soon-to-be ex-husband Kevin Federline. This tattoo looks much cuter than her dice tattoo did. Me like. [Source]

In other Britney news, OK! magazine is reporting in its new issue (due out this week) that poor Brit was heckled by some dude at the second LA Lakers game she attended this past weekend: After attending an L.A. Lakers Game on March 30, Britney returned again the next day, but didn't stay long reports OK! Magazine. "There was a heckler yelling that she was fat and should be home with her kids," a fan tells OK! "She flipped him off." Whatta jerk! I'm glad she at least retaliated ... she rules.

Actually, this new issue of OK! magazine is chock full of really great goss ... for example, they are reporting that Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon are really together as a couple ... and that Lindsay Lohan hooked up with Ryan Phillippe: OK! Reports, the romantic New York City weekend that Reese and Jake spent together in early March has turned into a full-blown romance. Friends of both Jake and Reese have confirmed to OK! That the relationship that started with Jake offering a shoulder to cry on has now blossomed into a romance with secret meetings, stolen moments, birthday gifts and even Jake meeting Reese's mom ... Meanwhile, in another OK! exclusive, we can reveal that on March 26, following the Los Angeles premiere of Showtime's new miniseries, The Tudors, Ryan, Reese's soon-to-be ex and father of their two children, had a hot, secret hookup with Lindsay Lohan at new Hollywood nightclub Winston's. "Lindsay and Ryan were making each other laugh and had such a fun time chatting," an eyewitness at Winston's tells OK!. They arrived at precisely the same time, 12:46 a.m., with Lindsay going in the front door and Ryan coming in the back. "They obviously didn't want the photographers to see them together," continues the partygoer, "but once inside the club, it was impossible to hide what was going on. The two seemed completely smitten with each other. Damn! This is some hot shizz right here ... who knows if any of this will actually pan out as the truth ... but it's juicy nonetheless.


So ... 24 may not have been extremely exciting (and, truth be told, I was pretty bored for the first half of the ep) but we all know that TV shows, even the best ones, hit a bit of a lull at the midway point. I wasn't really glued to my TV last night ... but boy, that shocking twist ending really got my attention:

Screencaptures courtesy of Twenty Four Online

Honestly, I felt that the show spent too much time on the cabinet vote to determine if President Palmer was fit enough to resume his duties as Prez. Since VP Noah Daniels is so hell bent on nuking the Middle East, he did pretty much everything he could to steal control of the presidency so that he could launch his attack. Seeing him conspire with his aide wasn't at all a surprise at all ... I was sure that he was going to get away with it. When (the formerly weasely and extremely irritating) Tom Lennox popped in with his recorded proof of the VP's crime I about fell onto the floor. I hate when 24 makes me hate a character and then slowly makes me love them (the did this last year with Karen Hayes ... she started out as a beyotch but is now one of my faves). I don't know that I buy that President Palmer would've had such a big change of heart at the end of the ep. I get that he would be steadfast in regaining his power but that he would still launch the nuclear attack anyway was a bit hard to believe -- it was a twist alright. His sister Sandra Palmer is gonna kick his ass. Anyways ... there is something about Mikey Doyle that I just don't trust ... that he would be trying to help Milo seems very shady to me. It seems to me that he is trying to sabotage both Milo and Nadia ... you just wait and see. And you gotta give credit to a bad guy who would chop off his own arm for the good of his own misguided cause. Gredenko means business ... but if he's dead (and he better be dead with that chopped off arm bleeding into the ocean) and Fayed is in custody ... who's left to be the bad guy? Yep, either Fayed will escape while being transported (which happens all the time on 24) or we're prolly gonna get a new previously unseen bad guy ... or someone we already know will reveal him/herself as a traitor. I'm dull with the lull eps ... let's get to the good stuff again. Next week, Jack gets shot ... could this be the end of super agent Jack Bauer?! [Source]

Last night Hilary Duff invited a few friends (including MTV) out to The Abbey in West Hollywood for the cd release party of her new album Dignity which is in stores today. Here are some pictures of Hilary and some of her peeps at the shindig:

Photo credit: Wireimage

I was lucky enough to be invited to the cd release party so I brought Jim along with his friends who are visiting from back East Adam and Michelle to come along. Hilary Duff + The Abbey = Hellz Yeah, I was gonna be there! The party was very fun, Hilary, who looked amazing in her black dress by Issa London, spent a lot of time talking to her fans and mingling with pretty much everyone but then she took the party into the VIP room to hang out with her friends ... big sister Haylie, Hayden Panettiere, Brody Jenner ... and Lindsay Lohan! I shizz you not ... I got to talk to Hilary for a little while (we talked a bit about Detroit, Mexican food and book recommendations) and then all of the sudden Lindsay Lohan (looking damn hot, if I say so myself) comes in to join the party. People, this is prolly the first time that Hilary and Lindsay were in such close, intimate proximity in years! It was an actual Hollywood "It" Girl peace summit!! From what I understand, Hilary and Haylie extended the party invite to Lindsay and she actually showed up to lend her support. My jaw was on the floor! I got to chat a bit with Lindsay while Hilary was talking to other people. The two of them posed for one picture but it happened so fast that I wasn't able to snap it ... there is a picture of the two of them together out there -- I just hope it surfaces. I love that these two can let go of all the previous drama and maybe become friends again ... OK, maybe not BFF but it's a start. [Source]

I have to send out much love to Christina and Stephanie for taking such good care of me and my friends last night. Shout outs go to Pink readers Monica, Andrew and Britney ... and extra lurve goes out to Rachel -- who I got to meet and pretty much hang out with all night long. We bonded over Tori Amos and Bjork ... I think I'm in love.

OH and one more thing ... I have to give a special shout out to Pink reader Kristin Cobuzzi from Andrew. He and I got to chat for a bit and he seemed like a really cool guy. He <3s you, Kristin ... maybe give him another chance? ;)

Alright ... moving on ... Mel B (the artist formerly only known as Scary Spice) has given birth to her second child, a girl who she contends was fathered by Eddie Murphy ... Eddie doesn't believe it ... he wants a blood test ... CONGRATS all around:

Photo credit: Splash News

Former Spice Girl Melanie Brown welcomed a baby girl early Tuesday, PEOPLE has confirmed. "The baby is completely healthy with a good head of hair," a rep for Brown said in a statement. "Mother and baby are now resting. No name has been decided on as yet and she is purely known as Baby Brown." Brown, 31, was taken to Saint John's Hospital in Santa Monica at around 5.30 p.m. Monday and the baby was born just after midnight Tuesday, the rep said. The new arrival – who weighed in at 5 lb., 4 oz. – joins 8-year-old sister Phoenix Chi, Brown's daughter with ex-husband Jimmy Gulzar. The paternity of the new baby, however, is in question. Brown has said her ex-boyfriend, Eddie Murphy – who shares a birthday with the infant and turned 46 on Tuesday – is the father, but he has questioned that claim. "I don't know whose child that is until it comes out and has a blood test," Murphy said on a Dutch TV show in December when asked about impending fatherhood. "You shouldn't jump to conclusions, sir." Brown later released a statement saying she was "upset and distressed" by Murphy's comments. So sad. You know, The Maury Povich Show gives away free paternity tests if you appear on the show. We could have this whole nasty matter settled in no time. Honestly, my money says that he is the father ... Mel B may be scary but she doesn’t strike me as a liar. [Source]

Incidentally, today is Eddie Murphy's 46th birthday -- whatta gift!

Jennifer Lopez showed up, as a good civic-minded citizen ought to, yesterday morning to fulfill her jury duty obligation. Now, you know that J. Lo must've tried over and over again to get out of it but ... eventually, every one has to show up some time. Yesterday was her day ... here are some pics:

Photo credit: Splash News

TMZ spies tell us La Lopez arrived at the Beverly Hills Courthouse at 8:30 AM with an assistant in tow, and spent most of her time in the jury room text messaging friends. Although we're told Jennifer was really down to earth and talked to other jurors, at one point the prospective jurors were ushered into a hallway, while the pop diva stayed inside the courtroom with a personally assigned deputy. Sources say the jury room was quite chilly, and after lunch Lopez returned dressed with a sweater and scarf and with a different assistant than in the morning. At 2:30 PM word came down that the court case had been resolved and all forty prospective jurors, including Jennifer, were free to go home. Case closed! Even if the case wasn't resolved in one afternoon, no lawyer in his/her right mind would ever put a celeb on the jury of one of their cases so I don't even know why celebs are called in to serve. Tho, maybe they are called in just so that they can see how regular people live. At least J. Lo got a taste of the real world much like Naomi Campbell did recently in NYC ... but without all the floor mopping. [Source]

Victoria Beckham continues to enjoy her skiing vacay in France ... here are new pictures of a very brightly dressed Post taking to the slopes:

Photo credit: Splash News

Woo! Posh may have been very close to overheating her circuits to have to open up her jacket like that. It's a good thing she didn't have a melt-down right there on the slopes. [Source]

Robot or not, Posh was not going to be relegated to just having fun on the ground ... no siree ... she wanted to make sure she got some flying in as well:

One small step for Posh, one giant leap for all robotkind. [Source]

OMG ... you must see THESE pictures! How cute is this picture of Gwen Stefani, Gavin Rossdale and Kingston James?! The family spent Sunday morning at church ... where little Kingston was baptized in his cute little white suit. Look at the socks and shoes!! Soooo cute!

Whoa ... Beyonce appeared on the Today show at Rockefeller Plaza in NYC yesterday ... but did anyone notice that she actually threw a bona fide fit on live TV?

Photo credit: Big Pictures

I believe that Beyonce had 3 early morning performances yesterday (to promote the re-release of her last album B'Day) ... she must've been so hyped up on caffeine that she nearly blew a gasket on the third performance. I hope the poor dear didn't rupture an artery or anything. [Source]

DJ AM appears to be already over his break up with Mandy Moore ... and has already found her replacement:

Photo credit: Flynet

AM was photographed kissing and lovin' all up on Mandy just a few weeks ago and now he's all mackin' on Canadian model Jessica Stam. Surely, it's love this time. [Source]

I'm sure Mandy isn't losing any sleep over him tho ... she's got more important things to worry about. Pink reader Susan tells me that Mandy Moore revealed in a radio interview on Salt Lake City, UT station 101.9 yesterday that she was unaware that she previously fractured her foot and then only this weekend made it worse by jumping from a boat into shallow water then -- CRACK! Ouch, that sounds painful. Here's hoping that Mandy gets all healed up quick.

Ruh-ro ... are things heating up again between Mischa Barton and Cisco Adler?

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

Just look at how sad Cisco's butt crack looks in this picture ... how could she not want to take him back? [Source]

Bjork has finally, officially, revealed the cover artwork (and tracklisting) for her new album Volta. The artwork revealed on Sunday was not the real thing ... this is what the album will look like:

Bjork's album covers have always been visual feasts, reflecting the spirit of the music inside while helping to maintain Bjork's status as a brilliant artist. A new addition to the collection is always exciting, but the unveiling of the artwork for Volta (due out May 7 in the UK and May 8 in the U.S. on One Little Indian/Atlantic) is extra special, as Pitchfork was able to discuss the image with Bjork herself ... "All I wanted to do for this album was just to have fun and do something that was full-bodied and really up," Bjork told Stosuy in the first part of their chat. The album cover is meant to evoke pagan femininity and, to some degree, feminism, which is a running theme throughout the music of Volta. "It's not necessarily about me as a woman, but just women," Bjork told Stosuy. "Kind of that long leap of 10,000 years back, when they [were] in harmony with nature, and just little things like the fact that there are 13 full moons in a year and most women have certain things happening to them 13 times a year, but Christianity wanted to have 12 months, just to try to put that off." Conflict with conventional organized religion is another undercurrent of Volta. "It's about being exhausted with the self-importance of religion, and thinking, 'okay, wait a minute, maybe we are one tribe, and we're actually part of nature,'". LOL! It looks even faker than the fake cover does. Whatevs, I love it ... I am so excited for this new album. Here is the album tracklising:

01 Earth Intruders
02 Wanderlust
03 Dull Flame of Desire
04 Innocence
05 I See Who You Are
06 Vertebrae by Vertebrae
07 Pneumonia
08 Hope
09 Declare Independence
10 My Juvenile

The first single, Earth Intruders, will be available as a digital download on April 9th. I am *so* excited! As I mentioned before, I have yet to see Bjork in concert so I did something drastic ... I bought 2 amazing 3rd row orchestra seats for her Radio City Music Hall concert next month on eBay ... you don't wanna know what I paid either. UGH. No matter ... this will finally be my chance to see her up close and personal -- and finally live! Woot! [Source]

One more Bjork bit, head on over to Stereogum to watch video of a drunk little Bjork performing a cover of the song No Limit by 2 Unlimited.

Here is the first teaser poster for the new movie version of Hairspray: The Musical:

Looks hot. Tho, John Travolta's eyes in the top left are extremely horrifying. Yikes. [Source]

Have you ever dreamed of owning your very own KITT car from the 80s TV series Knight Rider? Well, your chance has finally arrived:

KITT, the flame-throwing, river-jumping, talking muscle car from the '80s TV show Knight Rider is up for sale. Restored to its debut-season glory, the modified black 1982 Pontiac Trans Am is offered at $149,995 at a Dublin auto dealership. Johnny "Vette" Verhoek of Kassabian Motors has had the car, officially called Knight Industries Two Thousand, on display for about a month. It is one of four documented "camera cars" used for close-up shots and scenes where David Hasselhoff, who played Michael Knight in the series, was behind the wheel. Although it cannot achieve the 300 mph speeds that KITT reached, soar 50 feet in the air or throw smoke bombs, key features of the star car are intact. Perhaps most important, the red scanner light on the nose glows and makes a humming noise. The car has two working video screens on the dashboard, and the cockpit features buttons that light up in green, yellow and red: ski mode, rocket boost, micro jam, silent mode, oil slick and eject. OMG. This would be the coolest car to own EVER! If the damn thing could talk to me like it did on the show ... I might be tempted to save my pennies :) [Source]

And finally, Alanis Morissette has recorded and put together a video for her version of the Black Eyed Peas hit song My Humps:

I, uh ... don't know what to say. Watch the vid, it says it all. [Source]

Wait, I do know what to say ... Alanis, I totally <3 you!

Les News:
So yeah ... last night was pretty cool. I met up with Jim, Davey, Michelle and Adam in the evening and then we made our way to The Abbey to party with Hilary:

On our way out, we received gift bags that included really small, really tight t-shirts (courtesy of Hollywood Records) that read Dignity ... and to our surprise, we all were able to fit into them! We had to take a picture ... we looked like Hilary's back-up dancers :)

Last night was fun ... but I have to get my butt down to Anaheim so that I can meet up with everyone at Disneyland. Yes, I realize this will be my second trip in just over a week but I didn't get to ride Space Mountain last night ... and it is the happiest place on Earth, you know.

I'm out!!!



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