Thursday, May 03, 2007
High Volta-ge

While I can appreciate that perhaps the venue (or, more probably, Britney and her management) want to keep things as quiet as possible I don't think it's wise to treat loyal fans in this manner. All of the shows will probably be exactly the same (tho, I hear last night's show was 3 mins. shorter) so what harm could pictures do at this point? The people who are buying up the tickets for these shows are her staunchest supporters ... it makes no sense to me to treat them in this manner. [Source]
That said, her loyal fans were still very happy to see her up on stage again. Pink reader Inee sent in a report from the show and here is what she had to say: Frankie J opened (he was super humble and sweet and a damn good singer). BRITNEY finally came out- and OMG- pictures do NOT do that girl justice. She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL... and her outfit looked REALLY good (unlike in pictures). Same outfit as the San Diego show, but really it looked GREAT on stage. Her wig though, looked pretty tragic. I'm not sure why she can't find herself a decent set of fake hair. Sidebar: That has always been our dear Britney's problem, she is notorious for rockin' the bad weaves and extensions. She really could use a lot of help in that department. She was chewing gum the entire time which was... well.. annoying since she's supposed to pretend to be singing. She was really reserved at the beginning, looking a bit TOO professional. But there were complete moments of "old Britney" with her random looks of surprise and giggles. I felt really badly for her tonight. She's been through a lot and you can see she's guarded. But by the end of her set, she was a lot more open and seemed to be enjoying herself. She BARELY said thank you (she seemed scared to interact with the audience, she rarely made any eye contact) and left after a short set (same as SD). I basically waited about 8 hours to make sure I was in the front- and let me tell you. It was worth every penny. Five feet away from Britney was priceless. I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT HER COMEBACK! Man, screw the haters, the show sounds fun (altho, entirely way too short) and I really wish I could've been there. Pink reader Lindsey reports that her boyfriend was the lucky man who was chosen to get up on stage for the "chair dance" portion of the routine, she writes: Just reporting in on the Britney Spears show last night. My boyfriend, Nick was lucky enough to be chosen for the infamous chair dance, and it definitely made the night memorable to say the least. Britney looked absolutely phenomenal, and she had the whole crowd cheering her on. It was amazing! Nick is a lucky man indeedie ... ah, to be the boy in Britney's chair ... that would rule hardcore. Overall, it's clear that her fans are really enjoying these shows and in the end, that is all that matters.
It's clear that Britney seems to be retreating a bit, especially after all the press came out after her first show ... she seems really shy and not so camera-friendly anymore:

Photo credit: Splash News
The girl just needs to remember that she is a superstar. She will never make everyone happy ... she just needs to focus on herself. I'm sure she wants these shows to be fun ... nothing major, nothing monumental ... just a series of fun little shows for the fans. I'm sure she'll still be pressured to really deliver but I hope she remembers to take care of herself first and foremost. [Source]
Woooooo hooo! Lost is so back ... I feel compelled to keep reiterating how happy I am with the eps lately (since I spent so much time reiterating how crappy the shows were in the beginning of the season). Things are totally back on track ... so much intrigue and surprise. At this point, it's hard to tell who's on whose side and it's even more difficult to keep all the secrets straight. I love Sawyer so much ... I'm so glad that he featured prominently in last night's ep:
OMG ... where to begin? I have been having a real hard time trusting Locke lately and things are so confusing around him that I don't even know what to think any more. Is he really going up against Ben or is he just a spineless wannabe? His father is a complete and total bastard, I don't know WHY I didn't make the con man connection with Sawyer sooner. But, when Locke went after Sawyer, told him he would kill after hearing what Ben has to say (tho, it turned out to be his father, not Ben) I made the connection and actually squealed out loud. Lost hasn't make me do that in a very long time, it felt good. Now that was a great surprise. I still don't get exactly how Locke's dad ended up on the island (I have a hard time believing that Locke conjured him up, but if Walt can "conjure" up a polar bear I suppose it's possible). They are really pushing that "maybe the island is purgatory/hell" idea but I distinctly remember the producers saying assuredly that that theory is not correct and that everything that happens on the island has a scientific explanation. ARGH! So confounding ... and I love it. The ending was really great ... just what secret do Juliet and Jack have between them? Is Kate pregs? Didn't that phone that Naomi crash landed with remind any of ya'll of an iPhone? Will that recording that Locke gave to Sawyer to bring back to the camp really be as explosive as we're being lead to believe? What is Rosseau doing in all of this .. trapsing about the jungle getting explosives from that big wrecked ship? For why? SO MANY QUESTIONS ... but good questions ... and now I can't wait for the last 3 eps to come.
The fantastic principle foursome of the new movie Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer are all down under in OZ to start the promo machine for their new movie which is due to hit theaters this July ... here are pictures from the movie's premiere premiere in Sydney:

Welp, if we've learned anything from the Spider-Man 3 promo juggernaut that is taking over the globe right now it's that you can never be too early with your premieres or have too many of them. I sincerely doubt that F4:2 will be as big a blockbuster as Spidey 3 (especially with what I've been hearing about the film so far) but they've gotta try anyways. I'll see the movie for sure ... hello, if Chris Evans is going to squeeze himself into his Human Torch costume again, I am going to be there to see it. [Source]
And speaking of Spider-Man 3, here is the daily update ... the cast of Spidey 3 were all on hand to appear on MTV's TRL yesterday ... and here are a few pics:

These guys have been working so hard ... and it appears to be paying off. The movie is already breaking records in areas where it's been released already (the Asian market specifically) and ticket presales are selling out like mad. David and I will be seeing it at midnight here in NYC and I can't hardly wait! The day has finally come ... I am excited and encouraged by all the great reviews that I have been reading. It won't be long now ... I'm sure there are a great many people out there who will be lining up at midnight tonight to see the movie with me :) [Source]
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have packed up the brood and made their way to the Czech Republic where Angelina will be stationed for the next month to make her new movie Wanted with Morgan Freeman and James McAvoy. Here are pictures of Brad Pitt with his newest son Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt deplaning in Prague:

I *believe* that these are the first pictures of Brad holding Pax in his arms ... normally, Angelina is the one who carries the new kid but it looks like Brad is finally keeping up his end of the deal. I love the cute pics of Brangelina dining together ... I much prefer that hat on Brad than I do on, say, Ashlee Simpson. [Source]
Yesterday David Beckham turned 32 years and he decided to celebrate his birthday in pretty much the same exact manner that his wife Victoria Beckham celebrated her birthday a few weeks ago. Posh and Becks spent their day shopping ...

... doing so arm in arm at the swankiest places in London. Dude, Becks is having shoes custom fit for his feet ... now that's P.I.M.P. [Source]
By night, Becks celebrated his birthday with the Spice Girls! Under other circumstances, this would strike me as the "gayest birthday party ever" but Becks is fortunate that he can avoid that critique since he is married to a Spice Girl:

David Beckham marked his 32nd birthday like any multimillionaire would - with a £20,000 spending spree and dinner with the Spice Girls. The footballer spent the day in Savile Row buying a £4,500 suit and a £14,000 watch before dinner at London hotspot Cipriani. He was joined by his wife Victoria and her former bandmates Emma Bunton, Geri Halliwell and Melanie Brown with only Melanie Chisholm missing. Brown made an appearance just weeks after giving birth to her baby Angel Iris, who is set to be the centre of a legal paternity battle with Hollywood star Eddie Murphy. While the former Scary Spice put on a brave face as she arrived at the party, she ended the night in tears over the drama, with Beckham’s sister Joanne forced to comfort her. Victoria, looking very bronzed, swept into the venue wearing a spectacular mini black dress and incredibly high stilettos, while David looked stylish in a three-piece blue suit. Halliwell was accompanied by Little Britain star David Walliams, while Gordon Ramsay and his wife Tana also attended the affair. Others on the guest list included actress Davinia Taylor, Victoria's sister Louise Adams, David's sister Joanne Beckham and fashion designer Kelly Hoppen. They were treated to a luxurious Italian meal along with endless champagne and wine. Damn Mel C! There is always one spoil-sport who ruins the perfect Spice Girls reunion ... if it's not one Mel it's the other. It is unfortunate that Mel B had to go and get all emotional and kinda sour Becks' party ... I get that she's prolly still all emotional and stuff but do try and control yourself, Scary. For his part, Becks looked really smokin' hot in his suit ... as usual. As I said yesterday, 32 never looked so good. [Source]
Elsewhere in London, Madonna and her family, hubby Guy Ritchie and kiddies Lourdes and Rocco, spent a lovely afternoon bike-riding together ... little David Banda was missing tho ... perhaps his tricycle is in the shop?

The Queen of Pop, husband Guy Ritchie and two of their kids cycled among thousands of sun worshippers in the centre of London. Madge and daughter Lourdes, ten, wore identical baseball caps while son Rocco, five, put on a safety helmet to pedal through Hyde Park -- close to where they live. At one point they got off their mountain bikes to sit on the grass. Movie director Guy, 38, and the kids cooled down with ice creams. Singer Madge, 48 -- whose hits include Holiday and Vogue -- knocked back water. An onlooker said: "They looked like any normal family soaking up the beautiful weather and seemed to have the time of their lives." Aren't they the cutest? I wonder whose idea it was for the bike ride ... something tells me it was Maddy who said, Let's go Bike riding ... all of us together! and the kids cheered and Guy groaned -- but went along anyway. LOL. Ah well ... they look happy :) [Source]
Ryan Gosling was showing off his pasty whiteness down on the beaches of Miami earlier this week ... it appears that the Canadian-born hottie thought it high time that he get some color which was a great idea:

Egads ... Canucks are not known for their amazing tanning prowess and it really shows on Mr. Gosling. The boy is ghost white ... I hope he did take the time to use some sunscreen but a little tan would do wonders for him ... er, not that I'm really complaining one way or the other. There is something to be said for white bread. [Source]
Well now, Lindsay Lohan was spotted hanging out with a new friend after a long night of clubbing this week:

Hmm ... it's unclear who this new chap is ... could be just a new BFF or could he actually be a new BF candidate? I guess we'll see what transpired betwixt these two young'ns. [Source]
Do try and contain your shock and awe but Busta Rhymes has been busted by the cops again for the 45th time now, I believe. The charge, this time around, is for DUI:

Busta Rhymes was arrested on a drunken driving charge early Thursday, police said, marking the latest in a series of recent legal troubles for the rapper. Officers stopped Rhymes at about 12:40 a.m. because the sport-utility vehicle he was driving had overly tinted windows, Sgt. Mike Wysokowski said. He said officers then smelled alcohol on the rapper's breath. Rhymes, 34, was taken into custody on a charge of driving while impaired, Wysokowski said. An arraignment was expected later Thursday. A lawyer for Rhymes, Scott Leemon, declined to comment saying he would address the charges in court. A telephone message left early Thursday at the New York office of Rhymes' manager, Violator Management, was not immediately returned. Yeah, this stuff is gettin' real old. Busted Rhymes needs to start singing a new tune before people stop caring. [Source]
No, Lauren LC Conrad is not posing for a new set of Senior Pictures in this photoshoot (I don't believe that LC is really on track for a college graduation these days, actually) she is actually being shot for a new campaign for the Avon Mark make-up line:

Photo credit: Splash News
Eh. I'm over the cutesiness already. I'm also kinda over the headbands already too ... especially the bedazzled ones. [Source]
My best bud Mike was lucky enough to attend the Rue McClanahan book signing at Book Soup bookstore in LA yesterday and was kind enough to bring along my copy of her new book to get signed because I keep missing all of her signings myself. Pink reader Allie just happened to be in line behind Mike and snapped a pic of him in his dashing suit when she heard he was talking to Rue about me. Here are the pictures they both sent me:

Allie tells me that Mike was saying very nice things about me and my love for Rue directly to her. While I am very sad I was not able to convey my love and affection to her personally, having Mike there as my proxy is good enough. I heart him totally for making the effort for me ... he really is a great friend. Much love goes to him and to Allie for sharing their pics :) [thanks Mike and Allie]
And finally, Entertainment Weekly has the first look (well, the first color look) of the way the armor will look in the Iron Man movie due out for release next year:

Iron Man is the latest Marvel Comics superhero to jump from splash page to big screen. (The film is due May 2008.) Director Jon Favreau (Elf ) began shooting in March with star Robert Downey Jr. — in his first comic-book role — as the man inside the cybernetic Mark III suit (pictured) and Gwyneth Paltrow as his trusted assistant. In the film, Downey plays Tony Stark, a playboy industrialist who decides to don high-tech armor to fight baddies after suffering a life-threatening heart injury in war-torn Afghanistan. ''This is a decidedly adult superhero story,'' says Favreau. (Fanboy FYI: Look for Stark's legendary drinking problem to pop up in possible sequels.) Ahh, just what the world needs ... a flawed Superhero with a drinking problem ;) The suit armor looks hot ... and while I normally prefer the more form-fitting superhero costume (think Human Torch, Spider-Man and Superman) I think I can be cool with this new look. Iron Man always struck me as a clunky hero (think the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz) ... something tells me this new Iron Man won't be clunky at all. [Source]
Les News:
- HBO will broadcast a Justin Timberlake concert this September.
- My Space does Smashing Pumpkins.
- Pearl Jam to release a 76 song, 7-disc live box set.
- Tori Amos is writing a musical? Click HERE for an amazing Tori interview.
- Ne-Yo emphasizes his heterosexuality.
- Off the wagon?
- Kate Bosworth gives a kid a thrill.
- Someone needs to go shoe shopping in the worst way.
- Kate Moss powders her nose pants.
- Christopher Cross is 56, Frankie Valli is 73 and Ann B. Davis (The Brady Bunch) is 81 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- Peace the Spork Out goes to Wally Schirra, the 5th American in space.
- The Queen is coming!
- Bette Midler to take over where Celine Dion will leave off.

I was so happy that she played Joga ... but I about lost my shizz when she played Pluto (both off the absolutely amazing Homogenic album). I managed to video both of those performances and here they are:
Click HERE for the full length vids. I must emphasize that the person you hear screaming and singing very badly is NOT ME but a very annoying superfan who was jumping, screaming and getting in front of people all night long. I can appreciate that he was excited to see Bjork live but when the behavior starts to ruin other people's experiences ... well ...
Anyways ... the set list was amazing, here is what she played:
01. Earth Intruders
02. Venus as a Boy
03. Aurora
04. I See Who You Are
05. Oceania
06. Dull Flame of Desire
07. All Is Full Of Love
08. Pleasure Is All Mine
09. Pagan Poetry
10. Jóga
11. Where Is The Line
12. Army of Me
13. Innocence
14. Wanderlust
15. Pluto
16. Anchor Song
17. Declare Independence
I cannot tell you how much I love the new song Declare Independence. Everyone was singing along ... such a great song. I can't wait to hear the album for myself.
I also got to meet quite a few Pink readers including Matt, Taylor, Margarita and Carrie, Devon & Helen pictured here:

As always, it was my pleasure meeting you all. On the way out David and I ran into Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs as she was exiting the theater (I'm told Ana Matronic, Jake Shears and Babydaddy from the Scissor Sisters were in the hiz as well). It was just such a great concert experience ... it was well worth the wait. Click HERE to see all the pics I took last night.
After the show, David and I went over to The Hog Pit to celebrate with our friend Sashie for her boyfriend Will's 30th birthday ... David and Sashie used to be roommates and I haven't been able to see her since they parted ways last Fall:

She is the cutest ... I'm so happy that she and Will are still going strong. They make an amazing couple and I can't wait until we get the invites for their wedding ;) ;) ;) Er, they've not actually ever talked marriage to me but ... one can hope, right?
OY ... what a great night last night was ... but tonight, we're going out again. David and I are seeing Beauty and the Beast on Broadway and then to a midnight showing of Spider-Man 3. Woot! The weather here in NYC is utterly faboo beyond words ... we are having a blast! I hope you are too, wherever you are!
I am out!