Monday, May 14, 2007
Livin' On A Prayer

Paris Hilton is turning to desperate measures to get out of her jail sentence - prayer. The party girl, 26, who is said to be living like a nun to avoid prison on 5 June, wore a white dress to attend a Catholic church in Beverly Hills as the countdown continues to her 45-day jail term starting next month, and then visited her ill father at Cedar Sinai hospital. Lord have mercy ... she is really pulling out all the stops. Prayer really is the last hope of the desperate; we'll see if her Heavenly pleas actually pan out for her or will merely fall on deaf ears. [Source, Source]
In other Parisness, there have been reports that Paris Hilton has been getting tutelage, support and advice from Patty Hearst (the heiress who was kidnapped by and then gave aid to the Symbionese Liberation Army in the 1970s) but Patty tells a different tale. The Insider is prepping the story that Patty has been mentoring Paris on her upcoming jail sentence: It seems Paris is getting invaluable advice from her fellow socialite as the hotel heiress closes in on her June date for a stint behind bars, according to TV's "The Insider." The show reports Patty is prepping the celebutant on all the do's and don'ts of prison protocol. The heirhead star of "The Simple Life" is determined to do prison life with a clean body and mind, reports the show, airing tomorrow night. She's involved in therapeutic art work like collages and paintings - such as the poster she was seen carrying yesterday on a visit to her dad - before her 45-day lockdown for violating terms of a 2006 DWI arrest. She's also working out twice a day. But, Patty tells TMZ personally that the story is completely false in this letter:
Imagine my surprise upon learning of the "advice" I had been giving Paris Hilton. In spite of reports to the contrary, I can assure you that I have not had any contact with Paris (or any member of her family) regarding her upcoming jail time, or any other matter. Like Governor Schwarzenegger, I have had many more important things to think about. However, since I'm thinking about it now, I must say that my heart goes out to the inmates of the Century Regional Detention Center. Forty-five days with Paris Hilton and the attendant publicity seems like cruel and unusual punishment to me. Perhaps THEY should be petitioning the Governor for relief? OK, that wasn't nice. But seriously, if Paris really wants my advice it's this: Read Candy Spelling's letter several times and take her advice to heart.
--Patricia Hearst
Click HERE to read the open letter that Candy Spelling wrote to Paris Hilton, in case you haven't already. Hmmm ... I hope that Paris is praying real hard because she doesn't seem to be getting much support down here on Earth.
So another Mother's Day has come and gone and lest you think that you're the only one who likes to spend time with their mothers here are pictures of a smattering of both celebs and their moms and celebs who are moms celebrating Mother's Day yesterday in their own way:

Photo credit: Splash News
Hayden Panettiere and Xtina Aguilera spent yesterday with their moms out on the town partying and shopping, while Gwen Stefani and Jennifer Garner spent the day in a more low-key manner. Gwen, frumpy yet cute as hell, took her little baby boy Kingston out for a stroll while Jen spent the afternoon with her little girl Violet letting daddy Ben Affleck tag along as well. Ain't that just so cute? [Source]
Madonna also spent time with her children for Mother's Day ... well, not so much all of her children just her most recently acquired child -- and that's only because she was brought to see her on the set of her latest project. Maddy don't stop working for nothing and no one but at least little David Banda managed to eak out a tiny audience with her Madgesty:

Photo credit: Splash News
Since this is Madonna's first Mother's Day with her newest child I can appreciate that she made time for the little tyke even tho she had work to do. Her other kids, Lourdes and Rocco, have had many previous Mother's Day to enjoy their mother so they really didn't make it past security on the set. Madonna is bizzy preparing a new short film that she is directing in addition to preparing for the release of a new Pharrell-produced song called Hey You which should be available for purchase (with proceeds going to Live Earth) this week. Woot! [Source]
But by far, the Mother of the Year award has to go to Brad Pitt this year. Of all the celeb mothers who nurtured, cared for and spent time with their children this year, no one did it better than Brad Pitt. Here are a couple new pictures of Brad picking up his eldest child, Maddox Jolie-Pitt, from school in Prague over the weekend:

Photo credit: INFdaily
From babysitting, to bike-riding, to merely running errands with the kids, Brad managed to be completely involved in every aspect of his kids' lives ... even adding a new kid to the family in the process. Angelina Jolie may want to be the technical mother to all the children of the world but Brad is the one who actually does all the work. Kudos, Brad! You are deff the Mother of the Year! [Source]
One last bit of Mother's Day stuff and then we can move on ... Pete Doherty showed up at Kate Moss' place with a basket full of kittens which he, presumably, wanted to give her for Mother's Day ...

Photo credit: Splash News
... unfortch, Kate wasn't home so Pete had to take the kittens home with him ... so that he could snort them. [Source]
Celebs of all types and calibers made their way down to Paradise Island in the Bahamas this weekend for the grand opening of The Cove Atlantis. We all know that Lindsay Lohan and Callum Best flew to the Bahamas for the opening (we have the pic of her nipple to prove it) but they weren't the only celebs in town for the event:

I dunno what was up with all the peace signage going on but it seemed to be a recurring theme on the red carpet. Yeah, when a new luxury resort opens in the Bahamas and invites are sent out you can be pretty sure that everyone and their mother will show up ... it's a shame that Paris Hilton's date with destiny had to happen when it did, otherwise you know she'd be sunnin' her buns in the Bahamas instead of falling to her knees ... in church. [Source]
Vanessa Minnillo and Nick Lachey were among the celebs who streamed into the Bahamas for the Cove Atlantis event, here are pictures of the lovebirds holding hands (and daiquiris) as they walked the beach together:

Photo credit: Splash News
Can't you just feel the love? Someone should make a reality show outta these two. [Source]
Not to be outdone by the likes of La-Nessa, Nicole Scherzinger and Talan Torriero continue to enjoy their time together as they vacation in Hawaii:

Photo credit: Splash News
Forget what I said, someone should do a reality show about these two ... they are way hotter than those old farts La-Nessa. They could call it The Search for the Next Laguna Beach Doll. [Source]
Princes William and Harry don't want you to forget that they are British so they decided to take part in their first military parade together in London's Hyde Park for the Old Comrades Parade for serving and retired Cavalrymen. Here are a couple pictures of the Princes wearing the formal bowler hats and carrying umbrellas as the parade tradition dictates:

Photo credit: Splash News
From what I understand, after the parade was completed the lads made their way to the pub to enjoy a meal of fish and chips which were bloody delish. [Source]
Elsewhere in London, JoJo made an appearance at the famed nightclub G-A-Y where she performed a few songs off her newest album The High Road:

Ain't it just like a popstarlet to pander to the gays when album sales are slumping? [Source]
Speaking of popstars who pander to the gays, Miss Kylie Minogue has left South America (and the company of her married friend Alexander Dahm, who she denies having an affair with) and has made her way to NYC where she took to the streets in this colorful little number:

Photo credit: Splash News
I dunno about that hair but the outfit I like. It could just as easily look horid on another person but it works on Kylie. She should stop hanging out with married friends for a while so that the heat can die down ... she should start hanging with the gays for a while instead -- I am pretty much free for the next few weeks. [Source]
Oprah Winfrey was on hand as the commencement address speaker at Howard University this weekend and in her commencement addres she urged the graduating class of 2007 to venture out in the world and find success ... without selling out:

"My integrity is not for sale, and neither is yours," Winfrey said at graduation ceremonies Saturday for Howard University, recalling times when she was under pressure to change course or avoid topics to boost ratings or appease advertisers. "Do not be a slave to any form of selling out." Winfrey recalled how early in her career at a TV station in Baltimore, executives told her she was "too black" and "too emotional." She said they tried to have her TV name changed to something more recognizable, but she refused. Finally, Winfrey was put on a talk show, she said, to run out her contract. "And that was the beginning," she told 30,000 people who crowded onto the Howard campus. Winfrey drew repeated big cheers from the moment she took the stage. She called on the graduates to maintain their integrity and to "go forth and serve." "I stand here as a symbol of what is possible when you believe in the dream of your own life," Winfrey said. "Don't be afraid. All you need to do is know who you are." Winfrey said that while growing up her grandmother, a servant in 1950s Mississippi, hoped that Winfrey would "get some good white folks" to work for. "I regret that she didn't live past 1963 and see that I did get some really good white folks — working for me," said. Oprah pretty much rules the world and she did it entirely her way. Peeps would be very wise to take her advice. [Source]
Rufus Wainwright made an appearance at the Virgin Megastore in Paris, France to put on a little in-store performance to promote his new album Release the Stars which is due to hit stores tomorrow ... here are a few pics from his performance:

Photo credit: Splash News
Damn, I love me some Rufus. I've been with the man since his debut album came out and pretty much changed my life. I was greatly affected by his self-titled debut album in that I could identify with all the heartache that he endured being a gay man looking for love. I've been able to preview Release the Stars for the past couple of weeks and must confess that he still speaks to me. I can't wait for everyone else to get to hear his new album as well. [Source]
The cast of High School Musical have been tapped to appear in the latest Got Milk? campaign poster:

If there was ever a group of kids that are perfect for a squeaky clean campaign like this is the HSM kids. [Source]
Neil Gaiman has revealed the poster artwork for the movie Stardust which is based on his book of the same name:

Now, I knew tha Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro were all in the film ... but when did Jimmy Fallon get cast? He looks pretty good holding that sword. Hee hee, yeah, I'm kidding. [Source]
And finally, Warner Bros. has launched the official website for the new Batman sequel The Dark Knight ... but thus far, the site only features this teaser image:

And so ... we wait. [Source]
Les News:
- Spider-Man 3 was, once again, the #1 movie at the box office this weekend bringing in $60 million dollars -- a 60% drop from its debut weekend.
- Click HERE to see who won $1 million dollars on Survivor: Fiji.
- The Mummy franchise gets a new leading lady.
- Trent Reznor is very unhappy with his record label.
- Lily Allen has a bad day ... and blogs about it.
- JK Rowling pleads, No Spoilers please.
- Bobby Brown ain't humpin' around ... so no jokes, fellas.
- Lindsay Lohan manages to get cold even in the warmest temps.
- Jessica Alba gets dirrrty for a beach photoshoot.
- Celebs come out for the Revlon Run/Walk For Women.
- Avril Lavigne is still talkin' smack about Britney Spears.
- Sofia Coppola is 36, Cate Blanchett is 38 and George Lucas is 63 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- The Donald is now The Grandfather.
- The last 3 minutes of the Heroes season finale will also be the first 3 minutes of the next season.
- The Bionic Woman comes to life again on NBC next season.
But I'm home again and I'm really planning on staying put for a while. At the very least, I won't be going anywhere for the next month. David and I are talking about a quick trip for my birthday but that's not til July. It's great to be home ... even tho the time zone is killing me ;)
Have a happy Monday, y'all ... I'm out.