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Monday, June 18, 2007

Ain't Nothin' Like The Real Thing

Hmm ... either Britney Spears is running out of things to wear or she is really looking for new and interesting ways to garner attention from the paps in order to make a grab for the headlines. My guess is that it's prolly a little bit of both. Brit Brit hit the town over the weekend with a new friend in tow (Cousin Allie must've had the night off) each wearing their own cute little outfit and then at some point midway thru the night they decided to swap outfits ...

Photo credit: X17

... which, of course, meant that she would get photographed again. This behavior does tend to lend credence to the allegation that Britney might be in cahoots with some of the paparazzi in order to profit in some manner from all the pictures taken of her. It also lends credence to my musings that Britney is all up on biting Kriss Kross's gimmick but instead of wearing these dresses backwards, she swapped them completely with her friend. In the end, it's plainly obvious that Britney is having fun with all of the attention. She prolly spends time thinking up new little games to play with the photogs. [Source]

UPDATE: How is this for the weirdness ... Pink reader Melissa tells me that she went to high school with Britney's blonde friend and that her name is Criscilla Crossland -- un, her name is really Criss Cross! LOLOLOLOL!

The big news today comes from Madrid, Spain where David Beckham played his last game for Real Madrid helping his team to win their 30th Primera Liga title championship (there is a whole lotta Beckham in today's post and it's all for you, Alyson). Becks managed to play in yesterday's game but had to leave the field due to an injury ... but his team mates rallied and pulled off a 3-1 win over Real Mallorca. Here are a few pics of Becks on the field:

Jose Antonio Reyes came on as a 66th minute sub for injured David Beckham and scored twice as Real Madrid beat Real Mallorca 3-1 to lift their 30th Primera Liga title. Real were trailing 1-0 when Beckham had to go off and his replacement Reyes equalized within a minute. After Mahamadou Diarra sent Madrid in front with 10 minutes left, Reyes struck again three minutes later ... Beckham watched nervously as Madrid rallied for the win before pointing up to his wife Victoria and friends Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, who were sitting in the stands. Madrid ended their longest major trophy drought in 53 years with a lap of honor before throwing coach Fabio Capello into the air as the Italian won his second title as coach at Madrid. The other was in 1997. [Source, Source, thanks Cady]

You could tell that the fans were anxious for a title win and that they were very sorry to watch David Beckham play his last match for them. Here are a few pics from the stands:

Who knew that watching soccer got Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes all hot and bothered? Ew. [Source, thanks Cady]

Once Real Madrid secured their victory, the stadium erupted in jubilant celebration. Becks, draped in flags of glory, brought his sons Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz onto the field to celebrate with him and the rest of his Real Madrid team mates:

Couldn't you just die? These pictures of Becks and his boys are absolutely adorable. What an amazing way to celebrate Father's Day (er, that is if they do celebrate Father's Day in Spain). It must be insanely cool for the Beckham boys to have a bona fide hero for a father. I can't wait 'til he brings this show to US soccer. [Source, Source]

As if the still photos weren't cute enough, Pink reader Meg sends in this vid of Becks and his boys celebratin' on the field:

But the partying could not be contained on the soccer field. David gathered up his wife Victoria and their friends Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, shipped the kiddies off to bed and took the celebration into Madrid -- well into the night ... and well into the early morning:

Photo credit: INFdaily & Big Pictures

Although there was plenty of drama predicted for David Beckham's final game in Spain - the real show was the arrival of pals Tom and Katie Cruise in Madrid who celebrated with the medal winner and wife Victoria until 7am ... First they watched the game, wearing the obligatory oversized sunglasses, and then it was on to Madrid's top restaurant El Xistu for a post-match meal, and on to Shabay nightclub - where the couples partied until 7am. Watched by millions, it was a moving farewell for 32-year-old Beckham. Immediately after the match he ran to his family and hugged and kissed his sons Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, all sporting identical haircuts to their father. A St George's flag draped over his shoulders, he did a lap of honour around the Santiago Bernabeu stadium and said: "This is the perfect ending. I could not have dreamt it better. After the game the celebrity foursome were mobbed by fans when they went out for a meal in the city. No rest for the weary, Becks apparently showed no signs of fatigue as he and his friends partied the entire night away. The Beckhams and TomKat weren't the only ones out on the town tearin' it up in celebration ... thousands of fans flooded the streets of Madrid to celebrate the victory which, unfortunately, led to a bit of violence and injury. I dunno why, but overzealous fans think it's a good idea to destroy things to celebrate sports victories. It happens everywhere (Detroit is infamous for their raucous sports celebrations) and it makes no sense to me at all. Hopefully the skirmishes won't detract too much from the hard-fought victory won by Real Madrid yesterday. Much congrats and love to David Beckham ... he left his team a conquering hero, just as it should be. [Source]

In Toronto, Canada Much Music held its annual MM Video Awards yesterday bringing out the likes of Hilary Duff, Maroon 5, Fergie and, of course, hometown girl Avril Lavigne, who walked away from the awards show with a couple of awards of her own. Here are a few pictures from the red carpet and of the show itself:

Billy Talent, Fergie and a teary Avril Lavigne were among the Canadian music stars to take home MuchMusic Video Awards at a star-studded street party on Sunday during which catty remarks flew as freely as the complimentary booze and sushi. Lavigne took the coveted honours of best international video by a Canadian and the fan-voted favourite Canadian artist title, sparking tears from the normally cocky popstar. "All the fans just voted for me and that really means a lot, so thank you," Lavigne said as her eyes welled up, forcing her to bury her head in VJ Leah Miller's chest ... The music stars claimed their trophies in front of thousands of screaming fans that lined outdoor stages to catch a glimpse of celebrities including Hilary Duff, Maroon 5 and Tara Reid. "It's madness!" Duff declared when she arrived at the annual celebfest, known for a carnival-like atmosphere. Other winners included Hilary Duff who took home the prize for Favourite International Artist and My Chemical Romance who not only took home the trophy for Favourite International Group but also for Best International Video - Group. In case you missed it (or just want to watch all over again), has lots of vid clips from the awards show HERE. Click HERE for a full list of this years MMVAs winners. [Source]

Here are a couple ADORABLE pictures of Ryan Phillippe out for a nice Father's Day walk with his son Deacon:

Father's Day seems so much more special when there is a hot dad to gawk at. [Source]

Rick Hilton, with wife Kathy in tow, spent his Father's Day with daughter Paris at the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, CA. Fortunately for him, the holiday coincided with visiting day otherwise he may never have gotten Paris's handmade Father's Day card in time:

Photo credit: Splash News

Paris Hilton made a special gift for her visiting dad Sunday – a Father's Day card. Rick and Kathy Hilton arrived at the Century Regional Detention Center in Lynwood, Calif., in a chauffeured silver Chrysler just after 7 p.m. on Sunday. On their way in, Rick was asked if this was a particularly hard Father's Day. "It's not ideally my best," he replied. Asked how he felt, he said: "I feel alright." After a 45-minute visit, they emerged hand in hand, and Kathy told reporters that Paris is "doing well, she's doing very well. She's doing much better. She made [Rick] a beautiful Father's Day card with his picture." One reporter asked Rick if the visit was a positive one. "Yes," he said. "It was." Before they got into their car, Kathy was asked what her daughter was doing to pass the time. She quipped: "She looks at the four walls, and reads some nice fan mail." I gotta say, I'm still very surprised that Paris Hilton has managed to stick it out this long. At the very least, I'm sure she was very happy to be able to see her father on Father's Day. She really does have a knack for those arts and crafts, don't she? [Source]

Paris Hilton's ex-boyfriend Stavros Niarchos spent his weekend enjoying the beach without a care in the world:

Photo credit: Splash News

Yeah, I don't really have a point other than to show that life does go on even without Paris Hilton roaming the streets. [Source]

Checking in with Lindsay Lohan for a sec, our fave redhead appears to be doing well at the Promises Rehab Facility in Malibu, CA:

Photo credit: INFdaily

She really has been keeping herself bizzy by working out while she works on battling her addictions. I have high hopes that Lindsay is finally learning the lessons that she needs in order to live a long and successful life. This time away has to be good for her overall well-being. It's really encouraging to see her remaining active and, hopefully, healthy. [Source]

Jake Gyllenhaal is another fitness nut, tho he manages to get the job done without having to go to rehab. Here are pics of a pooped out Jakey poo returning home after a nice workout in NYC this weekend:

You know, and I can't believe I'm about to say this but, I really miss Jake's spandex outfits. Yeah, I know that spandex is the devil's fabric (second only to lyrca) but these pics of Jake wearing loose-fitting fitness wear leave something to be desired. Not that I'm complaining, mind you, it's just an observation. Who here wouldn't love to see more of Jake squeezed into skintight clothing, hmm? [Source]

In England, Prince William, keeping fit in his own way, played a bit of polo for the Calcot Manor Hotel Cup at the Beaufort Polo Club in Westonbirt over the weekend ... taking time to chat with some children afterwards ... here are a few pics of his Royal Hawtness:

Photo credit: Splash News

Again, these pictures would be helped muchly with a bit more clingy clothing but I suppose the Prince does have to keep a certain level of dignity. Too bad. His boots are super hot tho. [Source]

Kate Moss spent part of her weekend playing roadie for her long-time boyfriend (fiancee, whatever) Pete Doherty as his band Babyshambles played a gig at London's Royal Festival Hall:

Supermodel Kate Moss has put her glamorous £45 million career aside for a night to try her hand at a more modest role - as Pete Doherty's roadie. Moss, who wore all black and towering Christian Louboutin stilettos, totted Doherty's acoustic guitar as she arrived at London's Royal Festival Hall. The Babyshambles frontman swapped his usual set of rock tunes for a surprise performance of the Mary Poppins classic Chim Chim Cher-ee. Moss has a tendency to join Doherty on stage to sing back up vocals, but this time cheered her man on from the crowd. Thank goodness! I don't know if there's enough room on Kate's resume to add the title of backup singer ... besides, I've heard her sing and it's prolly for the best that she stick to roadie-ing. [Source]

I've been hesitant to believe the rumors going around about Nicole Richie's alleged "pregnancy" but even I have to take pause when pictures like these start to surface. Page Six has taken the position that she is absolutely carrying Joel Madden's baby ... I'm still not completely convinced:

Photo credit: X17

NOW that she's pregnant, Nicole Richie is getting hitched, too. The tiny "Simple Life" star and her boyfriend, Joel Madden, showed up for the YSL Pool Party to benefit Center Dance Arts at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday night - and she was conspicuously wearing a huge diamond engagement ring. "It was one big rock surrounded by more diamonds," our source said. Richie refused to talk about the ring. Meanwhile, Madden was "overly attentive to her - keeping his arm around her all night - and repeatedly asked her if she was OK." The cozy couple ate everything on their plates, lobster salad and lamb, but refused all alcohol, which our snarky spy called "a first for her." Hmmm ... there does seem to be a bit of swelling in her stomach region and if she really has given up the drink ... well, then I'd say that is highly suspicious behavior. I won't absolutely believe anything until I hear something officially ... but these new pics are suspect. [Source, Source]

And finally, here is our first look at what Batman's new mode of transportation in The Dark Knight will look like. Behold, the vehicle formerly known as the Batcycle now knowns as the Batpod:

I'm sorry, without a sidecar there can be no Batcycle. Where is Robin supposed to ride? I must admit, I didn't love the new Batmobile that was featured in Batman Begins ... tho it did grow on me. I'm not sure that I love this new pod thing all that much. It looks less like a motorcycle and more like a big wheel. Boo. [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday was a pretty chill day ... I had to nurse a horrible headache for most of the day but managed to pull myself together so that I could make it out to the movies last night. I knew that I wanted to see Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer this weekend before I read too many negative reviews that might sway my decision to see it. When you read review titles like Fantastic Bore and Marvel-less you tend to be influenced. But I hooked up with Tom and we went out to see the movie for ourselves last night:

As much as I really, really wanted to like the film there was just nothing for me to gravitate to. The story is ridiculous and the writing is atrocious. None of the jokes or sight gags are funny -- in the least! They really went overboard with the rubber gags for Mr. Fantastic, again, none of them were funny (his dance routine was cringe worthy). I had a hard time looking at Jessica Alba as Sue Storm and taking her seriously. WTF happened to her eyes? She didn't look that freaky in the first film. It just kept getting worse and worse ... her final scene in the film, at her second wedding of the film, was absolutely the most gawd-awful mess ever (if I were Japanese, I'd prolly be offended). She looked absolutely RI-DIC-U-LOUS! I can't stress that enough. The story didn't make much sense and there are plot holes galore (don't even get me started on Dr. Doom's role in the movie). When you find out that the Fantasticar is sponsored by Dodge (It's got a Hemi) you're pretty much done with the whole thing. Actually, I was pretty much done after Chris Evans's shirtless scene (it was totally gratuitous, had nothing at all to do with the plot and was MUCH appreciated otherwise I would've felt I had wasted my time). Sorry y'all, this movie is just really, really bad ... and I tend to love everything -- that should clue you in as to just how wretched it really is. Tom, for his part, couldn't stop laughing. He had himself a good ol' time but he revealed to me afterwards that he really loves bad movies, so there you go.

Ah well.

Okay ... I guess that is all ... a new week lies ahead. I am out.



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