PINK is the new BLOG
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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Seeking Serious Medical Attention

Well now ... it would seem that things have settled down a bit and things are getting back to normal after yesterday's frantic craziness. Paris Hilton's court hearing hoo-ha yesterday morning and afternoon was a completely overdramatic event ... and really, would you expect anything less from a Paris event? OY! But now that she's safely locked away like she prolly should've been all along, life can go on again.

Britney Spears packed up her children and her cousin and bid Aloha to beautiful Hawaii and made her way back home to SoCal. Here are precious pictures of our dear Britney carrying a sleeping Jayden James onto her plane and then a couple pictures of Britney's arrival in LA:

Photo credit: Flynet & Splash News

It seems like Brit Brit has gotten over her need to keep Jayden James out of sight since this is about the third day that she's let the little tyke enjoy going out in public uncovered. I'm not totally convinced that Britney will continue to allow other humans to see her child out in public now that she's back home in LA but I suppose we'll know for sure very soon. My guess is that it's prolly become too burdensome to worry so much about keeping him hidden away all the time. I think now's the time for Britney to set up a photoshoot with People magazine in order to give him a proper coming out. [Source, Source]

Now ... getting back to Paris ... er, Inmate #9818783 -- how bout we just go with Paris 9818783 as a nice compromise ... there is a bit more news to discuss in the wake of her re-incarceration yesterday afternoon. Now that she has been thrown back behind bars, LA County Sheriff Lee Baca has been trying to explain why he saw fit to go against Judge Michael Sauer's initial sentence and release Paris 9818783 to house arrest. Here are a few pictures of Paris 9818783's tearful goodbyes at her West Hollywood home before she was cuffed and loaded into the police car that drove her to court in order to go before Judge Sauer (a scene, mind you, that was kinda borne out of Sheriff Baca's ill-thought-out decision to release her from jail in the first place):

L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca claims there was simply no room at his jail for a "low-level offender" like Paris Hilton -- and her "severe" medical problems were only getting worse. In a statement to the press, Baca said, "There's 20,000 inmates -- the largest jail system in the United States ... It's very overcrowded." According to Baca, 90% of the inmates in L.A. County jail are serious felons -- many held on murder charges or attempted murder charges. Paris was one of the "low level" offenders -- who usually serve 10% of their sentences. Baca also said that he reassigned Hilton based on "her severe medical problems," and confirmed TMZ's original story that her condition was mental. Baca said that her "increasingly deteriorating problems" were evaluated and added, "This lady has some severe problems." Baca added that she was medicated when she originally entered the jail system ... and "I can't trust her tenuous status," referring to her mental state. "She had a severe problem," said Baca, "I need more cooperation from the courts and from the city attorney's office." I guess I'm having a hard time believing that Paris Hilton suffers from "severe mental problems" all of the sudden. Where has there been evidence of these severe problems before she was forced to serve a jail sentence that she brought upon herself? There is much debate going on regarding wheher or not she is being unfairly punished and, again, I must say that I don't buy it. There are so many people who are punished for breaking the law that are not shown this much concern by the LA County Sheriff -- concern that may have been fostered by a financial relationship with the Hilton family. Radar magazine is reporting that Sheriff Lee Baca accepted money from William Barron Hilton, Paris' grandfather, for his election campaign last year. Does that necessarily mean that favorable treatment was shown? I don't believe so, but my point is that a relationship exists and does call into question the Sheriff's actions in trying to help out Paris. [Source]

In any regard, Baca's concern has been noted and the judge was not impressed in the least. Even tho Paris was ordered back to jail in order to serve out the rest of her sentence, she will be spending the weekend in the medical ward of the Twin Towers Correctional Facility so that officials can keep an eye on her "medical condition". Here is a picture of her weekend digs and a couple of the courtroom sketches, drawn by Mona Edwards, that captured the scene inside the courtroom yesterday afternoon:

Photo credit: Mavrix

Paris Hilton is "teetering on the brink." Law enforcement sources have told TMZ that Hilton has been crying a lot, praying and extremely withdrawn. Hilton is in the medical ward at Twin Towers, an L.A. County jail facility. She is in a room by herself with a glass door. For her protection, a sergeant guards the door at all times. We're told Hilton hasn't eaten or slept since she arrived yesterday. Sources have described her condition today as "fragile" and "despondent." One source called her "a train wreck" while another said she is "sullen and withdrawn" ... We're told Hilton is receiving "appropriate medical attention." We're told she's being given psychotropic medication. Now, I realize that jail is no fun place to be, after all, isn't that the point of the punishment? But I guess I don't understand where all of this erratic behavior is coming from. To be quite honest, her somewhat excessive behavior seems temper tantrum-esque. She has lived a life of untold luxury where her every want and whim was easily attainable ... now she is forced to comply with the rules and regulations of "real people" and she seems to have a hard time adjusting to not getting her way. Hearing that she screamed out for her mother as they were dragging her out of the courtroom seems to fortify my belief. I guess I would hope that Paris learns the lesson that drunk driving is no joke and the punishment is severe. Had her reckless actions led to the harm or death of someone else she would be dealing with a lot more than 23-45 days in jail. Instead of making a spectacle of every little thing that doesn't go her way, she should just take her punishment and use her time to think about how dangerous drunk driving is. [Source, Source]

Not everyone is celebrating the fact that Paris Hilton has been thrown back in jail again ... not only does she have the LA Sheriff on her side but she is receiving love and support from her friends (cue the open letters) and family. She is also getting support from the likes of Nicole Sullivan from MAD TV and her newborn baby boy Daniel:

Er, well ... it looks as if little Daniel isn't squarely on Team Free Paris but he does look really cute in that t-shirt nonetheless. [Source]

The True Colors Tour opened in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Garden Arena last night and here are a few pictures of some of the big name performers who are hittin' the road together this summer:

Cyndi Lauper and Debbie Harry were among the musical performers last night and Rosie O'Donnell and Margaret Cho brought the funny with their stand-up acts. You may recall that the True Colors Tour was conceived by Cyndi Lauper's desire to give back to the community for the love and support they have given her throughout her career in an effort to bring together Americans across the country to voice their solidarity against discrimination and for equality and raise public awareness about the issues facing the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. The True Colors Tour heads to St. Lake City, UT tonight and will be in Boulder, CO tomorrow night. Check out the official site or official My Space page for all the deets and a full list of the tour dates. [Source]

Rihanna has been named the recipient of the 2007 Celebrity Legs of a Goddess award bestowed by the Gillette Venus Breeze lady shaver. As far as awards handed out by leg shaving implements go, this is a pretty big deal:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Who needs a Grammy Award when you can get an award from the Gillette Venus Breeze shaver company? You will recall that Mariah Carey was the lucky winner of this award last year ... and look what it did for her career. Well, mind you, she's been pretty M.I.A. for the past few months but I'm sure it had nothing to do with winning this award. [Source]

Victoria Beckham is back in LA again but who knows for how long. She was in town last weekend for about 2 days before jetting back to London and then arrived back at LAX airport yesterday afternoon:

Photo credit: Splash News

My, her collar bones look lovely this time around, don't you think? I just love how they seem to glow in the bright wash of the paparazzi flashblubs. For some reason, Posh is recycling her outfits already because we've already seen her wear his Michael Jackson-inspired number on one of her previous LAX arrivals. Perhaps she's in town to buy some new clothes ... one would hope. [Source]

In other Beckham news, David is really hot:

This picture of Becks showing off his tongue and other assets was just too great to let pass. I'm not sure which soccer game this pic was snapped at and I don't really know that I care all that much. [Source]

Speaking of hot, this amazing screencap of Chris Evans wearing nothing but a towel in the new movie Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer showed up in my email inbox by way of an anonymous donor:

I felt it was my civic, sworn duty to share the wealth with all of y'all. Here's hoping other such delights show up in my email inbox very soon. [Source]

Pink readers Celeste and Tom report that Jake Gyllenhaal was the very special guest at the Rufus Wainwright concert at the Gramercy Theater in NYC last night. Here is an amazing picture from the show sent in by Celeste:

Tom has this to say about Jake's surprise appearance on stage:

The most amazing thing happened last night at the Rufus Wainwright concert at the Blender theater at Gramercy Hall in NYC ... Rufus has a song called "Between My Legs" (awesome song, by the way), during which - near the end - there's a spoken word part that sounds very Smiths-esque on the CD. Well, to read it live last night at the end of the song ... Jake Freaking Gylenhall comes out (looking hotter than hell!) and does it live. It was amazing and the place was freaking out!!!

Yeah, that does sound amazing ... I would have lost my shit if I was at a show and Jake Gyllenhall just randomly came out on stage. It sounds like an extraoridnary experience, thank you both for sharing it with all of us. [thanks Celeste & Tom]

Peter Sarsgaard was caught doing his best Rihanna impression on the set of his new movie Elegy which is currently being shot in Vancouver, BC in Canada:

Photo credit: Flynet

Yeah, sometime tells me that this Umbrella ella-ella-ella thing might get played out faster than Bringing SexyBack did last summer. Sorry. [Source]

American Idol contestant Lakishia Johnson was the special guest who sang the National Anthem at the Detroit Tigers vs. New York Mets game at Comerica Park in Detroit, MI yesterday ... here are a couple of pics from her performance:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Now, normally I don't really give a hoot for any of the AI peeps but I gotta show some love for my D-Town Girl Lakishia for representin' at the game. Detroit, what? Holla!!! Um, yeah ... sorry ... I kinda turn into a total dork when showin' Detroit Pride. [Source]

And finally, it's time for this week's batch of pictures sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- MJ from Singapore sends in a pic of her good friend Eugene who celebrated his birthday earlier this week -- Heather sends in an adorable picture of her daughter and future Prom Queen Anna -- Bonnie, who is a contestant in the upcoming season of Hell's Kitchen, is showin' some love -- Alyson and Leslie send in a pic of their adorable little kitty Addison lookin' all sassy (I love the Meow, Bitches talk bubble) -- Alli, who is in an MBA program at Villanova University, sends in an amazing picture taken in the pouring rain on the Great Wall of China -- NICOOL and ANDREWBOO show their support for the Free Paris movement -- Newlywed Bri sends in a beautiful picture with her new hubby taken in front of the Fox Theater in the middle of Woodward Avenue on her wedding day:

Much congrats and love to you all. Thank you so much for sending in your amazing photos. I am constantly floored by all the love and support that comes streaming in from all across the globe. It always means so much to me that you would choose to include Pink is the new Blog in your celebrations. I can't imagine hauling a huge-ass sign all the way to the Great Wall of China but I really appreciate gestures like that. Thank you all so much! XOXO

Les News:
I spent the majority of yesterday trying to dig my way out of huge piles of laundry but I managed to get it all done before David arrived last night. We went out for a quick bite to eat as soon as he arrived and randomly ran into a girl he went to high school with back East ... talk about your small worlds. The rest of the night was pretty quiet ... it's just really nice having him back in town. Have a great weekend, y'all. I'm out.



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