Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Quit While You're Way Behind

Hulk Hogan broke his silence on his son's imprisonment and his wife's new relationship on Larry King Live Tuesday. "He made a mistake," Hogan said of his son Nick Bollea, 17, who pled no contest after a reckless driving incident last August that left his friend, John Graziano, in critical condition. Bollea is currently serving an eight-month sentence in a Florida jail. Hogan broke down when discussing the difficulties his family has faced over the last several months. "Yeah, it's been hard," he said. "The main focus is my son, my children and John Graziano. This is in God's hands. Things happen for a reason. This is to make Nick a better person. This is, in my belief, this is to make John a better person. Like I said before, it's God's will, where we're at."
The wrestler also addressed the jailhouse tapes that were released to the media, in which Hogan and his son discuss a possible future reality show. "[Will] you get that thing lined up so the minute I walk out of wherever I walk out of, it's there, boom?" Bollea can be heard asking Hogan on the tapes. "I just wish someone would play the two hours before, or the hour after, and please put everything in the proper context," Hogan told King, visibly frustrated. In the conversation before that excerpt, he went on, "I was trying to keep [Nick's] spirits up, trying to get him to move forward." Hogan acknowledged that in such a turbulent year – he and his wife Linda split after 23 years together – "it is a constant soul searching mission ... for everything just to disappear on me, for my wife to file for divorce and the marriage to be broken long before that, and then the accident happened and the civil case, and my son getting put in jail ... I just soul searched figuring out what could I have done. It's just hard." As for his estranged wife Linda, Hogan confirmed her new relationship with a younger man and denied reports that he is dating a friend of his daughter Brooke. "[The woman] that I'm dating is 34 years old and it's not one of Brooke's friends," he said, "and from the reports I'm hearing, my wife is dating a 19-year-old." But, he added, "Larry, at this point my only focus is on John and Nick. Linda has her own life, and her own agenda."
Seriously, the Hogans should just keep their mouths quiet at this point ... they only make things worse every time they talk. Today, Hogan is now apologizing and explaining what he really meant by his "God's will" comment:
"It was like the whole world [was] crashing down on my son. Solitary confinement — most hardened criminals unravel after two or three days. Nick survived in there 28-29 days," Hulk said. "During that period of time as I’m sitting there, 28 or 29 days, hardly any sleep, I did everything I could to laugh, to cry with my son. I was trying to help [to] give Nick some type of relief because he [was] consumed with the unknown," Hulk continued. "I was just trying to explain to him that it's 'God's hands' or it's 'God's will.' That's what people have said for thousands of years and did I say things wrong? Yes. I am I sorry." Hulk admitted he made some of the comments recorded during phone calls, including discussing a future reality show for Nick, to "protect him physically because his mental state was unraveling." And while he knew the calls were being recorded, Hulk also expressed his disappointment that the calls were released to the media. "This was the only thing Nick had left. This is the privacy everybody had in prison ... and to have that taken away?" Hulk sighed. "I was more worried than ever about his mental state." Hulk broke down at the end of the broadcast, and through choked back tears, said that he believed the public understood his family's plight.
See, I think that "the public" sees his family for what they are ... completely out of touch with reality. What planet are these people from? He is shocked that his son is suffering in jail? WILL SOMEONE TELL HIM THAT IS WHAT JAIL IS FOR? Can someone get a piece of paper and a crayon and draw a photo illustrating that JAIL IS PUNISHMENT? How does he not understand that YOU LOSE ALL PRIVACY WHEN YOU GO TO JAIL because INMATES ARE BEING PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES. It's not a vacation, jails aren't there to cater to your comforts. Nick Hogan doesn't even know the meaning of real jailhouse punishment. And beyond that, even the worse jailhouse punishment might be preferable to existing in a permanent vegetative state. I can't even convey my disgust with this whole thing. It just keeps getting grosser and grosser. [Source, Source]
In other Hulk Hogan news, folks are now being warned that the Hulk Hogan Ultimate Grill may kill you ... or burn your house down. Wanna stay alive, use a George Forman Grill instead.